Elsie Semmes

New Orleans, Louisiana, United States

Elsie Semmes, aka E.A.Sem

<p>I am a 22 year old visual artist by profession, and a native and resident of New Orleans. &nbsp;I'm currently showing work at the Crescent City Brewhouse for the month of July and will be showing at Ariodante Gallery for the month of White Linen Night in August. &nbsp;I've shown at Surrey's Juice Bar and Restaurant, Ariodante Gallery, The Garage furniture shop, Green clothing boutique, as well as put on my own shows. &nbsp;I do murals and commissioned paintings as well.</p> <p>My second vocation is dance. &nbsp;I'm currently a funk dance teacher teaching twice a week, soon to be more. &nbsp;I'm professionally trained in ballet, salsa, lindy hop, break dance, West African, some flamenco, some tap, and lots of New Orleans second line. &nbsp;My style is an amalgamation of all of these genres into something akin to Funk, and distinctly New Orleanian. &nbsp;I have a lifetime of professional performance experience, mostly with the stage, but also with festivals and schools along side Darryl Young, my second line mentor during the last 2 years. &nbsp;I've recently worked and performed with Jarrell Hamilton, a local choreographer, at the Contemporary Arts Center in New Orleans.</p> <p>I am looking to make dance a comparable occupation along side my visual art, and perhaps to marry the two. &nbsp;That means more gigs, more performances (stage and street), more teaching, and more study, and more choreographing. &nbsp;</p>

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