Dear friends,
the Croatian Cartoonists Association is organizing the 20th Anniversary International Cartoon Exhibition ZAGREB 2015 on the theme of (THE ART OF) PAINTING.
The exhibition will be accompanied by a catalogue made on 96 pages, half of it in color, containing around 90 finest works of 538 that were submitted (by 263 authors from 47 countries).
For the paid amount of 20 USD, which is only a little higher than the cost of printing, you will receive the catalogue signed by numerous Croatian cartoonists with acknowledgement for supporting this cartoon festival and exhibition.
Thank You from the Bottom of Our Hearts!
Croatian Cartoonists Association
Dragi prijatelji,
Hrvatsko društvo karikaturista organizira 20. jubilarnu međunarodnu izložbu karikatura „Zagreb 2015“ na temu SLIKARSTVO.
Izložbu će pratiti katalog na 96 stranica, od toga pola u koloru, a u katalogu je 90-ak ponajboljih radova između 538 pristiglih (od 263 autora iz 47 zemalja).
Za uplaćeni iznos od 20 USD, koji je tek nešto veći od troška tiskanja, dobit ćete katalog potpisan od strane brojnih hrvatskih karikaturista sa zahvalom na potpori ovoj izložbi i festivalu karikature.
Hvala vam od srca.
Hrvatsko društvo karikaturista