Adam & Eternity Project Summary
As an up-and-coming comic creator, it is hard to make a mark in the industry with so much creative talent already out there. However, "Adam & Eternity" means a great deal to me personally, and hopefully to you. I designed/created this journey to reflect the current times we live in, the often traumatizing, stressful anxieties most of us face when we are confronted with the question, "Who am I?" Struggling to find our identity/place in this world is something I have spent most of my life trying to understand. I always found the best solution to these questions is through creating stories. Adam & Eternity will take place in a broken/apocalyptic realm known as Earth. Adam, our protagonist, will journey to known/unknown & mythological places to slowly begin to piece together what it was that both brought us together and eventually destroyed us.
Each chapter will answer a specific question, concluding in a profound lesson I learned about myself. I plan to breakdown high-concept philosophies and make them digestible, entertaining, and beautifully conceptualized material onto jaw-dropping comic pages.
Adam & Eternity will be introducing my artist and collaborator, Oscar Dominic Armendariz Pinto, but you can call him Dom. Dominic is an Amateur Mexican Comic Book Artist. He has been spending the last year and a half as a professional/full-time comic book artist! Dom studied architecture here in Mexico, but in the end, his love for comics oriented him to this profession.
Dom loves to try different styles, but in the end, his excellence drawing incredibly detailed backgrounds with a more anime-ish character are the approach we found both perfect and eye-catching for this project.
Our Colorist, Jake “JaSketch” Gustafson, is an up and coming Comic Book Colorist, Illustrator, and Character Designer. His love for animation and comics are what inspired him to get into the creative field.
Jake has a great love for wild colors, heavily inspired by works such as Bryan Lee O'Malley's Scott Pilgrim (Colored run), Tyson Hesse’s "Diesel", and JoJo’s "Bizarre Adventure". Adam & Eternity will be no exception in addition to these great works.
Both Robby, Dom, and Jake want to say thank you for your attention, we hope for your continued support with Adam & Eternity.
Series Synopsis:
Logline: An impossible creation learns to become human through a spectacularly mythological, but grounded journey. Once finishing this unlikely journey of discovery, it is then given a choice to decide the fate of the broken universe he was born into.
Synopsis: Adam awakes in a womb between dimensions. Unaware of how he was propelled into existence, Adam bursts from his womb into a bleed of beautiful colors and light. He asks, “Who am I?” He explores this desolate and post-apocalyptic realm called Earth. He discovers what it means to become human, despite himself being the most powerful being to ever exist. How god became man, by learning from humanity. Its mistakes, its creations, its dreams, and hopes all kindle Adam's journey to discover how he can save this world. Or does he choose to leave it behind?
What We Need & What You Get
Let's Break It Down:
- We aim to produce our project into fully-printed Traditional Comics, concluding in a collected Trade Paperback. This is the primary reason for funding.
- We plan to use the money funded to enable this printing via Greko Printing (A Printing Press Associated with Comic Book/Graphic Novel Production)
- Our initial goal (The Set Funding Goal) will be going directly to the printing press distribution and shipping costs.
- Once & If we reach our initial goal, we aim to produce individual comics per issue. This will enable our stretch goal which will unlock more exclusive material such as:
- Variant Cover Art
- Pin-Ups
- More Pages in Trade Paperback
Perks (What You Recieve For Backing):
- Digital Copies of Issues One-Five
- Trade Paperback
- "Thank You's" in Trade Paperback
- Pin-Ups
- Variant Covers
- Signed Material
- Behind-The-Scenes Material
- Exclusive Cover Art for Issue One
- Skype Meetings w/ Team Discussing Creative Processes
Inevitable Preparation:
- If we do not reach our desired "entire" goal, then we will still use the accrued money for our book to go to the printing press, and cover the rest in shipping & printing costs.
The Impact
This project means more than just "another" comic book or graphic novel. Adam & Eternity is a "Coming-of-Age" Story about Identity, Humanity, Love, Hope, Depression, Anxiety, Life, & Death. My team and I are trying to deliver a meta-physical, but grounded, journey into our fantastical world. We use allegories, metaphors, and some jaw-dropping imagery to propel the story to the pinnacle of storytelling: Comic Books.
This Project is Me, Dom, & Jake. This is us, modern creators, using our stories to help those trying to do the same. A Story that will help you get through the tough times and the best times.
We successfully funded our first issue, and this campaign is meant to deliver the rest of our stunning story. Upon first pledging, you'll receive the first issue in Digital Format & Physical Copy.
Risks & Challenges
There are always challenges when entering the world of illustration. From emotional/mental to the actual physical entryway into this amazing sphere. In this modern world "sharing" your campaign is the hardest part of getting the word out there.
We will overcome this. We will personally put in the effort each day to produce amazing content that you, the backer, will receive. We just ask one thing from you, share the project you backed. Help us gain the support we need to spread this amazing story to its maximum potential.
Other Ways You Can Help
Here are some excellent tools to help us overcome these challenges!
- Spread the word on your Social Media (Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram, Twitch, Etc.)
- Make Some Noise! Flash some of that exclusive content on your pages. Get them excited about the project you backed.
- Share! Share! Share! Repost our link through Indiegogo's stellar toolset.