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A time machine for Adivasis: documenting and tooling our history

We at adivaani want to go back in time to rescue what was left behind and leave something tangible for the future, like books, art and crafts and textiles.

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A time machine for Adivasis: documenting and tooling our history

A time machine for Adivasis: documenting and tooling our history

A time machine for Adivasis: documenting and tooling our history

A time machine for Adivasis: documenting and tooling our history

A time machine for Adivasis: documenting and tooling our history

We at adivaani want to go back in time to rescue what was left behind and leave something tangible for the future, like books, art and crafts and textiles.

We at adivaani want to go back in time to rescue what was left behind and leave something tangible for the future, like books, art and crafts and textiles.

We at adivaani want to go back in time to rescue what was left behind and leave something tangible for the future, like books, art and crafts and textiles.

We at adivaani want to go back in time to rescue what was left behind and leave something tangible for the future, like books, art and crafts and textiles.

Joy Tudu
Joy Tudu
Joy Tudu
Joy Tudu
1 Campaign |
Kolkata, India
$730 USD 15 backers
14% of $5,000 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Short Summary

India is home to more than 84 million Indigenous Peoples (Adivasis). Now that’s an impressive figure and many an Adivasi would be overwhelmed by that number. But what else is known about us? An entry on the internet or a read in a book would throw up a stereotypical romanticized ‘tribal’ lifestyle. More often than not we wonder if that is who we really are, is all that’s written about us really true.

The history of Adivasi struggles and culture has always been written by ‘others’, i.e. by the mainstream historians. They have largely manipulated, ignored and neglected the contributions of the Adivasi heroes in the freedom struggle of India. But Adivasis have a distinct socio-political and cultural identity that makes them unique as a self-sufficient community.

The Adivasis hold on to their cultural and historical heritage with great pride, however no documentation of this rich legacy has been made by themselves. For instance Adivasi music, songs and dances have only been limited to the opening and closing ceremonies of government and civil society functions in schools, hospitals, colleges etc.

In view of the current ‘modernization’ and industrialization in India it is feared that in the near future many folk, ceremonial and other ritual art forms of the Adivasis will disappear, and it won’t be incorrect to state that the oral forms of storytelling is an endangered intangible tradition now.

adivaani is a response to this situation. adivaani means ‘the first voices,’ which would in a figurative way translate as the voices of the Adivasis. It was formed in July 2012 with the idea of building a time machine for us. A time machine to go back to understanding who we are, why we are the way we are and taking pride in that identity. A way to break the myths and stereo typecast moulds we have been set in and a way for the world to accept and acknowledge our indigenous ways.

We are among the few Indigenous publishing houses run by and for Adivasis in India. It is an effort to speak out about ourselves in the manner we know best, it is a chance to create a database of Adivasi writings for and by Adivasis. A lot has been lost already.

We feel the urgent need to preserve our roots and redefine the features of our identity. We believe that through rediscovering who we are, our people grow stronger, defend rights, territory and enrich heritage. But books can’t be the only response.

The external manifestations of who we are lie in things like the clothes we wear, the arts and crafts we produce. These are all unique to the being of Adivasis. But no one seems to know anymore what was our traditional wear, what were the kinds of arts and crafts we used to create.

We aim to set up small-scale cottage industries engaging Adivasis in handloom and other crafts and provide professional infrastructure for the production of artwork. Through what we can salvage of what were the original forms of textiles, arts and crafts we want to reintroduce it to Adivasi lifestyle and to the world. Our first aim is skills training for the craftsmen and artisans. We also want to cover the entire cycle of production from sourcing raw material to the final product. We want to market the products through Fair Trade certification ensuring the Adivasi producers a better price for their handicrafts and a sustainable way of life. 

We realize we can’t just do it alone, we need an extra hand, and thus we reach out to you. We seek your help in reviving Indigenous history, art and craft, and to provide sustainable economic opportunities to the Adivasi communities in the villages of India.

What We Need & What You Get

The funds we seek will help us publish books of contemporary Indigenous writers on the ‘politics’ of being an Adivasi in India, the situation of Adivasis in India and their pertinent issues through the eyes of Adivasis. We have so far published three books. Our first book is in the Santali language by Dr. Timotheas Hembrom called Santal. Our second book is called Whose country is it anyway? by Gladson Dungdung, and our third book is an illustrated book for children based on the Santal creation stories called We come from the Geese, Illustrations by Boski Jain and Text by Ruby Hembrom.

The rest of 2013 will be devoted to producing the upcoming books and we will also initiate the revival and promotion of our arts, crafts and textiles industry by assisting small producers in villages of Jharkhand, West Bengal and Assam, India; by providing up skilling, upgrading and forging links with markets.

We seek support to raise 5,000 USD by the end of the 60-day campaign period.

Fifty percent of the funds raised will be used for our forthcoming publications. The remaining fifty percent of the money raised would be used to help women in Adivasi villages to weave the ‘panchi’ (a traditional Adivasi cloth used as a dress) by setting up the infrastructure, providing them with the requisite skills and marketing it across the Adivasi habitat in different States of India.

This initiative will not only revive the textiles industry but also ensure livelihood opportunities for Adivasis along with endorsing and popularizing wearing our traditional clothing. The same model will be used for the arts and crafts industry too.

In the event of us not being able to raise the total funds sought, we will utilize whatever amount is raised for producing some of the books slotted for this year. The amount raised will go towards the printing and binding charges for the books.

The Impact

This is a unique project for and by the Adivasis themselves and thus has a much greater acceptance from within the community. It has already garnered a sense of pride among the Adivasi communities in India. This innovative project aims to make people aware of the importance of their existence as indigenous people, in a land where they are looked down upon and to encourage them to take ownership of their legacy: to emphasize that they have the right to re-interpret their heritage. Your contribution will result in the re-writing of Adivasi identity and history in India. It will evoke a renewed consciousness among the community people and to the world at large.

Let the adivaani be heard, let it resound of change, of a rendezvous of the past, the present and the future.

Other Ways You Can Help

We invite you to share our dreams, our concerns and express solidarity towards a hundred million people who are still living in sub-human conditions in India. Let’s not allow them to be a forgotten people.

Please spread the word, tell everyone you know about our campaign. Do use the Indiegogo share tools and board the adivaani time machine.


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Thank you!

$50 USD
One of our Children’s illustrated books. (Postage outside India to be covered by donors.)
2 out of 100 of claimed

This means a lot.

$100 USD
One of our Children’s illustrated books plus a ‘panchi’(traditional adivasi clothing) (Postage outside India to be covered by donors.)
3 out of 50 of claimed

Aema Johar!

$500 USD
Our Children’s illustrated book, a ‘panchi’ and our bestseller Whose Country is it anyway? by Gladson Dungdung. (Postage outside India to be covered by donors.)
0 out of 20 of claimed
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