Cameron Wallis
montreal, Quebec, Canada
Campaigns I'm On
Calling Dexter - Cameron Wallis
Cameron Wallis
I've recorded a swingin' CD, but need help to get it out to the masses!
Campaigns I've Funded
Renee Yoxon & Mark Ferguson's new album
Renée Yoxon
Renée Yoxon & Mark Ferguson are making a new album! Pre-order the album here and help them reach their goal of $10,000!
Campaigns I'm Following
Calling Dexter - Cameron Wallis
Cameron Wallis
I've recorded a swingin' CD, but need help to get it out to the masses!
Notes on Montreal
Mike Rud
Help Mike Rud paint Montréal in song, inspired by authors like Roy and Richler. With the sublime voice of Sienna Dahlen, full band, and string quartet.