James Garofalo

Hadley-Lake Luzerne, New York, United States

<p>I am a chiropractor by trade who has studied "structure" well before making the decision to go to chiropractic school in 1979.&nbsp; My days of studying Geodesic Domes goes back to 1974 and Earth-sheltered housing as early as 1983.&nbsp; At about that time, the idea was entertained&nbsp;to try and devise an efficient means of marrying together these two concepts.&nbsp; The University of Minnesota's&nbsp;Underground Space Center had stated that the Geodesic&nbsp;Dome was&nbsp;an ideal structure for&nbsp;earth-sheltering, but added little else.&nbsp; So the thought was planted and got steadily&nbsp;more intense over time.&nbsp;</p> <p>I'd like to thank my son for being there when I went "serious" on this product.&nbsp; He had such an innately accurate&nbsp;"feel"&nbsp;for the design and function of this construction technology, that many times I'd conclude a conversation with him being far clearer than when I went into the conversation.&nbsp; In fact, he shot-down the first strut design in all of about 5 seconds.&nbsp; Other family members and friends who were on board with their kind attention and encouragement, you know who you are!</p> <p>I have consulted with many engineers and a handful of designers over the&nbsp;years and was much more encouraged than I was discouraged by their response to, what was then, in the early days, just a concept.&nbsp; Much more recently, I asked one&nbsp;engineer: "Do you find it odd that a chiropractor is trying to do this?"&nbsp; He answered:&nbsp; "Not at all.&nbsp; What you and I do are very similar.&nbsp; It's all structrure."&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Another emailed: &ldquo;Your system parallels my own ideas.&nbsp; It&rsquo;s an attractive looking system. When you get round to putting one together, I'd be willing to fly over and get my hands dirty for the experience.&nbsp; I am a Physical Engineer by trade, with quite a bit of practical building experience.&rdquo; ------ Steven T., UK&nbsp;&nbsp; I recall thinking: "An engineer is going to fly across the Atlantic ocean on his own dime to take part in the model-home building process?"&nbsp; I was simultaneously impressed and relieved.&nbsp; I think I was&nbsp; half expecting that somewhere along the way in the development of this&nbsp;construction technology that&nbsp;someone from the professional community was going to rise and tell me very matter-of-factly why the Geodesic Earthworks Kit 'approach' could NOT work.&nbsp; But it hasn't happened.&nbsp; Not even close!&nbsp; And I think I know why...</p> <p>Anyone&nbsp;enthralled in the creative process will understand this&nbsp;experience&nbsp;as&nbsp;being one wherein you're never&nbsp;quite sure if&nbsp;the concept you pursue comes from you and is under your control, or if you are under its!&nbsp;&nbsp;And I guess, ultimately it really doesn't matter because there is something, perhaps deeper than who or what is driving the other, that the whole thing is 'right' and 'good'...and maybe even destined?&nbsp; That experience made me latch on to a quote I ran into some years ago.&nbsp; It really struck me and I've kept it close-by ever since.&nbsp;It comes from Big Daddy Roth, Hot-Rod Builder and originator of the 60&rsquo;s &ldquo;Rat Fink&rdquo;:&nbsp;</p> <p>&ldquo;I always get a kick out of building them [hot rods] because that&rsquo;s a communication&hellip;a sacred divine communication between me and the Man.&rdquo;&nbsp; &ldquo;&hellip;I get the message to go out and build and then to see it done is to me a satisfying thing&hellip;when I get these ideas, they&rsquo;re just things I&rsquo;ve gotta do from the Man upstairs&hellip;and I go and do them!&rdquo;</p> <p>And&nbsp;that is absolutely spot-on true for me.&nbsp; The Geodesic Earthworks Kit became a calling that grew and evolved and is now ready to make it's appearance.&nbsp; I hope you like it.&nbsp;</p> <p>I hope you see the Geodesic Earthworks Kit&nbsp;as 'necessary' and 'good' and that it earns your approval.&nbsp; Thanks for&nbsp;spending a couple of minutes with me now and God Bless YOU and your creative pursuits!!&nbsp; :)&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

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