The Low Cost 2D-Lite™ LED Disk
The first-ever 60W-incandescent, 800 lumen-class, dimmable, replacement (beware of "compatible") bulb to crack $10 pricing – AND, it’s AMERICAN-made
Born of Silicon Valley innovation and scaling, military and aerospace ruggedness, and highly-efficient and low-cost automated manufacturing, the dimmable 2D-Lite LED Disk delivers the innovation, high quality, and reliability expected of an American made product – yet at a market-leading price point that's 30% lower than most reputable competitors, and more than 60% less than the average price of 60W incandescent-replacement, 800 lumen class, LED bulbs, today. Ten bucks.
The 2D-Lite LED Disk being introduced here on Indiegogo is the first member of NliteN inc's 2D-Light™ LED Disk product family, which can be readily recognized by their very unusual, patent pending, flat disk design. A 23rd century lighting design, now.
2D-Light™ LED Disk Technology
A 60W incandescent light bulb replacement using low toxicity, energy saving, long life, dimmable LED technology, that's design-optimized for extremely low cost, and high volume manufacturing, while retaining the high reliability and quality expected of an American made and designed product.
The flat 2D-Light LED "Disk" screws into a standard "E26" 60-W light socket and reduces energy consumption by about 80% over incandescent, and 30% over CFL, bulbs. Yes, it goes into a standard US light socket (international is coming)
It not only specifies lumens, it DELIVERS the lumens due to its novel, patent-pending, design that places the LED light source at a point, making the light seem brighter than other LED or CFL bulbs, even ones that claim to be omniirectional.
Sept 4, 2013 2D-Light low-cost LED Disk Press Release is here
Please let us know if you spot coverage of the 2D-Light™ LED Disks and where. So far:
much more efficient and durable than the ordinary incandescent light
bulbs, not to mention more sustainable, LED bulbs are still too
expensive for the average customer...But now Oregon-based start-up
NliteN has unveiled their new dimmable LED bulb that is just 2mm thick
and costs only $9.99!" -Lidija Grozdanic, Inhabitat
" If NliteN’s disk-shaped 2D-Lite reaches production, however, it could make the Cree product look downright expensive." -Ben Coxworth, Gizmag
"Can NliteN pull it off? I'm told that Andy Turudic has a track record.
The product is compelling, especially with its price targets." -Keith Dawson, Allledlighting
"Mark it on your calendars, dear readers, for today is the day when the light bulb became obsolete" -Beth Buczynski, Earthtechling
may be the most unique and original approach to home lighting since
Edison perfected the symbol for all bright ideas back in 1879." -Stewart Wolpin, DVICE
"NliteN makes helping the environment as easy as changing a lightbulb." -Rebecca Grant, Venturebeat ![]()
"Designen på den nya LED-lampan skiljer sig radikalt från konkurrenterna" [ The design of the new LED lamp is radically different from the competition ] -Per Henricsson, Elektronik Tidningen
manufacturing, 'flat' has long been synonymous with 'low-cost' but can
this also be applied to consumer LED bulbs? The 2D-Light, dubbed as both
a 'CFL Killer' and as a 'Light Bulb for the World,' gives it a go." -Matt Hickman, Mother Nature Network
(note to the press and to bloggers:
Media kit for the 2D-Lite™, and 2D-Lux™, LED Disks are available at
Our goal is to develop and produce the
lowest cost ($10 initially), dimmable, energy saving LED light bulb that can
replace the 60W incandescent and the 14W CFL 800 lumen bulbs, while maintaining
the highest possible quality that’s associated with an American made product.
Because of its “point source” light design, the 2D-Light LED Disk will appear
brighter than CFLs or LED bulbs in most applications.
We announced this Indiegogo campaign on
September 4, 2013, as the first $10 dimmable LED light that produces 800 lumens
and replaces the 60W incandescent. We know that the incumbent LED bulb makers
are going to have a very hard time getting to $10 and below, because we know
where the costs are and we’ve patented the way to get those costs out – as far
as we know, the ONLY way. We also know they are all freaking out right now, trying to figure out what to do, how not to lose money with each bulb they ship - they will.
(table courtesy of Margery Conner,