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505.MOV - Save Our Souls

505.MOV is a psychological horror feature movie that will change the current horror cinema scene.

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505.MOV - Save Our Souls

505.MOV - Save Our Souls

505.MOV - Save Our Souls

505.MOV - Save Our Souls

505.MOV - Save Our Souls

505.MOV is a psychological horror feature movie that will change the current horror cinema scene.

505.MOV is a psychological horror feature movie that will change the current horror cinema scene.

505.MOV is a psychological horror feature movie that will change the current horror cinema scene.

505.MOV is a psychological horror feature movie that will change the current horror cinema scene.

Ignacio Guirado Serrano
Ignacio Guirado Serrano
Ignacio Guirado Serrano
Ignacio Guirado Serrano
1 Campaign |
Granada, Spain
$189 USD 7 backers
6% of $3,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

filming location


This idea came up in an Autumn evening. After watching several horror movies in a single night, we realised that the main goal for most movies industries is to get as much money as possible without paying too much attention to the most important goal: to scare the spectator.

After talking to my friends about this, we had an interesting idea... to make something different, something whose goal is to make people feel too much anxiety and nervousness...  We wanted to create something different that will change the current situation of the horror cinema. That day at that time, 505.MOV was born.


The church*


505.MOV is the name of a video file in a videocamera found in the abandoned town Minas Del Marquesado, located in Granada (Andalusia). Five young guys vanished without a trace there. Nonetheless, security authorities found a videocamera which will be deeply analyzed.

This summary may seem typical, but it represents just the first 2 minutes of the film. The innovative factor will come after playing the video 505.MOV... 60 minutes of constant psychologic horror that will revolutionize the filming industry. 

It will be a first-person recorded film and will mix many famous horror movies such as Paranormal Activity, REC, The Blair Witch Project or Grave Encounters. Nevertheless it will have a unique touch given my the director and the actors.


The film will be shot here:

 The hospital*


We all know that owing to the current situation we are now very reluctant to support or invest in any project... Nevertheless, supporting 505.MOV means supporting a new way through the filming industry. By supporting this project you are contributing to make something new possible, something that will mark a before and an after. 

You will realise how a movie does not need millions of dollars in order to be scary and distressing. You will realise how a micro-budged movie can be even better than other movies which have had a huge economical investment. 

We have an incredible team which will make all this possible, withouth receiving any economical help (director, actors, post-producers, editors...). This is why any help will be welcome.


The theater


Many people are taking part in this project, most of them come from the greatest forum in Spain: Forocoches.

People who work in the filming industry are also taking part, without receiving any economical help, just the satisfaction of making something innovative and new.

You can also take part in this project by helping us to spread our project through Facebook, twitter, or even supporting us financially. Be part of a  project that will change the filming industry!


A "haunted" house


The money given will be entirely used in this project. It will be used in

  • Transportation
  • Legal software for editing and post-producing
  • Specific decor
  • Specific equipment for the camera (torches and lents)
  • Web hosting and webpage maintenance
  • Promotion
  • Merchandising
  • Perks and shipment...


Another "haunted" house


We are going to make this film, no matter how much money we get... we WILL make it real, so even if we get 1,000$, we will use that money in the project.



Our idea is to start filming at the beginning of 2013 (January/February), starting editing and post-producing in Mid-March, and releasing it in May/June.

We will try to contact distributors who could be interested in the project. If not, we will release it through the Internet.

It wil be released in Spanish with ENGLISH SUBTITLES

Doll found in the town


Director: Ignacio Guirado (

Scriptwriter: Ignacio Guirado



  • Irene Guindo

Brave, carefree, moody and trustworthy

  • Pedro López

Ambitious, polite, conceited and flirtatious

  • Victor Arrobo

Absent-minded, intelligent, naughty and optimistic

  • Ignacio Guirado

Amusing, self-confident, enthusiastic and nervous

  • Álvaro Lario

Calm, clever, good-natured and jumpy


Music Producer: Sergio Álvarez (

Webmaster: Raul Blanco



The mine*


You can contact the director as well by sending an email to

Be part and get involved on this project! I assure you this will become something big!


*Photos made by Adrián S. Piñeiro




Todo ocurrió en una tarde de Otoño. Tras visionar numerosas películas de terror en una noche, se llegó a la conclusión de que lo único que busca la industria del cine del terror en su mayoría es vender y vender, sin dedicar su tiempo exclusivamente a la meta más importante: asustar al espectador
Tras hablar de esto, surgió la idea de crear algo diferente, algo que de verdad cambiara el panorama del cine de terror actual, algo que mantuviera a la persona en tensión y en estado de ansiedad constante. Ese día, a esa hora, surgió 505.MOV


505.MOV es el nombre de un archivo de vídeo encontrado en una videocámara en Minas del Marquesado, un pueblo abandonado situado en Granada. Cinco jóvenes desaparecieron allí sin dejar rastro alguno. No obstante las autoridades encontraron una videocámara que pasarán a analizar. 
Este resumen puede parecer típico, pero sólo representan los dos primeros minutos de la película. Lo novedoso viene tras darle a play: 60 minutos de constante terror psicológico que revolucionará sin duda este género, y más aún el terror made in Spain
Será una película dirigida en primera persona y mezclará las películas más famosas comoEl proyecto de la bruja de BlairParanormal ActivityREC o Grave Encounters, pero siempre aportando innovación e intentando superar todo lo que ya ha sido creado.


