Creator of Syndicated Comic, Sylvia
<p>I am best known for writing and drawing the syndicated cartoon strip, SYLVIA, which appears daily and weekly in more than 30 newspapers across the country, including The Boston Globe, The Berkeley Daily Planet, Women’s e News Online and The Houston Chronicle (online). Sylvia strips appear on BadGirlChats as well. I am represented by the Tribune Media Services Syndicate.<br /><br />I continue to write and draw Sylvia at, a blog composed of original writing, comments and reactions to what's in the news.<br /><br />I also keep bees in the backyard. This sounds good but is not exactly true. My neighbor actually built the hive and keeps the bees, but I can see them from my window. <br /><br />I am currently teaching college courses at the Art Institute in graphic novel writing as well as storytelling and memoir workshops at Lillstreet Art Center in Chicago.</p>