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Abused girl grows up & creates the MAGIC BOOK!

An abused girl finds refuge in her imagination and creates the MAGIC BOOK!

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Abused girl grows up & creates the MAGIC BOOK!

Abused girl grows up & creates the MAGIC BOOK!

Abused girl grows up & creates the MAGIC BOOK!

Abused girl grows up & creates the MAGIC BOOK!

Abused girl grows up & creates the MAGIC BOOK!

An abused girl finds refuge in her imagination and creates the MAGIC BOOK!

An abused girl finds refuge in her imagination and creates the MAGIC BOOK!

An abused girl finds refuge in her imagination and creates the MAGIC BOOK!

An abused girl finds refuge in her imagination and creates the MAGIC BOOK!

Korina Limnioudi
Korina Limnioudi
Korina Limnioudi
Korina Limnioudi
1 Campaign |
Chios, Greece
$85 USD $85 USD 8 backers
0% of $42,056 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

CHECK OFTEN THE UPDATES FOR NEW SURPRISES AND USEFULL IMPORTANT NEW GIFTS! (I actually have a new gift/surprise at the updates section, which is really usefull!)

(First of all I would like you to know that is first time that I present a project in crowdfunding sites, so in case you have any advices in order to make it better, please dont hesitate to contact me to let me know. Your advices are valuable!)







My name is Korina, I am from Greece and I am a Medical Doctor. My life was never easy as until 19 years old my life was full of abuse. At 17 years old have tried to run away from home but they have found me with police's help and the abuse was even more. At 19 I left home in order to study and my life started to get better.

All this abuse since the age of 2 years old, has made me to find refuge in imagination, which has lead me to have the idea of the Magic Book and the Magic Project. 

Also the thing that i had so much abuse, made me to want to fight violence and abuse wherever I see it. So when I first worked as a doctor in a prison and saw how the prisoners are treated, I made denunciations at Strasburg at the department of human rights of prisoners. This was equal to me making denunciations for the Greek ministry of health and ministry of justice. Ofc the "system" has turned against me and they had me to go through a court with the fake accusation that a prisoner has died bc of one pill that I gave to him, while he died from Heroine. Thank God, even If it was all set up and even if I had no money for lawyer and I had to interrogate the witnesses by myself, the result was that I AM INNOCENT (is a big story how the truth shined). You can imagine that this has lead to receive a very bad attitude from the classical medical communities in my country which has become even worse when I started to treat autism WITH BIG SUCCESS through the antidoting of vaccines. Ofc this is by default a proof that autism comes from vaccines, if i can treat the autism by antidoting the vaccines right? So you can imagine the result...

Is like there is an open "war" going on from that classical medical communities which explains how a medical alternative doctor can be very very poor. 

You see, they "arranged" not to be able to have patients from my area but working hard on writting articles on Facebook about my work, testimonies from my patients etc helped me to have some patients through skype from other cities and from other countries. Is hard to continue writing my book through this situation because I spend a lot of hours on phone, skype with my patients and even more hours to write continiously articles about my work in order to get people to know me. (No money for proper advertising).

But I learned that we must NOT GIVE UP and also with the help of the book "THE SCHOOL FOR GODS" of Stefano Elio D' Anna, I learned that the only real thing that exists is the dream. I started to dream bigger and bigger and now the dream has no limits anymore, so the idea of the Magic Project was born 1,5 month ago.

Everyone says that the Magic Project is a huge dream/goal which cant come true. I believe the opposite and I want to show to people of the whole world that we STILL HAVE THE RIGHT TO DREAM, no matter what financial crisis, or obstacles we experience in our lives.

We can still remain pure in hearts and in behaviour, we can still do whatever we think is the best for us and the people around us and DREAM....Dream Big!

You will see that for now I ask money only to be able to finish writing my book, translating it, publishing it, and to be able to have nice gifts for my backers.


Sometimes we all need a little magic...

