American Guinea Pig: The Song of Solomon Synopsis:
When the Song is Finally Sung... Lucifer will be Unleashed!
100% Real Exorcism Rituals taken from The Exorcism Book from the Vatican: DE EXORCISMUS ET SUPPLICATIONIBUS QUIBUSDAM!
100% Practical EFX from two of the leading FX Companies in Independent Horror! ODDTOPSY FX with Marcus Koch and TOETAG EFX with Jerami Cruise!
Starring: Jessica Cameron, Jim VanBebber, Gene Palubicki, David McMahon
Written and Directed by Stephen Biro
Original The Song of Solomon Trailer
Synopsis for AGP: The Song of Solomon
The Painted Cover for The Song of Solomon and Poster Artwork available in both DVD flippable cover, Blu and the VHS Cover and the T-Shirt!
The Song of Solomon Limted #1 Cover for DVD that is the flip side of the dvd sleeve!
$30,000.00 PERK UNLOCKED! Due to some confusement on the Solomon DVD's We figured kill two priests with one stone! The Song of Solomon Limited #1's will now be a FLIP COVER! So everyone will get the EYE COVER and the PAINTED COVER!
To see the GORE COVERS... please head over to the American Guinea Pig Page on Facebook. They're too outrageous to show on indiegogo.
Mary witnesses the brutal suicide of her Father. His death unleashes the savage forces of demonic possession in his daughter. The End of Days is upon the world, famine, drought, looting and chaos is ripping the world apart and the Catholic Church is trying to save an innocent soul from the ravages of satanic possession. Wave after wave of holy men are sent to confront the possessed but what is the Holy Church actually doing? The City on Seven Hills is working on the Second Coming of Christ but before He comes back… the Antichrist must rule for seven years. The Song of Solomon’s true nature is to unleash an evil the world has been waiting for since the beginning of time.
NOT FINAL ARTWORK! The Limited Sacrifice DVD Cover
Directed by Poison Rouge Written by Samuel Marolla Produced by Domiziano Cristopharo & Matteo Cassiano Starring Roberto Scorza and Flora Giannattasio FX by Athanasius Pernath In conjuncture with Unearthed Films
Limited Edition Blu Cover for SACRIFICE
Haunted by the death of his father and other psychological traumas, Daniel (Roberto Scorza) returns to the home where he was raised. Faced with intense emotional scars, as well as physical -- which are realized by the years of self-harm depicted by the cuttings adorning his body -- he enters the bathroom to begin a journey of self-exploration, self-mutilation and quite possibly, self-enlightenment. Prepared only with three white candles and some crude instruments, Daniel attempts to beckon the embrace of the Goddess Ishtar (Flora Giannattasio) to assist him on his self-illumination.
BIGGER PROPS COMING AND JUMP ON THE SHARE CONTEST! Log into Indiegogo and share on Facebook to win exclusive covers and perks! TOP 15 WIN EXCLUSIVE COVERS AND PERKS!
Short Summary
I'm Stephen Biro, President of Unearthed Films and producer of The American Guinea Pig Series. I also directed "AGP: Bouquet of Guts and Gore" and wrote and produced "AGP: Bloodshock" along with Marcus Koch. I also produced Philosophy of a Knife and wrote the memoir, "Hellucination" and "Dialogue with the Devil" alongside, "Satan Reborn".
The Song of Solomon was supposed to be the last in the American Guinea Pig Series. Due to other film makers schedules and timetables, we had to find a replacement to fill in. Luckily, I have been working on The Song of Solomon for a couple of years so we jumped into this unholy massacre.
American Guinea Pig: SACRIFICE is the secret film we have been working on, in conjuction with Domiziano Cristopharo for the 4th AGP Film.
If you have any questions about payments, props, shipping or just want to say Hi. Email
The Song of Solomon is near and dear to me. It explores the nature of good vs evil and showcases what the average person doesn't know or realize what happens when a priest puts his soul on the line to try to save one from demonic possession. No one has touched on this before. studying the De Exorcismus Et Supplicationibus Quirbusdam.
