Katherine Roberts

Chesapeake, Virginia, United States

Who I Am

<p>&nbsp;I'm a women that has worked hard all my life from the age of 15 on like everyone else looking for the American Dream but for some that's not always the case. You take most what life has laided out for you along the way you learn not everyone can be rich and powerfull the ones that have nothing are the ones to help you out along the way. Just wish everyone had the same heart *KPR</p> <p>&nbsp;I work for the YMCA of HamptonRoads to say the least they have save my life when&nbsp;I&nbsp;&nbsp;was really down and sleeping in my car. The women&nbsp;I work with would make sure I was feed one or two would hand over $5 to $50 even if&nbsp;I would push it a way. take me around top meet people to find out if I could have a place to stay. one day I had to drive to work and didn't have gas in my car I stopped in the Y in Great Bridge and asked if someone could give me a few dollars to get to work at 6am.. you know it was hard for me to ask them it was my first time asking people&nbsp;I didn't know. But they kelpt telling me things will get better. More times then enough&nbsp;I wanted to sleep and not wake up sleeping in my car. But God / Great spirit all&nbsp;ways has a plan for you you may not know it or want to understand it and the plan may take looking than you want it to. But we're all here for a reason...</p> <p>Now about my self I finely has a job that I love being at, working for the YMCA where if you have a dream someone will make it happen your goal is to get started. I never would have thought when I was a little girl taking Swimming Class at the age of 8 that I would be in a place of joy and caring so many years later god has a plan.</p> <p>On my off times I'm a Native American traditional Womens Dancer of Cherokee and adopted Mattiponi. I love to attend powwows and sweat lodges most helping the people. I live a Traditional life in the old ways of trible people and find ways to fit into the modern world. I love music and photography. I think I got the love of Photography from my dad he would take many photos of his days in the Army out in the field.</p> <p>I used to have three Cats that I loved so much the mother cat passed away at an old age and due to a court order of eviction I lost my two daughters (YEN and Sassy cats) still trying to get over that love them so much. But I have a greater love for Horses all my life always telling my dad I want a horse heehee. he tried.. I have two children Glenda and James, Glenda just got married I couldn't go to it my car broke down which she paid to have it repair day before her wedding you know she didn't have the money.My son james well he has been living with his dad and step mom he wanting to make a move back to me .. it's good when you have a son that ask to be looked after he has Aspergers. sometimes running wild is not always the best thing.&nbsp; That's it.</p>

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