Hila Melamed

New York, New York, United States

Campaigns I'm On

  • 11 Scenes, 11 Videos , 1 hour, 22 actors and as many industry people as we can get.
  • Four good friends are trying to raise money to create a film but one of them takes it too far... we have reached our goal but we STILL NEED YOUR SUPPORT!

Campaigns I've Funded

  • This play is the heartbreaking story of a woman about to die, a man watching her, and the whirlwind of their feelings during the few seconds before the end.

Campaigns I'm Following

  • Four good friends are trying to raise money to create a film but one of them takes it too far... we have reached our goal but we STILL NEED YOUR SUPPORT!
  • 11 Scenes, 11 Videos , 1 hour, 22 actors and as many industry people as we can get.