The book contains:

  • Fairy tale elements       

 fairies, elves, pegasus, dragons and everything else the human mind can imagine

  • Space incidents

with The Olympians - Gods Of Olympus who are considered from our generation alien civilisations and not Gods anymore, the EL, the Anunnaki, the "Epsilon" team, the Arcturians, the Pleiadians, Syrians, the hollow Earth. (How is it even possible to smoothly combine space incidents with elves and fairies? Of course you can, when u are experiencing such things in your life, they naturally mix together with ease...)

  • The truth

about what is going on around us, on this planet and how someone can exit the matrix we are surrounded by. (the actual one, not the matrix that many people think of as the real one)

This Magic Book can give you the RIGHT pill! ;)

  • Life lessons
about forgiving, trust, friendship, love, eros and also about the responsibility of managing your power.

  • Spirituality
Spiritual teachings...Philosophical messages...

  • Healing and self-healing methods
(Through a fairy tale for grown ups?? Yes, it's possible... Let's not forget it's more like an autobiography.)
So, is a book for grown ups but for kids as well!!!

What I Need & What You Get

1.  I need to be able to live without spending hours and hours on writing articles about advertising my work, and all these hours to spend them to write my book.
I have all the material well alive in my head, so I need only time to write it down, make the corrections after that etc.
In order to do that I think that 5-6 months from the moment that i will take the funding will be enough (right now is written the 1/4 of the book but no time not even for corrections etc bc I have to focus on having money to survive) so I think that an amount of 6000 euros for that will be ok.
2. Translation + edit / proof reading 
The cheapest price I found for translation is 10 euros for one page of 250 words, so for 400 pages will be 2500 euros.
For edit/proof reading is 4000 euros
So is a total of 6.500 euros
3. Publication in Greek
For 500 books the cheapest price I found at a non so good publications service is 8000 euros +VAT
4. Publication in English
For 500 books some publishers in the UK ask for like 5000 euros +VAT
5. For 6 months distribution 800 euros +VAT
6. For 2 months marketing service + social networking service is around 6000 euros at the cheapest companies I have found. 
7. Cover expenses (graphic designer etc.) 2000 euros
So, this comes to a total of 34,500 euros.


You can check my gifts on the right side of the page :)
In case that I don't reach my entire goal the money will go for having free time to write and finish the book!

In case you have any idea about a new gift I can add, please let me know and I will make it a reality for you!!!

The Impact

First of all this book will prove to you that you can change your reality!
The magic book is only the PART 1 of the Magic Project as you will see when you read the description.
Everything that the description claims and much more is true. The activation the book will offer is real. Also the activation of DNA, the acassic records library and all that contains the Magic Project are for real!
The Magic Project has a lot of ways to help humanity and in order to make it happen, the magic book is needed.
Please visit the link I have prepared for you, in order to read everything about it
In case you have any questions, feel free to email me and ask me at : 
Lets together go to activation of our DNA, to live happy unforgetable moments where we can activate more and more of our imagination and make the Magic Place a reality.
But first of all in order to achieve all that we need to have in our hands the Magic Book.
Then If this PART 1 of Magic Project has success in cowdfunding I will go on at the rest of the parts of Magic Project through Indiegogo again.

Risks & Challenges

Well, yes ofc there is always the possibility to not reach my goal specially If you think that I dont have the time to advertise this project that much bc of having to spend huge time on surviving.
1. I will do my best
2. I have faith on my dream, on universe and on people. I think that you guys can understand me deeply and help me make my dream a reality!

Other Ways You Can Help

Some people just can't contribute, but that doesn't mean they can't help:

  • Please, please, please,  get the word out and make some noise about my campaign.
  • You can always use as well, the Indiegogo share tools!


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Choose your Perk

Helper Elf!

Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
My THANKS with your name in the MAGIC PROJECT webpage with the logo of your company/website and your link !
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Magic Elf!

