Robert Kemble

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States

Campaigns I'm On

  • We need help with Cindys medical expenses and future rehab after a left leg amputation in 2001 and a portion of her heel removed Jan 23rd due to Charcots joint.
  • Cindy is a Type 1 Diabetic since the age pf 19 . She is a leg amputee with kidney problems and just had quadruple by-pass .She needs a new prosthetic leg.

Campaigns I've Funded

  • We need help with Cindys medical expenses and future rehab after a left leg amputation in 2001 and a portion of her heel removed Jan 23rd due to Charcots joint.
  • Helping Easton and family with medical bills and related expenses after Easton arrived seven weeks early at 3.10 lbs.

Campaigns I'm Following