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A Normal Evening

Chinese international students show the struggles they face when moving to Canada

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A Normal Evening

A Normal Evening

A Normal Evening

A Normal Evening

A Normal Evening

Chinese international students show the struggles they face when moving to Canada

Chinese international students show the struggles they face when moving to Canada

Chinese international students show the struggles they face when moving to Canada

Chinese international students show the struggles they face when moving to Canada

Braunte Petric
Braunte Petric
Braunte Petric
Braunte Petric
1 Campaign |
Windsor, Canada
$1,301 USD $1,301 USD 47 backers
124% of $1,044 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Taking the importance of family, the struggles of going away to school in a different country, and having to learn a different language is brought to life through this 10 min film. We are asking for help from the community to help bring this eye opening film to life. Its Windsors turn to experience the story of the life told by Chinese international students. 通过这部10分钟的电影,我们可以看到家庭的重要性,学习外语以及在海外求学的艰辛。我们正在寻求社区的帮助,将这个让人眼前一亮的故事呈现在大银幕上。让温莎地区的居民能通过这部电影了解并体会留学生的生活。 国内朋友移步==

Summary of Directors(导演资料): 

Yongjun Liu (Max)  and Cwing Wang are the Directors for our upcoming film, A Normal Evening. They are both finishing their undergrad of Communications, Media and Film. When they look back to the 4-5 years studying and living abroad, they realized their life here is greatly different from local students in Canada and back home.Both Yongjun Liu (Max)  and Cwing Wang came together and decided to write a script about the struggles they face being international students. Both Directors have a passion for film, and a drive to make a touching, educational, and memorable film. 


What We Need & What You Get(我们所需要&你们将获得)

Break down of where the money will be used(所得款使用明细):

  • Renting sound equipment, sound is the most important part of a film(租用录音设备,声音质量会直接影响电影的完成度)
  • To bring the film to life we need to create an atmosphere that feels and resembles Chinese New Year. This involves buying and creating traditional decorations and foods(我们需要营造出中国新年的气氛,这需要我们购买并准备传统新年装饰,对联窗花等等;食物比如饺子,饺子皮,饺子馅,鸡鸭鱼等食物道具)
  • Behind every film is an amazing crew and actors. For a student film we hope to make ourselves unique by being able to help support our team by being able to pay them. (每一部电影的完成都离不开幕前幕后的演员和工作人员的付出,虽然这是一部学生电影,我们仍然希望能够支付我们的演员和工作人员一定的报酬)
  • The last place that all this money will be spent is for registering this film into many different film festivals. The goal is to bring as must awareness to this film(最后这笔资金会用在报名参加各大电影节。最终的目的是让这部电影进入更多观众的视野)

How much will your donation help?(您的资助将会多大程度带来改变?)

  • Donating to us will help in many amazing ways, for one your supporting the awareness of Chinese culture, helping establish an amazing film by bringing it to life through art. (您的支持将会帮助我们通过这部电影,推广中国文化,在艺术层面上各方面构建起一个栩栩如生的电影故事)

Risks & Challenges(风险与挑战)

  • The first challenge will be filming a full Chinese dialogue  heavy film in Windsor(第一个挑战是——这是第一部在温莎拍摄的,全中文对白的电影)
  • Taking the magic of Chinese New Year and bringing it to life (需要将中国新年的气氛在电影里重塑出来)

Other Ways You Can Help(其他支持和捐助方式)

  • Donate craft supplies (捐助道具)
  • Volunteer your time to help teach Chinese cooking lessons (用你的空余时间协助一堂中国烹饪课)
  • We are open to any help (我们欢迎任何支援方式)

Please remember to share this page on all social media platforms 



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Currency Conversion $7 USD
$10 CAD
A special thanks with YOUR name in the credits
Included Items
  • Name in the Credits
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
8 claimed

Good Fan

Currency Conversion $14 USD
$20 CAD
- A special thanks with YOUR name in the credits - Shout out on social media
Included Items
  • Shout out on social media
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
13 claimed

Super Fan

Currency Conversion $28 USD
$40 CAD
- A special thanks with YOUR name in the credits - shout out on social media, - a picture of the cast and crew emailed to you with a thank you letter
Included Items
  • Picture of the Cast and Crew
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
4 claimed

Biggest Fan

Currency Conversion $35 USD
$50 CAD
- A special thanks with YOUR name in the credits - shout out on social media, - Picture of the cast and crew emailed to you with a thank you letter - A link emailed to you that will take you to a digital copy of the film
Included Items
  • Digital copy of the film
Estimated Shipping
May 2019
2 claimed

Team MVP

Currency Conversion $70 USD
$100 CAD
- A special thanks with YOUR name in the credits - shout out on social media, - a picture of the cast and crew emailed to you with a thank you letter - A digital copy of the film - You get to choose who signs your movie poster, and it will be mailed to you
Included Items
  • Signed movie poster
Estimated Shipping
June 2019
6 claimed

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