<p>Hoops On The River (HOTR) is a NYC based youth basketball league is in its 7<sup>th</sup> Season and was created by street basketball legend, Rock Bunce and business partner Boston Keith. HOTR offers local kids an alternate activity to help combat the many difficulties encountered in today’s society, encourage outside activity and provide adolescents with an arena where they can develop vital life skills for future success.</p> <p> </p> <p>Hoops On The River hopes to utilize the power of organized sports as a tool to foster physical fitness, discipline and self-esteem, while seeking to give inner-city youth a hope for a better tomorrow by teaching them to to learn from their athletic experiences, using it as a model to help their overall academic, social, and career development. Their goals are to offer the community and its residents a positive, fun and exciting recreational/entertainment activity for the entire family to look forward to annually every summer as well as offer a platform for teams & participants to showcase their talents in an intensely competitive atmosphere.</p> <p> </p> <p>HOTR Tournament runs for 6 weeks in July and August in Tribeca, NYC. Participants are student athletes from the ages 10 - 17 playing in four divisions.</p> <p> </p> <p>The two creators, Rock Bunce and Boston Keith, have primarily funded Hoops On The River. The Tournament grows every year and we're hoping to add more games to the schedule, which means an increase in costs. We are seeking funding of $2,500 to help offset operating costs that includes Staff Fees; Referee Costs; Team Shirts and Awards & Trophies.</p> <p> </p> <p>By supporting us you help support our youth as well as help maintain a fun, safe and competitive sports atmosphere. The HOTR and BR Unlimited teams and all the participants will acknowledge your support.</p> <p> </p> <p>We hope you can spread the word about Hoops On The River through your Facebook, Twitter and all social network accounts. Like Us; Follow Us and Support us!</p>