The actual book I bought from the Vatican Library, limited to 200, signed by Pope Francesco, himself. (They thought I was a priest.) I studied and translated the book so our film would be 100% pure exorcism rituals approved by the Vatican.
You may laugh, but these rituals are hard-core. Nothing to be trifled with.
The Song of Solomon was shot in 4k. It's in the can. We are just using Indiegogo for pre-sales and to get the word out. So there is no worry on it being finished or getting ripped off. We have run two campaigns before this with finished product. We know and understand others have copied us and that is to be expected.
Our way of doing indiegogo is our gift to the horror community. Learn and see what works and what doesn't. In this time and age of charlatans and snake oil salesmen, even from the days of old or retirement... this way, is the only way you can actually trust anyone. Shame, isn't it?
These are amazing... about a foot and a half big. Used in the main scene that will will go down in horror history. No joke. Your going to be pissed if you don't get this.
Our film is 100% all practical FX. 100% all real Exorcist rituals. Shot in 4k by Chris Hilleke (ABC;s of Death) with Jessica Cameron playing Mary, the Possessed. She is a sight to be seen. She gave many of the crew nightmares during the shoot, not an easy task surrounded by gore-hounds. Jim VanBebber plays Father Blake in a role of a lifetime that made the crew step back in awe. Gene Palubicki is Father Corbin but in real life, is the lead guitarist for Angel Corpse and he played The Orderly in Bloodshock. He brought a viciousness unseen, we have all been waiting to see in a priest and David McMahon... plays a priest that doesn't understand what is actually in the cards, much less his future for humanity. The rest of the cast and crew were amazing. Maureen Pelamati, Josh Townsend, Scott Gabby, Betanya Grant, Andy Winton were on fire and we had to keep a fire extinguisher on hand.
Marcus Koch and Jerami Cruise not only delivered the gory goods, but they delivered them in spades. Marcus directed 100 Tears, Bloodshock, Fell and has worked on over 80 different films as an FX wizard... Jerami Cruise is famous for doing the FX in August Underground's Mordem, Penance, Murder Set Pieces and many other EFX work for major studio's now. Together, they are a powerhouse of guts and gore, everyone should be excited about!
The FILM IS IN THE CAN! No uncertainty... we have done this several times with finished films and we use Indiegogo to promote and sell our films to offer them screen used props, scripts, posters and limited editon S&N dvd's and such... it helps get the word out and hopefully, gets us our budget back and enough to make the next film in the American Guinea Pig Series.
This film... is a higher budget. I'll be honest. Maxed out my credit cards for this along with the profits from the 1st two films in AGP.. Not crying, the proof is in the pudding. But if we can make back the budget and move ahead... AGP will move on. I mean, there is NOT another gore series out there. No one if offering the goods like we do. The next two weeks is going to become insane. Trust me on this... More props, and more secrets will be unleashed in a week and everyone is going to step back. People have been replicating us for awhile. I love it, don't mind it. It's actually my gift to the Horror Community. See what works and follow by example. Very hard industry to be in actually. I try to do things... differently each time and this... oh yeah, I am bringing out all of the stops. I am trying to bring the excitement back to the horror genre at a grass roots level.
What We Need & What You Get
We need shares, comments, likes, push and promotion. For this film we need the horror fans to cry out and let the mainstream studios see what the fans really want. Not watered down horror, we have been seeing it for ages.
We actually need 80 grand... sort of crazy in this day and age of simplified spastic look over there and look over here mentality. Going up against all the bands, all the video games, all the books and all the movies. It can actually be insane to stick out. BUT, we have something very special. 100% real Exorcist Rituals, 100% all Practical Effects, 100% intensity and a Theological Perspective that has been missing from every exorcism film since The Exorcist.
Our perks are unique... there is more to come... we have perk levels we are adding as we move forward and some of them, to die for.
We cannot do this without you. You are how we live and grow and shine in the horror community. You have given us the ability to move ahead and give you exactly what you want.
Fourth film in the series... 1st of it's kind offered on Indiegogo...
ANOTHER SECRET! WE HIT THIS! Fans will be happy.
