My third-great uncle, William Scoresby, was an Arctic explorer, whaling ship captain, naturalist, inventor, mechanical engineer, clergyman, social activist, lecturer and author. He explored new territory in the Arctic, wrote the first book of polar science, and kicked off the quest to find the Northwest Passage. Charles Darwin took his books with him on the H.M.S. Beagle, and in the 19th century Scoresby was as famous as John James Audubon or Marie Curie.
Though he is all but forgotten today, his discoveries are now helping scientists understand climate change in the Arctic. Information from his voyages 200 years ago is providing new insight for scientists to predict future changes in our environment.
My new book about this incredible adventurer will show how his exploration and scientific innovation continue to shape our world.
I plan to take a 10-day research trip to three British cities connected with Scoresby--Whitby, London and Liverpool--and uncover new clues about his life for this book.
Scoresby was born in 1789 in Whitby, a quaint coastal town in northeast England. When he passed away in 1857, he donated all of his personal letters, diaries, logbooks and other papers to the Whitby Museum. I’ll spend at least a week reading and analyzing this huge but mostly unorganized collection to learn more about who Scoresby was. I’ll be looking for correspondence with contemporary explorers and scientists, including Darwin himself. In London and Liverpool, I’ll visit maritime museums and walk the same streets as Scoresby did almost two centuries ago.
Ultimately, the materials I find on my trip will enrich the biography I’m writing, and reveal new stories about my own family. I’m looking forward to sharing his exciting and inspiring life with the world.
Kat Long, author/expedition leader
I’m a writer and editor at National Geographic Adventure. My stories focus on many of the themes that I’ll touch on in the new book: Arctic exploration, environmental challenges, nature and wildlife, and science and discovery.
Previously, I covered science news for The Wall Street Journal and Scientific American. My freelance articles have also appeared print and digital publications like The Washington Post, Smithsonian, Slate and Hakai Magazine. My first book, The Forbidden Apple, was a New York Times Book Review Editor’s Choice.
Shannon Leigh O’Neil, researcher/first mate
Shannon, a professional researcher and editor, will accompany me as an assistant on the trip. She is already familiar with the Scoresby narrative and skilled in archival research (especially reading 19th-century handwriting!). Shannon will provide an extra brain to help maximize our brief time at the Whitby Museum.
Every dollar contributed to this campaign will go toward my research trip. I plan to travel lightly and cheaply using public transportation, inexpensive lodging and a lot of free Wi-Fi. Here is a breakdown of the estimated expenses:
Airfare: $1,400
Lodging: $450
Transportation in and between cities: $500
Car and driver hire for one day: $200
Pub fare and groceries: $550
Museum admissions and miscellaneous/unexpected expenses: $400
Indiegogo processing fees (approximate): $500
What happens if I get more than I ask for?
I will invest the extra money in further research and outreach efforts. One plan is to offer a multimedia lecture about my book at museums, libraries and schools. The extra money from the campaign will help defray the cost of travel.
What happens if I get less than I ask for?
Your generous pledges will help me to travel for a longer period and visit more places in the U.K., but I’m prepared to fork over the remaining funds if needed.
The research trip will be planned for February 2017. Naturally, it takes time for a book to go from research notes to manuscript to publication, and there are many steps along the way. I will continue to write the biography and the book proposal to secure the publishing deal. I’ve already had interest from a literary agent.
Learn more about the project and get updates on Facebook, Twitter and my website,
Questions? Just ask!