Filmmakers and post-producers from Quito-Ecuador.
<p>DANIELA TOSCANO</p> <p>B.A. Multimedia Animation and Filmmaking</p> <p>Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito - Ecuador.</p> <p> Freelance post-producer, animator and film editor.</p> <p> </p> <p><em>Daniela’s short films “Cerrando Círculos” (Closing Circles - 5’ Fiction , 2005) , “Autorretrato” (Self-portrait - 5’ Experimental, 2005) and “Marañas” (Tangled - 2’ 35” Animation, 2006) have been selected and exhibited in various national and international film festivals, exhibitions and contests: French-Ecuadorian film exhibition, Alianza Francesa Quito 2005; ExpoArtes Mixturas USFQ 2006, IV Festival Iberoamericano de Cine CERO LATITUD 2006, 2nd Traveling exhibition of short films , LA CINTA CORTA 2007; ANIMA’07 Córdoba, Argentina; CERO LATITUD 2007, FESTIANIMA Perú 2008; FESAALP La Plata 2008; FESTIVAL DE ARTE EN LA CALLE Quito 2008; FESTIVAL DE CINE EN LA CALLE Quito 2008; ANIMEC Ecuador 2008, FENACO Perú 2008; CINEMAREA Ecuador 2009; MUMIA Brasil 2011, CAJA DE CORTOS Brasil 2012, I Muestra Audiovisual Latinoamericana y del Caribe para niñas y niños "Luces del Alba" 2012, CHULPICINE Ecuador 2012. </em></p> <p> </p> <p>ANA MARÍA PRIETO</p> <p>Cinematography /Film editing</p> <p>Universidad del Cine, Buenos Aires - Argentina.</p> <p> Freelance film editor, post-producer and colorist.</p> <p>Ana have worked as a director, editor, colorist, art director, sonidist in a large number of short films, tv shows, documentaries and publicity. In 2005 she directed the argentian short film "La tetera" and in 2007 "Surmenage". As editor she have worked in awarded short films such as "Ahendu nde Sapukai" by Pablo Lamar, "Ingrid" by Cinthia Varela, "El boxeador" by Juan Polio and also recognized documentary "Muchedumbre" by Rodolfo Muñoz.</p> <p> </p> <p> </p>