Ready, Set, Action...
Ready, Set, Action...
Ready, Set, Action...
Ready, Set, Action...
This campaign is closed
Ready, Set, Action...
Ready, Set, Action...
Ready, Set, Action...
Ready, Set, Action...
Ready, Set, Action...
Hey everyone! I'm Kim Vruggink. Originally from West Lafayette, Indiana and a Purdue Theatre grad. I moved out to LA to pursue my passion for acting. I have been acting ever since I was 11 years old. At age 11 I was casted as Alice in Alice In Wonderland. Ever since, I have never stopped working at my acting career. My passion always has and always will be storytelling.
So what's my project? I'm working on my commercial reel. I will shoot 3 short spec commercials. One for Smokin Moes Gouda (best cheese ever), one for Folders coffee (who doesn't love coffee), and one for (help save our planet). None of these commercials I plan on submitting to ad agencies, just strictly for my reel.
By contributing to my campaign this will help give me the funds to shoot a great commercial reel that I can submit to casting directors and thus get more work. I'll need a great crew (DP, Sound, Lighting exc...), so not only will you be helping me advance my career but other people too who need experience working on set.
The challenge I face is this is a bigger amount (triple from before) than I have raised before. I realize that with this campaign in order to reach my goal I will have to put triple the amount of time in. I can over come this challenge by staying focused and determined, just like I did with my project Oobered.
If you are unable to donate I ask that you please share it, email it, ext...Sharing is so important. I'm grateful for those who share it and help get the word out!!!!
Thanks All!!