Currency Conversion $11 USD
€10 EUR
My THANKS with your name in the MAGIC PROJECT webpage with the logo of your company/website and your link + YOUR NAME IN THE MAGIC BOOK! The names will be in categories, depending the perk selected so for this perk you will be under the title "MAGIC ELVES" ! :)
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Magic Castle Keeper!

Currency Conversion $21 USD
€20 EUR
My THANKS with your name in the MAGIC PROJECT webpage with the logo of your company/website and your link + YOUR NAME IN THE MAGIC BOOK + Collectable printable poster with the cover of the book + Collectable printable book marker with the cover of the book
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Magic Librarian!

Currency Conversion $42 USD
€40 EUR
Helper Elf + Magic Elf + Magic Castle Keeper + THE E-BOOK!
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Magic Lord of the books!

Currency Conversion $68 USD
€65 EUR
Helper Elf + Magic Elf + Magic Castle Keeper + Magic Librarian + A COPY OF THE MAGIC BOOK AT YOUR HANDS!
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Magic Collector of Love!

Currency Conversion $84 USD
€80 EUR
Helper Elf + Magic Elf + Magic Castle Keeper + Magic Librarian + Magic Lord of the books + YOUR COPY SIGNED WITH A SPECIAL DEDICATION JUST FOR YOU!
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

The Magic Instigator!

Currency Conversion $105 USD
€100 EUR
Helper Elf + Magic Elf + Magic Castle Keeper + Magic Librarian + Magic Lord of the books + Magic Collector of Love + ONE MORE COPY OF THE BOOK TO LEAVE IN A PUBLIC PLACE FOR A STRANGER TO FIND IT! This way you can be the inspiration for someone poor or a homeless to fix his life through the teachings of this book! Remember the TRUE story of the life of NEALE DONALD WALSH, which you can see at the movie "conversations with God"!
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

The Wonderful Wizard of Love!

Currency Conversion $263 USD
€250 EUR
Helper Elf + Magic Elf + Magic Castle Keeper + Magic Librarian + Magic Lord of the books + Magic Collector of Love + The Magic Instigator! + MORE COPIES OF THE MAGIC BOOK TO GIVE AS A GIFT TO LOVED ONES AND TO LEAVE IN PUBLIC PLACE!
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

The activated Magician!

Currency Conversion $526 USD
€500 EUR
Helper Elf + Magic Elf + Magic Castle Keeper + Magic Librarian + Magic Lord of the books + Magic Collector of Love + The Magic Instigator! + The Wonderful Wizard of Love + THE ACTIVATED MAGIC BOOK AT YOUR HANDS! Once you have read the ACTIVATED book YOU CAN HAVE PROOF that you are activated, as you start feeling energy at your hands, you start to be prepared for activation of super powers such as telekinesis, dreams with spiritual guidance on how to acieve your goals and much more.
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.

Reality Changer/Telekinesis

Currency Conversion $1,051 USD
€1,000 EUR
Helper Elf + Magic Elf + Magic Castle Keeper + Magic Librarian + Magic Lord of the books + Magic Collector of Love + The Magic Instigator! + The Wonderful Wizard of Love + The Activated Magician + have dinner at my place (if you can travel here...if not then chat on skype with me) + Skype session with our Special Teacher in order to learn how you use your activation in order to change your reality or how to gain a super power as this of TELEKINESIS! You chose! (maybe we can arrange for both!) ;)
0 claimed
Ships worldwide.


Currency Conversion $2,103 USD
€2,000 EUR
Helper Elf + Magic Elf + Magic Castle Keeper + Magic Librarian + Magic Lord of the books + Magic Collector of Love + The Magic Instigator! + The Wonderful Wizard of Love + The Activated Magician + The Reality Changer/Telekinesis + You are the first to visit the Magic Place, meet us from near there, spend 5 days in our Magical Accommodations for FREE, use ALL the facilities, teachings FOR FREE or which ones you like and prefer (a gift of 15000 euros value if used every facility!)
0 claimed
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