This campaign is closing down on 7/29!
- Pick and choose the issues you want OR get them all in one pre-made bundle
Discover dozens of add-ons to choose from after you select your main perk
Shipping is $5 for US backers (no extra shipping charge for add-ons! If you select BUILD YOUR OWN BUNDLE for $1... the dollar will be put right back into shipping so it doesn't cost you anything extra!)
DAY 1 BACKER BONUSES (2-2pm EST 3/20-21; physical perk backers only)
- 11x17 Alterna Comics Mini-Poster
- RARE Alterna ORIGINALS Blank Sketch Card (from our first 2012 set!)
PRE-LAUNCH BACKER BONUS (physical perk backers only)
- Rare Alterna Foil KYRON MORVEL trading card
- Alterna Series Trading Card #5 (Abigail Moore of TINSELTOWN)
- Alterna Series Trading Card #6 (Agent Gibson of UNIT 44)
Our SPRING 2022 Lineup
- 5 NEW issues + 1 Alterna GIANT for $15
- Dozens of back issues are also available as add-ons
You can get all six new issues or pick and choose the ones you want. If you missed out on previous issues within a series, you can add most of them on here as well. No need to visit our store for a separate purchase.
Alterna Comics single issues are printed with glossy covers and newsprint interiors
DOWNCAST #5 (Joanne and her brother Jax are on the run from a corrupt government when the power to control gravity falls into their hands. Sci-fi Adventure; Clint Stoker, Ignacio Lazaro, Eric Weathers) (Teen)
MR. CRYPT AND FRIENDS #3 (of 3) (MR. CRYPT and his best friend BARON RAT have misadventures as they try to make new friends and make the best out of every bad situation. Humor Adventure; Troy Vevasis, Aleksandar Jovic) (All Ages)
TINSELTOWN: Losing the Light #5 (of 5) (1915. Beneath the glamorous surface of Tinseltown, beats a rotten heart full of corruption, greed, and lies. Crime Drama; David Lucarelli, Henry Ponciano, Wes Locher) (Teen)
UNIT 44 #5 (Returning with a NEW artist and a NEW ongoing format! The Blood Moon Cult has moved into town and its ranks are quickly filling up, forcing inept Area 51 Agents Gibson and Hatch to infiltrate the group to uncover their secret plans. Sci-Fi Action Humor; Wes Locher, Aleks Jovic, Andrew Pate, Ed Jimenez) (Teen)
WULF & BATSY #4 (Wandering from town to town while turning foes into food, WULF and BATSY are just a pair of blood-thirsty monsters looking for a nice place to call home. Horror Adventure; Bryan Baugh) (Mature)
Alterna GIANTS: UNIT 44 Vol.1 (Collects issues #1-4. Two bumbling Area 51 agents forget to pay the rent on their storage unit and they have to retrieve the top-secret contents when they're sold at a public auction. Sci-Fi Action Humor; Wes Locher, Ed Jimenez) (Teen)
- Ads must be in a CMYK format. TIFF or PSD file. 300 dpi minimum resolution.
- Advertisements must not contain strong language or nudity.
- We'll send an email out to you when the campaign ends, so be on the lookout for it!
The ALTERNA SERIES™ official trading card set continues!
- Build your set by backing each Alterna Comics crowdfunding campaign!
- Each card will be given for FREE to each physical perk backer.
- Get a trading card each time you back the campaign. Get multiples to trade!
- The 5th card in the series (ABIGAIL MOORE) is available on this campaign.
- The 6th card in the series (AGENT GIBSON) has now been unlocked!
The second ALTERNA FOIL card!
- A BONUS for all physical perk backers that signed up on our prelaunch page