President & Chief Executive Officer, BAYCAT
<p>Villy brings an extensive and unique 20+ year background in education, media, arts and technology programming, nonprofit business and law. BAYCAT sprung from Villy’s passion for using the digital media arts to capture stories untold, and to create social change. </p> <p>Prior to BAYCAT, Villy was a teacher in the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) for three years specializing in project-based collaborative teaching methodologies that incorporated music, media, arts and technology into standards based curricula. Villy has been a curriculum developer for the SFUSD and teacher presenter for the Dean of Education at University of California, Berkeley. As the Director of Business and Operations, Villy was integral in advancing the SF Jazz Festival store and for launching its first jazz education programs in the public schools. Prior to her nonprofit work, Villy was an attorney at Morrison & Foerster, Adjunct Law Professor at New College School and served as a commercial and investment banker in New York prior to moving to San Francisco in 1990. Villy received her double B.A. in Engineering and Economics from Brown University, J.D. degree from Northwestern University, and her teaching credential from San Francisco State University. Villy filmed and produced a short entitled, “Unplugged,” that was featured in the 2005 Marin Environmental Film Festival.</p> <p> </p>