Native of France, I began my professional screenwriting career in Europe as TV writer and story analyst for Europacorp. I produce my film independently
I am a native of France. I began my professional screenwriting career in Europe as TV writer for shows like R.I.S. (a french C.S.I.) or Lea Parker (an "Alias" spy show) and for five major networks in France. In addition, I worked in the feature movie industry for Europacorp (the Studio producer of "Fifth Element" and "Taken") as a screenwriter, professional reader and story analyst. I spent 5 years as a TV screenwriter and 18 months as a story coverage reader for Europacorp. Currently residing between Los Angeles and San Diego, I continue to work with producers and screenwriters in Europe. I am currently working on the long feature version of his short "Derailed", which has received 5 awards and 14 festival selections. The movie written as a paranormal psychological thriller will have the same scary tone and the amazing location of the railtracks.----Je suis natif de france et vit actuellement entre Los Angeles et San Diego. J'ai commence ma carriere de scenariste professionel en Europe pour la television francaise. J'ai notamment travaille sur R.I.S. (TF1), Duval & Moretti et Lea Parker (M6). j'ai ete lecteur et scenariste pour Europacorp, la societe de Luc Besson.J'ai 6 d'experience de scenariste TV et 18 mois en tant que lecteur pour Europacorp. Travaillant toujours en collaboration avec l'Europe, j'ai ecris 2 longs metrages et developpe actuellement la version long metrage du film "Derailed".