back to your days in elementary school:
Are you picturing yourself in a classroom?
Do you see bright lights, colorful books, and lots of desks?
look back fondly at my elementary school days. I was given the opportunity to
learn in a healthy environment; and was full of happy excitement to do so.
is not the case for many public schools in Malawi, Africa. Although it is
mandatory for all students to attend primary school, it is jarringly obvious
the schools do not receive adequate funding, and learning opportunities are
severely diminished.
was given the opportunity to visit a school in the capital city of Lilongwe. As
I walked from room to room, all I saw was broken windows, worn out chalkboards, and
ceilings full of gaping holes. What moved me most was seeing the students sit
on the broken, dusty floor because in a class of 60 students, there was not a
single desk.
to the headmistress revealed further details. The school has 15 classrooms,
which roughly host 60 students each. However, only 240 of those students sit in
desks, leaving a shortage of 330 desks (each desk seats 2 students). A group of
Malawian university graduates have taken it upon themselves to help this
school- and along with using their time to tutor struggling students- they are
campaigning to provide desks for every student.
was inspired by their example and want to be a part of what is happening at
this school. Taking on the revamping of the entire school is costly – about $25
000– but with your help, we hope to bring desks to at least one classroom.
of costs:
per desk =
desks =
$1 500
walls & chalkboards = $500
and other education supplies =
cost for a classroom = $2 500
Keep in mind the more money we raise, the more classrooms can be revamped!
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