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2D-Light LED Disk

2D-Lite - the first dimmable $10 LED Light "bulb" featuring a point source of an evenly distributed sphere of light, American-made quality and reliability

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2D-Light LED Disk

2D-Light LED Disk

2D-Light LED Disk

2D-Light LED Disk

2D-Light LED Disk

2D-Lite - the first dimmable $10 LED Light "bulb" featuring a point source of an evenly distributed sphere of light, American-made quality and reliability

2D-Lite - the first dimmable $10 LED Light "bulb" featuring a point source of an evenly distributed sphere of light, American-made quality and reliability

2D-Lite - the first dimmable $10 LED Light "bulb" featuring a point source of an evenly distributed sphere of light, American-made quality and reliability

2D-Lite - the first dimmable $10 LED Light "bulb" featuring a point source of an evenly distributed sphere of light, American-made quality and reliability

1 Campaign |
Portland Metro Area, United States
$3,088 USD 51 backers
1% of $250,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

The Low Cost 2D-Lite™ LED Disk

The first-ever 60W-incandescent, 800 lumen-class, dimmable, replacement (beware of "compatible") bulb to crack $10 pricing – AND, it’s AMERICAN-made

Born of Silicon Valley innovation and scaling, military and aerospace ruggedness, and highly-efficient and low-cost automated manufacturing, the dimmable 2D-Lite LED Disk delivers the innovation, high quality, and reliability expected of an American made product – yet at a market-leading price point that's 30% lower than most reputable competitors, and more than 60% less than the average price of 60W incandescent-replacement, 800 lumen class, LED bulbs, today. Ten bucks.


The 2D-Lite LED Disk being introduced here on Indiegogo is the first member of NliteN inc's 2D-Light™ LED Disk product family, which can be readily recognized by their very unusual, patent pending, flat disk design. A 23rd century lighting design, now.

2D-Light™ LED Disk Technology

A 60W incandescent light bulb replacement using low toxicity, energy saving, long life, dimmable LED technology, that's design-optimized for extremely low cost, and high volume manufacturing, while retaining the high reliability and quality expected of an American made and designed product.

The flat 2D-Light LED "Disk" screws into a standard "E26" 60-W light socket and reduces energy consumption by about 80% over incandescent, and 30% over CFL, bulbs.  Yes, it goes into a standard US light socket (international is coming)

It not only specifies lumens, it DELIVERS the lumens due to its novel, patent-pending, design that places the LED light source at a point, making the light seem brighter than other LED or CFL bulbs, even ones that claim to be omniirectional.


Sept 4, 2013 2D-Light low-cost LED Disk Press Release is here

Please let us know if you spot coverage of the 2D-Light™ LED Disks and where. So far:

"Although much more efficient and durable than the ordinary incandescent light bulbs, not to mention more sustainable, LED bulbs are still too expensive for the average customer...But now Oregon-based start-up NliteN has unveiled their new dimmable LED bulb that is just 2mm thick and costs only $9.99!" -Lidija Grozdanic, Inhabitat

" If NliteN’s disk-shaped 2D-Lite reaches production, however, it could make the Cree product look downright expensive." -Ben Coxworth, Gizmag

"Can NliteN pull it off? I'm told that Andy Turudic has a track record. The product is compelling, especially with its price targets." -Keith Dawson, Allledlighting

"Mark it on your calendars, dear readers, for today is the day when the light bulb became obsolete" -Beth Buczynski, Earthtechling

"...this may be the most unique and original approach to home lighting since Edison perfected the symbol for all bright ideas back in 1879." -Stewart Wolpin, DVICE

"NliteN makes helping the environment as easy as changing a lightbulb." -Rebecca Grant, Venturebeat

"Designen på den nya LED-lampan skiljer sig radikalt från konkurrenterna" [ The design of the new LED lamp is radically different from the competition ] -Per Henricsson, Elektronik Tidningen

"In manufacturing, 'flat' has long been synonymous with 'low-cost' but can this also be applied to consumer LED bulbs? The 2D-Light, dubbed as both a 'CFL Killer' and as a 'Light Bulb for the World,' gives it a go." -Matt Hickman, Mother Nature Network


(note to the press and to bloggers: Media kit for the 2D-Lite™, and 2D-Lux™, LED Disks are  available at

Our goal is to develop and produce the lowest cost ($10 initially), dimmable, energy saving LED light bulb that can replace the 60W incandescent and the 14W CFL 800 lumen bulbs, while maintaining the highest possible quality that’s associated with an American made product. Because of its “point source” light design, the 2D-Light LED Disk will appear brighter than CFLs or LED bulbs in most applications.

