345 - Love, Believe, Proud
What is 345? It represents three statements: I Love You, I Believe in You, I am Proud of You. Three words, four words, five words. Or, simply 345. These are words we tell our loved ones daily, and words that we love to hear back from them. 345 gives you an opportunity to convey these three powerful statements in a simple, visual way.
My 345 Inspiration
Hi, I'm Julio Rodriguez, President of 345. I found a way to convey these three sentences - I Love you, I Believe in You, and I am Proud of You in a simple, easy way. I was inspired by my daughter, Jessica, who had been struggling with addiction for years. Every day, I made sure to tell her one of these statements to help her stay strong during her battles. When she moved away, I wondered every night if she was ok and hoped she was with someone who could comfort her. I longed for a way to tell her all three statements at once in a simple, visual way. 345 is the way to this. I could give her an item with 345 on it and she would always remember that she was loved, believed, and my pride and joy. I then thought of my other three daughters. Each one had their own unique achievements and challenges. Alena was deciding between two jobs. Ari had just graduated from high school and nervous about the future. Nicky was recently married and starting a new life with her husband. These are moments in life that we all have and can use a message like 345 to keep us going.
Your 345 Inspiration
I'm sure that you are thinking of a loved one who just got married, or recently graduated, or played in their first sports competition. Maybe a friend of yours just had a child, or is starting a new career. Or, maybe, someone you love is struggling with addiction or depression, like my daughter Jessica. 345 is a simple, visual way for you to let them always know that you Love them, Believe in them, and are Proud of them. This is a message for everyone, for any occasion.
345 Jewelry/Clothing Concepts
I've created a line of unique jewelry and clothing items to convey the 345 message. I have the Abstract 345, which consists of the numbers interlaced among each other in a cool, sleek way. There is the Heart345, which combines the 3 and a heart followed by 45 for a soft, romantic message. The 345 Circle has Love, Believe, and Proud circling the 345 numbers for a versatile message for all. Last, there is the iconic 345 Hand, which has the fingers separated apart to portray the 3, 4, 5 numbers. This 345 Hand is a two-dimensional version of the hand gesture that we can use at any time to remind someone we are thinking of them.
These unique logos will be available on jewelry and clothing items that you can choose from to give to your loved ones. All jewelry will be available in an affordable zinc-alloy metal for an entry level gift, stainless steel or gold plated stainless steel for a more fashionable gift.
Other Ways You Can Help
Any donation or funding is greatly appreciated. However, if you simply cannot make a financial contribution at this time, I understand. We all have our personal struggles and challenges, especially during these uncertain times. Keep your courage up and don't lose faith. As you watched my video, you saw that the 345 message is for everyone, regardless of where you are in life. All I ask is that you remember my 345 hand gesture. You can still simply, visually convey I Love You, I Believe in You, and I am Proud of You just by using your hand. Place it over your heart and remember that someone is always thinking of you.
Please use your social media and Indiegogo share tools to spread my 345 message and get the word out to all your friends.
Thank you.