Sheila J

Los Angeles, California, United States

<p>My name is Sheila Johnson. In the fashion world I am Sheila J I am a model, dancer, actor, writer, model coach, fashion enteruperner, creative mind set, wanting to go to school for hair and make up and wardrobe styling and many other things. As you can see I have many different interest and i wish i can them all but I cant. &nbsp;My life is modeling and the fashion industry, and I love increasing my skills and spreading my knowledge. I have been model four years.</p> <p>I have been in new york fashion week, i have a billboard on 34 st, i have done alot of print work. I have inspired many with the work that i produce when i am in front of that camera; its like a transformation. It inspires me doing what i do and i couldnt think of anything else but to give back what i know and share how hard it was but at the same time help others.&nbsp;</p> <p>I am currently &nbsp;wanting to start my own business, a business in the fashion industry. What i want to start is a model and talent agency. The reason i want to do this is because a lot of girls look at my picture and they are like i want to do this, some are amazed the fact i can transform into so many different people but they are all me. I am using what I know in the business, the friends that I have gained, and things that I have learned to help me with this endevour.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>

About Me
  • 1 Campaign From the launch to the finish line, these were the campaigns you ran to make something happen for your entrepreneurial, cause-related, or creative passions.
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