We announced this Indiegogo campaign on September 4, 2013, as the first $10 dimmable LED light that produces 800 lumens and replaces the 60W incandescent. We know that the incumbent LED bulb makers are going to have a very hard time getting to $10 and below, because we know where the costs are and we’ve patented the way to get those costs out – as far as we know, the ONLY way. We also know they are all freaking out right now, trying to figure out what to do, how not to lose money with each bulb they ship - they will.

(table courtesy of Margery Conner,

We achieve low cost, without compromises, by throwing away the false constraint that an LED light has to be a “bulb” - we collapse all of the essential components into a patent-pending 2D LED lighting platform that simply uses a circuit board, and in doing so we reap a lot of benefits in what we are calling “2D-Light LED Disk technology”.

We’ve cut out the heat sink completely, reduced labor and assembly, simplified the LED driver IC and externals and reduced the LED package count from about a dozen to two – you can see, about a 25~30% cost cut. We can do this without compromises, in fact, with BENEFITS, because (sorry about the formatting - Indigogo is horrible for editing pages):

• We can use automated manufacturing methods that reduce cost and produce repeatable quality production that can be done regionally:   
        • Initially made in America

        • Follow-on automated production in the EU, Japan, Thailand (SE Asia) for those           markets

• We use surface mount components throughout, onto a monolithic substrate, which makes for a very compact design that requires no connectors or wires as found in all of the other LED “bulbs”

       • This eliminates the largest factors in poor reliability and product life – connector and wiring failure
lifetimes should be significantly improved over other LED bulbs

       • We can place components on both sides of the circuit board, further increasing component density

       • This also allows us to place the LEDs, & their lenses, on both sides

      image courtesy of General Electric

Our LEDs are placed at the center of the disk, the LCL, which is where ANSI standards specify as a POINT from which light MUST originate

       • Most LED “bulbs” do not respect this point source location, but instead merely provide an omnidirectional source of light with an array of LEDs that are geometrically centered around the LCL

              • This is NOT the same as a single point source of light

              • These LED bulbs, and CFLs, will appear darker in parabolic fixtures like downlights and desk lamps
       • The 2D-Light will appear brighter, lumen for lumen, than most other energy-saving bulbs

      Obvious Illumination Shortcomings & Shadows of a "Snocone" LED Bulbed Task Lamp

-          Coming to a Walmart near you to ruin consumer impressions of LED Lighting

                                     (image courtesy of Slashgear)


§  The 2D-Light LED disk is a copper surface, which is used as a heat spreader an heat sink

• There is an non-contorted, direct, thermal path from the LED to the copper disk, unlike the thermal path in many LED bulbs, especially ‘snocones”

• The area of the disks on the front and back of the LED Disk is about the same as the area of the aluminum heat sinks on other LED “bulbs”

2D-Light is designed to ANSI standards for A-19 60W Bulbs and has a retro styling nod


        The shape of the circuit board also incorporates the threaded connections to the light socket

        • The initial threaded connections will be for the North American “E26” Edison Screw light socket

  • We then plan to also do the E27 Edison Screw base for Japan and Europe

  • We also plan to support the GU24 energy saving base used in California

  • And, finally, we’re thinking about supporting the B22D bayonet lamp socket for the UK and its “colonies”


    LEDs are not properly omnidirectional, but produce a “Lambertian” cone of light

       • We use a correction lens to produce an almost perfect hemisphere of even light distribution

       • With LEDs and lenses on both sides of the circuit board, we produce two hemispheres, a sphere, of even light distribution, which very few, if any LED lamps can do

·        The LED Disks will initially be available in a 3000K “warm white” color, with 2700K, 4000K and 5000K also available. You will be able to choose which you want when the campaign closes – the higher, more white, color temperatures will produce more lumens and are more efficient, which is why we say “800 lumen-class output”.

