Melissa White

Ashland, Oregon, United States

A social entrepreneur who is so very lucky...

<p><strong>Want Better Sex?! Want Safer Sex?! </strong><br /><strong>Great. We've Got You Covered! </strong><br /><strong><a href=""></a></strong><br /><br /><strong>WHAT CUSTOMERS ARE SAYING ABOUT LUCKY BLOKE:</strong><br /><em>&ldquo;You guys carry a tremendous selection of products, have world-class customer support, and your shipping is crazy fast. &nbsp;Why wouldn't I shop here?&rdquo;</em><br class="kix-line-break" /><br /><em>&ldquo;Lucky Bloke&rsquo;s Customer Service Rocks&rdquo;</em><br class="kix-line-break" /><br /><em>&ldquo;Lucky Bloke is very attentive - very good at staying in contact and making sure everything is sorted out correctly. Innovative and fresh.&rdquo;</em><br class="kix-line-break" /><br /><em>&ldquo;You are SO helpful, responsive, and genuinely interested in your consumers - it makes me want to buy from you because I know you have a great team who is passionate about what you do. You carry a broad selection and the packaging is very discreet!&rdquo; </em><br class="kix-line-break" /><br /><em>&ldquo;Accessible, great variety of condoms and u donate to charity which is amazing!&rdquo;</em><br /><br /><strong>Hi! &nbsp;I&rsquo;m Melissa, CEO of Lucky Bloke.
</strong><br /><em><strong>We focus on your pleasure...because we care about your safety.</strong></em><br /><br />Yes, we&rsquo;re a feisty, sexy start-up, with a female CEO. <em>And, yes, in the condom world that turns a lot of heads.</em>&nbsp;We&rsquo;re not VC funded.&nbsp;We&rsquo;re an independent small business that is committed and determined to support your safer sex needs. &nbsp;<br /><br /><strong>Condoms save lives.</strong>&nbsp;And we take our business that seriously.&nbsp;<br /><br />We offer premium quality products at affordable prices, with reasonable shipping, world-wide. Although our customers &mdash; the most important part of our business &mdash; appear quite pleased with our service, we are determined to find new and exciting ways to make it even better. It&rsquo;s our goal every day to earn and deserve your business!<br /><br /><strong>For far too long, the common perception of condoms has suffered from gross oversimplification.</strong></p> <p>Most people are not aware that quality and fit are as essential to condoms as they are to any other form of intimate apparel.</p> <p>Thus, it comes as no surprise that many people, <em>through repeated, uncomfortable experiences, </em>have come&nbsp;to view condoms <em>as a necessary evil.</em> Which in turn leads many people toward choosing the cheapest condoms available.<strong id="internal-source-marker_0.7886996758170426"><span>&nbsp;</span></strong></p> <p><strong>Lucky Bloke is committed to busting these widespread common condom myths once and for all:</strong></p> <p>

&bull; &nbsp;that all condoms are one-size fits all; and,
<br />&bull; &nbsp;that all condoms are created equal. <br /><br />When you are&nbsp;<em>(or your partner is)</em> wearing a condom that fits properly, your pleasure, as well as your safety, is exponentially increased. &nbsp;When it comes to condoms and pleasure, the RIGHT SIZE MATTERS!<br /><br /><em>Once you understand this, you'll never again have to sacrifice pleasure for safety.</em></p> <p><strong>You're the reason Lucky Bloke exists.&nbsp;</strong></p> <p>

Having just launched in early 2012, Lucky Bloke is certainly not the biggest retailer of condoms in the world. With plenty of room to grow, our small team is deeply committed to continually optimizing our service. We are grateful for our wonderful customers &amp; reviewers - who help us increase our understanding of their wants and needs every single day.</p> <p>By shopping at Lucky or contributing to our Mission: Great Sex! initiative, you are supporting a genuine, family business that is passionate about you, your safety, and your pleasure.

<br /><br />A strong, tangible commitment to positive social change is at the core of everything we do.<br /><br />That&rsquo;s why it means so much to us that we're able to:<br />
&bull; &nbsp;bring you the very best condoms from around the world, 
<br />&bull; &nbsp;ship them to you world-wide (for just $2.50!), 
<br />&bull; &nbsp;and donate 10% of our sales to the charities &amp; causes you select. 

<br /><br /><em>Socially committed, 10% of Lucky Bloke&rsquo;s sales go to to urgent 
humanitarian causes. Current causes include: charity: water, 
It Gets Better Project, and UNICEF.</em><br /><br />We believe that quality, integrity, and transparent giving are essential to building a sustainable business, and that sustainable businesses are vital to local communities, helping to make this world a better place.

<br /><br /><strong>We also believe that you deserve a condom company that not only offers you the world's very best condoms, but also works tirelessly to provide the best customer service experience possible.</strong><br /><br />Speaking of which: Have something to tell us? <br />We&rsquo;re ready and waiting to hear from you.</p> <p>Simply put: Lucky Bloke at your service! <br /><em>How may we earn your business today?</em><br /><br /><strong>

Lucky Bloke: <em>Have more Sex &amp; Save the World!</em></strong></p>

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