The story behind all this...
If you're reading this, you'll know that it's been over 4 years since we've released Moongod, our second LP. In the last few years, the band faced some line-up changes which resulted in what we could call an involuntary hiatus.
Last year, we started writing music again. In the mean time we had all worked on other musical projects, and our collective experiences gave us a fresh approach to writing a new Aeternam album. In the end, the music really came out smoothly and naturally; we really felt this was the right time to do it.
On the album itself, expect a diverse and bold release. For the first time, we will release a complete thematic album, one that we dreamt of since the first days of Aeternam. An album where each song is about a ruler of the ancient world, characters deeply encompassed into history, legends and myths. We've challenged ourselves to reach the limits of diversity inside a single release: if each song is a journey somewhere into the world, the album as a whole is a journey into the past. We can't wait for you to hear it.
While there are tons of bands out there trying to get funded to release an album, in Aeternam we try to stand out with the quality of our albums; we want people to feel they are hearing something worthy of the greatest bands. This is all killer, no filler, no compromise. To do this, we are hiring the best guys in town, and as you all know, talent is not free.
The reality of being a small (and unsigned) band is no one will back or advance funds for the production of the album. We need to pay everything from our pockets, and hope we will sell enough records to pay us back the investment (which we never actually achieved with the first two albums). You need to know that Aeternam's goal was never to make money, but paying everything from our pockets to get the music out is something we feel is a bit tragic.
Nevertheless, we know there are people out there that loved our first two records and told us they would be willing to participate in this kind of activity. If you are one of these people, we need you now!
What we need : 3000$
This is far less than what the whole production will cost, but we have personal savings that covers a good part of the recording process. However, if we can reach that amount (and hopefully more!) we will even have enough money to shoot a videoclip! Who wouldn't want to see that?
Here is how you can help:
- Participate in the funding yourself! On your right are the goodies we offer, and we made damn sure they're awesome! There is certainly one for you.
- Tell your friends about it! There are no better things than actual people talking about stuff they like to each other.
- Share the page. There is no such thing as too much visibility.