·        We use our own patent pending “constant resistance” LED driver architecture, and did not settle for the standard silicon drivers that are out there

o          • This design will naturally dim as voltage is varied, as with a wall dimmer

       • More importantly, we allow electrical utilities to do energy management, by doing “load shedding”

§            • This reduces the need to build more coal plants to cover peak demand

              • This eliminates, or reduced the frequency of, rolling blackouts

§                       • This can reduce consumers’ electrical bills during peak demand, peak tariff, periods


     We’ve eliminated toxic materials in our energy saving LED Disks, such as the mercury neurotoxin found in CFL bulbs


NliteN’s 2D-Light LED Disks provide all of the advantages of energy saving bulbs, while producing the highest quality of light, an omni-directional point source, and the highest quality product at the levels expected of an American-made product

     Bulb and Energy Costs at 24,000 Hours (22 years @ 3Hr/day) Operation

Your contribution to this campaign will not only get you a very nice looking perk, one that shows everyone that you are on the cutting edge of greening the planet, one that will save you a lot of money on energy costs, but it will also send a message to GE, Cree, and others, that LED lighting is too expensive today and its costs have to come down – a lot. The average price of an A19 bulb, over $21, is too much for anyone to pay, even early adopters.

We’re here to disrupt the market. To show them what can be done. To push the entire industry under 10 bucks. We’ve already done that with a simple press release starting this campaign. A successful campaign here will make them take us more seriously and show them that consumers want high quality, American-made products that are priced at half of the prices of the Chinese-made junk that’s out there and that have extremely high quality and long-life, construction and manufacturing methods.

Please contribute to our efforts to drive dimmable, omnidirectional, point-source, LED lighting prices under $10. Send a message that you no longer want to buy Chinese-made crap at exorbitant prices, or inferior LED lighting - LED lamps that direct light like flashlights instead of acting as an omnidirectional point source like the incandescent bulb was, and is suppose to be.

Our vision is to scale the 2D-Light patent pending design to such a low cost that:

  • everyone on the planet can afford to buy these LED Disks, improving the quality of life and consequentially greening the environment by reducing demand for coal generation and significantly reducing energy consumption.
  • it can make toxic CFL light bulbs go completely extinct. With your donation, you can take pride in knowing you made the CFL light bulb a laughable relic of the past
  • we can offer "smart bulb" functions, like motion sensing, and smart phone remote control for the lowest possible cost

We need your help in realizing this vision by helping to get the working prototype the 2D-Light technology tooled and into American production and by helping us show our prospective investor that they should fund the R&D we need to do get us to the next generation, lower cost version, of this configuration - by developing the lower cost components our clearly innovative and knowledgeable engineers know how to do.

Our vision is a realistic goal developed by experienced engineers and project managers, not a grandiose fantasy or abstract concept. We know how to do it, how to get there, but it takes funding, and then time. Meanwhile, we'll roll each product into production and you can join our team in completely disrupting the entire lighting, and electric utility, industry.

And this is what it's all about for us in the long term (and that's just over a water-filled soda/pop bottle stuck in a roof):

The Simple Joy We Take for Granted of Having Light in Our Homes
                               (courtesy of

Consequentially to everyone buying LED bulbs we all will be reducing energy consumption and the reducing the attendant pollution, effects, risks, and consequences, associated with burning fossil fuels or building nuclear reactors. If people of the world can afford to buy an AFFORDABLE 2D-Light LED disk, or non-profits can afford to distribute them, this all happens as a pleasant consequence.


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Choose your Perk

Good luck, I like your goal

$2 USD
A vote of your appreciation for what we're trying to do. Thanks!
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
3 out of 1000000 of claimed

Cash and dash

$10 USD
You know what you can afford, and you'll feel great knowing you were part of making a difference in the world, making someone's life better, shutting down a few coal plants, instead of watching a stupid movie at the theater. Thanks for your contribution - every little bit helps! For those who want to contribute without taxing us with creating and shipping perks, feel free to pledge multiples of this cash only pledge here. open to anyone, anywhere and your name goes on our "thank-you" list
Estimated Shipping
November 2013
3 claimed

Twitter/Facebook eVandalist

$15 USD
Our BIG thanks for helping get to the goal of ridding the planet of toxic CFL light bulbs and greening the planet as YOU make energy-efficient LED lighting affordable for everyone by social networking (LinkedIn too). Get us past our stretch goal of $3M with your help in spreading the word of this site ( ), we'll send you a 2D-Lite LED Disk. You pay shipping
Estimated Shipping
July 2014
4 out of 220000 of claimed

