Alchemy Radio is a bi-weekly, radio show and podcast seeking authenticity through the examination of the world that we don’t see in the mainstream media.
Hosted by John Gibbons, Alchemy Radio is an in-depth interview-based show that tackles issues as diverse as food, health, consciousness, geoengineering, the economy and banking system, the control system, Hollywood and the music business, ancient and occult science and history, astrology, socio-politics and the heretofore invisible ties that bind these seemingly unconnected topics together.
Taking into account the fact that many listeners to the show have been exclusively fed a diet of mainstream current affairs and news, accessibility is key to Alchemy Radio with Gibbons taking the role of newcomer and often 'devil's advocate' to the information and knowledge presented by his guests. Each show lasts between one and two hours and generally features a single interview to allow for deep discusion. Shows are also concluded by a relevant piece of music.
Alchemy Radio is currently free and available on demand from and iTunes and has a current subcriber base of over 100,000 weekly listeners. However, as the show rapidly increases in popularity so do costs and it is becoming increasingly expensive to prepare, produce and host. In order to keep the show in its current free and advertising-free format your help is needed!
It will cost a minimum of €5,000 to allow Alchemy Radio to continue as it currently exists until the beginning of 2014 and we've provided an number of incentives to those who are in a position to help, which you can find on the right hand side of this page.
Guests to date in no particular order are: David Icke, Michael Tsarion, Ian R. Crane, Rick Simpson, Anthony Peake, Immortal Technique, Jan Irvin, James Russell, Lloyd Pye, Stuart Wilde, James Robert Wright, Michael J. Murphy, Soren Drien, Dr. Rick Strassman, Santos Bonacci, Gerard Celente, Barry Fitzgerald, James Swagger, Marty Leeds, Ben Gilroy, Dr. Robert Verkerk, Aisling Fitzgibbon and Thomas Sheridan.
Thank you in advance for your generosity and we look forward to continuing in our quest to examine, discuss and expose that which is generally hidden from us by the mainstream media.
Should we exceeed the €5,000 target we will aim to increase the frequency of episodes according to the available funds.