There was a harsh dissonance within me when I discovered that 29% of my daughter's middle school class could not afford a computer or internet in their homes. How can that even be possible in the 21st century? Being tied down at home with a life-changing injury, I had friends and family gather broken or unused computers. With nothing but the internet and a close friend in the business, I learned how to repair computers. In league with local teachers, police, EMS and other education socially-active professionals, we place them into the homes that needed them most.
The more I gave, the more I discovered had a need. Seeing what needed done, I "retired" from my job and formed my organization that same year. Operating on disability checks, I formed the backbone of what is now Reglue. Since 2005, we have grown to over 100 volunteers and have installed just over 1600 computers in the Austin Texas area for those that needed them most.
These are kids that can change the world, that most certainly will change the world, if only someone sees the value in them, aside from their dismal financial circumstance.
We need to raise $9200.00 to get through the next calendar year, and maybe a bit past that. There is an entire new group of kids now entering middle school and between the high school students we have yet to serve, we are going to need the funding to make sure we get to every school student that legitimately needs our help. In most cases, we are the only organization available that specifically helps them in this area.
We have assembled some fairly enticing perks to begin our campaign, but since it will last 60 days, we are always refreshing that list. From a 19" Dell touch screen system to laptops and other tech toys, we hope to offer you something that incites you to donate. You can always sponsor one of our kids, and that option will be one of the perks
For those who cannot donate, take a look in the back of the closet or ask your tech support folks if they have decommissioned computers that could be donated. We'll take care of the business end of doing so. Please pass along our information so they can come see what it is we need.
We've been around for over a decade and vetting our organization is just a few keystrokes away. Should you have any questions or maybe ideas, you can contact me directly, ken@reglue.org