Sabemos que con la situación que vivimos actualmente somos muy reacios a apoyar o invertir en algo... No obstante apoyar 505.MOV significa apoyar un nuevo camino en el cine, una nueva manera de hacer cine. Apoyando este proyecto estás contribuyendo a la realización de un proyecto que cambiará el mundo del cine actual... Tus ojos verán cómo una película no necesita millones de euros de inversión para cumplir con su meta... cómo una película de muy bajo presupuesto no tendrá nada que envidiar a las grandes producciones.
Aparte de lo comentado anteriormente, contamos con un gran equipo de personas que están realizando su trabajo sin recibir retribución alguna (director, actores, editores, post-productores), por lo que cualquier ayuda será bienvenida para desempeñar todo nuestro trabajo de manera adecuada.


En 505.MOV colaboran un gran equipo de personas, muchas de ellas provenientes del mayor foro de España Forocoches. Todo el equipo está muy animado y deseoso de poder empezar la producción, aunque para ello necesitamos vuestra ayuda.
Todas las personas que colaboran en este proyecto, como ya he comentado anteriormente, no reciben remuneración alguna. 
Desde que se informó del proyecto, muchísimas personas han ofrecido su ayuda a cambio de nada, sólo por poder colaborar en un proyecto cinematográfico español y hacerlo posible. Hay muchísimo esfuerzo detrás de todo esto.
Tú también puedes colaborar en el proyecto siendo mecenas, aportando tu granito de arena y haciendo todo esto posible.


El dinero aportado será utilizado fundamentalmente para: Transporte, software legal para edición y post-producción de audio y vídeo, decoración específica, material necesario para la video cámara, como estabilizador, antorchas y lentes específicas, hosting, dominio y mantenimiento de la página web, promoción, merchandising, copias, recompensas y envíos, alquiler de sala para pre-estreno


Nuestra idea es empezar el rodaje a principios de año para poder empezar el montaje y la post-producción a mediados de Febrero y tenerlo todo disponible para Abril.
Aunque actualmente tenemos la puerta abierta a una posible distribuidora, hemos pensado que la película será distribuida a través de internet, ayudándonos de los medios necesarios que existen hoy en día. No obstante, la película también podrá ser adquirida en versión física.



Incluso si lo deseas puedes ponerte en contacto con el director:

Sin más, sólo me queda pediros que intentéis promocionar este proyecto y si es posible intentar colaborar económicamente para poder hacerlo posible

Un abrazo y muchas gracias,

Ignacio Guirado.


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$2 USD
You will receive a personal email from the director thanking you for the support!
0 claimed


$7 USD
You will receive a personal email from the director thanking you for the support + gratitude in social networks
1 claimed


$13 USD
You will receive a personal email from the director thanking you for the support + gratitude in social networks + exclusive link to watch the movie one day before the official release
2 claimed


$20 USD
You will receive a personal email from the director thanking you for the support + gratitude in social networks + exclusive link to watch the movie one day before the official release + digital copy
0 claimed


$26 USD
You will receive a personal email from the director thanking you for the support + gratitude in social networks + exclusive link to watch the movie one day before the official release + digital copy + DVD of the film signed by the director and actors
2 claimed


$39 USD
You will receive a personal email from the director thanking you for the support + gratitude in social networks + exclusive link to watch the movie one day before the official release + digital copy + DVD of the film signed by the director and actors + Making Off
0 claimed


$50 USD
You will receive a personal email from the director thanking you for the support + gratitude in social networks + exclusive link to watch the movie one day before the official release + digital copy + DVD of the film signed by the director and actors + Postcard signed from Granada (Spain)
1 claimed


$55 USD
You will receive a personal email from the director thanking you for the support + gratitude in social networks + exclusive link to watch the movie one day before the official release + digital copy + DVD of the film signed by the director and actors + Postcard signed from Granada (Spain) + Making Off
0 claimed


$75 USD
You will receive a personal email from the director thanking you for the support + gratitude in social networks + exclusive link to watch the movie one day before the official release + digital copy + DVD of the film signed by the director and actors + Postcard signed from Granada (Spain) [NOT FOR SPANISH PEOPLE] + Making Off + Exclusive 505.MOV teddy bear
0 claimed


$150 USD
You will receive a personal email from the director thanking you for the support + gratitude in social networks + exclusive link to watch the movie one day before the official release + digital copy + DVD of the film signed by the director and actors + Postcard signed from Granada (Spain) [NOT FOR SPANISH PEOPLE] + Making Off + Exclusive 505.MOV teddy bear + Credit in IMDb as associate productor
0 claimed


$325 USD
You will receive a personal email from the director thanking you for the support + gratitude in social networks + exclusive link to watch the movie one day before the official release + digital copy + DVD of the film signed by the director and actors + Postcard signed from Granada (Spain) [NOT FOR SPANISH PEOPLE] + Making Off + Exclusive 505.MOV teddy bear + Credit in IMDb as associate productor + Invitation for 2 people for the preview of the movie in Granada
0 claimed


$900 USD
Personal email from the director thanking you for the support + gratitude in social networks + exclusive link to watch the movie one day before the official release + digital copy + DVD of the film signed by the director and actors + Postcard signed from Granada (Spain) [NOT FOR SPANISH PEOPLE] + Making Off + Exclusive 505.MOV teddy bear + Credit in IMDb as associate productor + Invitation for 2 people for the preview of the movie in Granada + Take part in the movie!
0 claimed
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