2D-Lite early bird

$35 USD
In addition to our thanks for your contribution and for becoming part of the effort to bring clean, energy-efficient, LED lighting to everyone on the planet, you'll get the eVandalist rewards and one bulb from the first batch of 2D-Lite Disks. These will be marked with "Indiegogo Edition 1" in copper, Suitable for the collector, or simply those that would like to contribute to our goals but still want a LED light bulb for about the same money paid at the big hardware store. You pay for shipping.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
15 out of 10000 of claimed

Two 2D-Lite You

$50 USD
You'll get our thanks, the eVandalist items for becoming part of the effort to deliver the most advanced and lowest cost energy-efficient light bulb that will eventually get into the hands of everyone on the planet, improving lives, and maybe shutting down a few coal plants so we can all breathe easier. You'll get two (just one if WE (yes, you are on the hook for it) don't make our funding goal) of our 2D-Lite bulbs and a small poster of our choice. You pay shipping.
Estimated Shipping
April 2014
5 out of 20000 of claimed


$79 USD
This is our campaign countdown special. You have our thanks and you'll get an eight pack of our 2D-Lite LED Disks in the 3000K warm white. You pay shipping for a 1x11.25x8.75 inch box (planned - this may change)
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
2 claimed

Four, six, eight - appreciate.

$80 USD
Here's where it gets interesting.We're immensely grateful that you're joining us in delivering the Light Bulb for the World™,so tickled in fact,that we'll challenge you.We'll give you the eVandalist reward and you'll get 4 bulbs if we make our minimum funding goal (3 if not).If your social net efforts hit a $3M stretch goal,you get 6 2D-Lites.At $5M you'll get 8.Maybe it's the beers talkin', but at $20M,you'll get 9! We're happy to lose this one,as it'll fund the needed R&D.You pay shipping
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
7 out of 100000 of claimed

2D-Lite Home Pak

$99 USD
8 bulbs,the eVandalist perk,as well as our thanks in helping us flow cash to manufacture 2D-Lite bulbs.Your contribution'll help us ramp into volume production which'll bring costs down and help us fund some of the R&D,though not a whole lot of it with the perk we're giving out here.We need a minimum of 10,000 pledges here or it won't happen.If you've been a slacker on your social nets and we don't hit 10,000 pledges,you'll receive 4 bulbs (3 if funding goal not met) instead.You pay ship
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
11 out of 250000 of claimed

Corporation with Conscience

$950 USD
Great for building owners and corporations, whether it's as swag, customer/employee appreciation, or just refitting a large building to save energy and show the world you care, not only about your own pocketbook, but in enabling the development of a Light Bulb for the World™. Provide us with a B&W BMP or JPG of your logo and we'll laser etch it in. You get 96 units (48 if funding goal not achieved), etched if you want at $2 extra, each, of the 2D-Lite per $999.You pay shipping.
Estimated Shipping
August 2014
0 out of 10000 of claimed

Speaking of Brilliance

$50,000 USD
Looking for a colorful dinner speaker,and "slide" presentation,with Q&A for your event,anywhere?Want to hear how the first electronics devices for the 1990's Internet backbone came about,how the chip technology in your iPhone was almost killed,and about the road to inventing the American-made 2D-Light LED Disk,which is stirring up the entire lighting industry? Date is Andy Turudic's (our inventor) speaking tour start.Please contact via the media kit page and confirm a booking before pledgin
Estimated Shipping
September 2013
0 out of 10 of claimed

Distributor & Electric Utility

$222,000 USD
NCNR contribution gets u 24,000 2D-Lite LED Disks.MOQ 800 per month,scheduling LT 12 wks.Come barcoded,with pierced disk to hang on 0.25" rod in your checkout line.8 snap out of a panel which ships in a separate SKU'd box.FOB factory.
Estimated Shipping
March 2014
0 out of 20 of claimed

Patently exclusive

$400,000,000 USD
As our thanks for your contribution (IF WE AGREE TO ACCEPT IT) to further our research interests (there are MANY), you get one of two exclusive worldwide licenses of the IP associated with the lowest cost, patents pending 2D-Light bulbs.You must agree to honor the obligations to our contributors here as part of what you get, as well as set a goal to displace CFL in your R&D and product roadmap with 2D-Light and its progeny
Estimated Shipping
December 2013
0 out of 2 of claimed

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