Kevin is an independent documentary filmmaker who specializes in educational and documentary video production for NGO’s, Government Departments and National Organizations. Among his many credits are three half-hour documentaries for Vision TV in 1997. Among many video production clients who are featured on his website are the Global Health Office at Dalhousie University, the Departments of Health and Wellness, Dept. of Agriculture of Nova Scotia; the Canadian Professional Fish Harvesters Association and Capital Health of Halifax. Kevin holds a Masters Degree in Adult Education from the University of Toronto and, for over thirty years, has been creating education material in film and print for national and regional organizations. Kevin’s career in Public Affairs, writing and producing educational media for Government, Non-Governmental Organizations, Universities and National Organizations has been based on a time-tested ability to translate complex social and technical issues into popular media. Kevin thrives under the pressure of deadlines and is always on time and on budget.