My campaign has been closed for a while now without reaching the goal. but I did raise $115, I would like to thank everyone who donated.
I would like everyone to know that I went and spoke to the college shortly after the campaign ended and put in an appeal for my situation. Unfortunately the appeal was denied based on lack of documented evidence from my doctor.
I spoke to a few of my professors while I was there and they encouraged me to attempt to finish the course since I had come so far and already had shown that I could do it.
A personal loan of $3000 from a couple of people allowed me to pay back the $2929 overpayment, which then immediately allowed me to apply to request it back again in the form of a student loan (it would have been nice if they would have allowed me to skip that step but that is bureaucracy for you). I then used the $115 from this campaign towards the deferral fee.
I returned to the electronics engineering technician course as of September 2015. and on April 22nd 2016 I wrote my last test in the course.
At the time of writing (4/25/2016) I have received the results showing me that I have passed everything, just waiting for the marks to be entered into the college database to make it all official.
Once again I would like to thank everyone for your support, I finally reached my educational goal, even though it was not as listed on here or through complete funding on here, but it was acheived all the same.
Peter Murray