Nikki Dengel

Austin, Texas, United States

Campaigns I'm On

  • A University of Texas at Austin student short film. A teenage girl stows away in her favorite band's tour van… only to discover they're breaking up.

Campaigns I've Funded

  • ALICE is about how a little girl deals with her hopes and fears in a single night.
  • Lonely after her mother's remarriage, Nadine befriends a creature living in the lake by her house.
  • Un hombre decide recluirse en el departamento de su madre difunta y reconstruir su vida como mujer.
  • Florence is a teenager enraptured in her hypersensitive perspective, and thus medically misdiagnosed
  • Between a medieval world and a renaissance festival, mid-20's misfit Kevin struggles to become the man he could be when he meets the girl of his dreams.
  • Two rebellious friends set out to rob the hosts of college parties but slowly lose control of the night.

Campaigns I'm Following

  • A University of Texas at Austin student short film. A teenage girl stows away in her favorite band's tour van… only to discover they're breaking up.