Publishing great genre fiction, one book at a time.
<p><strong>Belfire Press</strong> was born of many conversations, much like the beginning of <em>The New Bedlam Project</em>. We bounced the ideas and plans off a couple of authors we’d worked with in the past <em>and</em> present. The answers to <em>‘Can we do it? Should we do it?’</em> were a resounding <em>Yes</em>.</p> <p>On October 31st 2009, we announced the formation of Belfire Press, a micro-press owned and operated by a crazy Canadian, backed by a handful of other crazy Canadians. Our first title released April 1st, 2010, followed by our grand opening and launch novel on May 1st.</p> <p>Since then, we’ve gone on to establish a poetry imprint and move the webzine into a yearly anthology. </p> <p>For our print titles, we use print on demand; for e-books, we distribute through Smashwords, and separately through Kindle. Our titles are available through CreateSpace, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and other outlets as we add them to the distribution list. </p>