Short Summary
Hi my name is Chris Bertish. -Author, Inspirational Speaker, Ocean Adventurer/ Pioneer.
I've been pushing the limits in the ocean from a really early age, across multiple different sports and now use these stories to inspire kids & people all over the world through my Books, Films, Talks I deliver to believe in themselves and whats truly possible, while doing projects which highlight conservation, education and pay for Operations for kids born with cleft palates/lips in Africa and planting trees around the world, through reforestation.
I try and use my bussiness and myself as a positive role model for change and an example to others, what we can do, if we believe in making a powerful impact in the world, each in our own unique way.
- This Crowdfunding Book campaign is to help fund a gap in my schedule, to take the time off needed to write my next Book- "ALL IN!" Writing books is a time and financially intensive undertaking which most people aren't aware of..
- My last book-Stoked!, even though it was a #1 best seller, it cost a great deal to produce and took 3 years start to finish to put together.. so i'm hoping I get some help and funding to make my next Book possible, as people ask me all the time when my next one is coming out, but I just dont have the time and money to write it.
- This Book is important to me to bring into reality, as I have seen and heard the positive effects of my last one and how it has helped and inspired people all over the world, so I feel its my duty to keep on writing if it really has that amazingly powerful impact on so many other people's lives and how much it positively helps people around the world.
- This Book will not only be an incredible read, but through producing this book I have already paid for one operation through Operation Smile and planted some trees, when launching this project on the 11th July and now, every year, for the next 5 years, this book will pay for 1x Operation through Operation Smile, to change the life of a child born in Africa with a cleft lip/palette and I will be planting a small forest annually for the next 5 years, in an effort to reforest our planet and give back through this book and everything else I do as a certified B Corp and 1% for the planet partner.
This is the inspiring story about grit, courage, passion & purpose. A story about a journey 99% of the world told me was Impossible! This is the untold and inspiring story that will move you, inspire you and leave you positively changed, charged and emotionally inspired... because when you are ALL IN! anything becomes possible...
See it. Believe it. Breathe it. Achieve it
What You Get...
Break it down for folks in more detail:
- I am trying to take two months off to go South into Mexico to go and write for two months to get the main part of the book done.. but I still have bills while i'm away and not working, speaking all over the world.. so need to fund this time to do this somehow, as I cant afford to take this time off, but this is the only way I have worked out how to still make it happen and write it and still be able to pay the bills, while away writing this incredible story...
The Perks for you help and contribution start from:
- Supporter-A simple thanks on Social Media for your $25 contribution
- Super Supporter- A personal thanks, with your name on the inside of the book $50
- Hero Supporter- A Signed Book sent to you & a Special thanks in the book $120
- The Legend Supporter- A Signed Book, Special thanks & a private Skype call with CB $250
- Platinum Supporter- Your Company Logo or your Name only, on a stand alone: "Thank you Page" $5,000 and 2x Signed Copies.
These funds go to paying the bills while I'm away writing for two months...and for the basic editing/ graphics/ design for the book itself.
The Impact
This Book is like no other as it will be a role model for all other future authors around the world of the positive effect you can have by not only writing an inspiring and highly impactful and empowering book that transforms lives, but you can also use your book and your crowdfunding campaign to directly impact on other people's lives who are less fortunate than ourselves.
So by helping fund this book to get made, I have already paid for 1x Operation for a child in Africa born with a Cleft palette/ lip to have a life changing surgery that will give her back her life and her smile forever.
As an Ambassador I will pay for an operation every year through the funds from this book, as this is what I do through all areas of my life/ bussiness, as a B Corp certified bussiness, using bussiness as a force for positive change.
I will also plant a small forest in multiple different places around the world, every year for the next 5 years, to be a positive force and ambassador for change, by empowering reforestation around the world to offset the effects of Climate change... as an ambassador for SeaTrees/ World View Climate Change Parks and Green POP.
So well done, by helping fund this book, you are positively changing the lives of others and being a positive impact on the planet and the world around you... well done!
Be the change we all want to see in the world.. its all up to us, each and every day, to make the right choices that effect positive change in ourselves, in others and the world around us.
Be a better human, because we all can be, each and every day!
Risks & Challenges
There are always risks and challenges to writing books/ doing film and doing the adventures I do.. You don't always succeed, but as long as you go ALL IN and you give it your best shot, everything you got.. you will never live a life with regret and know there's no such thing as failure in life, only a failure to try..
There are challenges to getting published too, but if I could pull it off last time after getting turned down by every publisher in SA and still creating a best seller, then there's hope for anyone out there to also give it a try.. but like in life, there are no guarantees.
Either way, wether I get published by Penguin like with my last one, or I have to go it alone, this will be published because like everything I do, I believe it will positively impact on the lives of many around the world, so it's my responsibility to bring it into reality to help inspire and impact on the world.
Other Ways You Can Help
Some people just can't contribute and I understand that, but that doesn't mean you can't help:
- Please just fwd this campaign to anyone and everyone you know who might be abler to help and share this story and help it become a reality..