Clayton Barker

Santa Rosa, California, United States

<BR><STRONG>About&nbsp;Clayton Barker, 28,&nbsp;Apprentice Change Maker, Budding Writer &amp; Author&nbsp;</STRONG> <UL> <LI>BA degree in Environmental Racism &amp; Environmental Justice from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2006. </LI> <LI>2006-2007: Served with the AmeriCorps Watershed Stewards Project on the Salmon River, CA, USA&nbsp;</LI> <LI>2003-2011: Studying diversity and transforming racism since 2003 and received mentorship from Lee Mun Wah, Adrienne Anderson, Mikhail Lyubansky, Paul Kivel and many more.</LI> <LI>2005 &amp; 2006 -&nbsp;volunteered with the Student Outreach for Retention &amp; Equity at the University of Colorado at Boulder</LI> <LI>2010 -&nbsp;Co-Founder of the Youth Empowered Training in Nonviolent Communication, an 8-day workshop geared towards young leaders who want to co-create a sustainable, just &amp; peaceful human presence in the world.</LI> <LI>2009 &amp; 2010&nbsp;-&nbsp;served on the Guiding Council of the Hummingbird Living School at Hummingbird Community in New Mexico and was a Co-founder of "Bus the Change: An Awakening the Dreamer Living School"&nbsp;and catalyzed conversations on diversity and co-created organizational&nbsp;diversity statements.</LI> <LI>2008 &amp; 2009&nbsp;- Resided&nbsp;India for&nbsp;7 months and was a&nbsp;travel facilitator in India with the Sustainable Global Leadership Alliance and helped co-create 5 different NVC projects including cutting the bamboo for a learning space at the Joy Living &amp; Learning Center for a 21-day NVC Training, taught a 14-day series based on NVC at the Phyang Government Boarding School in N. India in Ladakh and </LI> <LI> <DIV align=left><A title="" href="" target=_blank avglschecked="1"><U><FONT color=#000080><STRONG>2006-2011-&nbsp;Co-created learning events based on&nbsp; co-learning of&nbsp;Nonviolent Communication&nbsp;with 41 different organizations</STRONG> </FONT></U></A>(click on link and scroll to the bottom), businesses, schools, intentional communities, summer camps,&nbsp;universities and religious organizations&nbsp;in India, California, British Columbia in Canada, Washington, New Mexico, &amp; Colorado.&nbsp;</DIV></LI> <LI> <DIV align=left>&nbsp;2009-2011: Co-created over 35&nbsp;experiential workshops/coaching sessions without setting any set fees or suggested sliding scales as an experiment in generosity and co-creating access for underrepresented communities.</DIV></LI></UL>

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