With two indiegogo campaigns under our belt with finished films in the bag... were becoming a staple in the horror industry. As Unearthed Films grows and the American Guinea Pig stable gets bigger... this is how people judge what fans want. So lets show them what we really want. Out of control horror films that are deep and gore-tastic. Lets show them that the 1st Evil Dead wasn't a fluke and that The Exorcist wasn't just something made in the 70's.
Lets show them we desperately need these kinds of movies again. Cause chasing that mainstream cheese doesn't give anyone what they really want, it just makes them hungry for true sustenance. For pure horror that scrapes the bone and makes us numb with excitement.
Risks & Challenges
NONE! Film is in the can!!! TWO FILMS ARE IN THE CAN! A little color correction, folly and sound design. Film is locked... so no worries. No snake oil salesmen here. ;-)
Other Ways You Can Help
Make some noise! Share the Hell out of it and push and promote like your a desperate priest trying to save souls!!!
Looking for more information?Check the project
The cover is on the page. Will be filled with extras and comes with a sticker and a poster signed by producer Stephen Biro
49 out of 300 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Buy Us Dinner
$10 USD
This is a goofy perk, figured we didn't have anything cheap like a stupid twitter shout out or anything. This is a fun perk, You buy me and Marcus dinner,, we cook it at home and we eat it. Nothing more, nothing less. Add 5 bucks if you want to buy me a pack of smokes. LOL It's a cheap dinner too... we dig Hamburger Helper. LOL
11 out of 25 of claimed
Bloody Screenplay Page on Set
$15 USD
Taken from Stephen Biro's personal screenplay, used on the set of Solomon. This is an add on, free shipping. comes with whatever you order. Each page will be bloody thumb-printed by Biro. Pages are covered in blood but dried. Just like the Bouquet of Guts and Gore pages. Will be signed and numbered and we only have 35 pages of it. Some were trashed. Being on the set of the most violent Exorcism film will do that.
9 out of 35 of claimed
Poster tube International ship
$15 USD
This free poster is UNLOCKED for all of those who bought both Solomon and Sacrifice dvd's or blu rays! Also comes with perks over 50 smackers! Comes free with your order (FOLDED) like old school posters. This is if you want it rolled and shipped to you in a tube! This is just for the INTERNATIONAL orders.
3 out of 25 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
The Song of Solomon Limited #1
$25 USD
This Limited Edition DVD will be Signed by Cast and Crew.
74 out of 500 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
The Gore Cover S&N DVD
$30 USD
We can't show you this cover... AT ALL! Could ruin the movie for you... Maybe we will show it later after the next trailer drops. Will come S&N by cast and crew. Will have plenty of extra features...
79 out of 300 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Blu limited edition S&N
$30 USD
The limited edition blu... S&N by cast and crew...
136 out of 300 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Song of Solomon T-Shirt
$30 USD
A rare and only indiegogo perk just for industry insiders. T-shirt is not finalized yet... but it will be worth it. Will ship our before the dvd's!
20 out of 75 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
$30 USD
SACRIFICE T-Shirts available, first come first serve basis. Will make the lowest run possible to make sure these are a shirt to cherish.
7 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
$30 USD
The Gore Cover for American Guinea Pig SACRIFICE! Comes with stickers and the GORE POSTER!
38 out of 300 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
AGP BOX for the IGG DVD's!
$30 USD
An empty BOX Signed and Numbered for the FOUR DVD's to make the ULTIMATE AMERICAN GUINEA PIG BOX SET! This high quality box will be signed by cast and crew and numbered to 1000! Comes with exclusive poster, stickers. This is for those who bought the past indiegogo versions of Bouquet and Bloodshock and buying the Solomon and Sacrifice dvd... pick this up... INSTANT BOX SET!!!
Fill it with pure GORE COVERS! Fill it with any copies you have! This is AWESOME
28 out of 500 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
$30 USD
The BD-R of Sacrifice! Comes with poster and sticker...
24 out of 200 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Song of Solomon Screenplay
$40 USD
The 48 page screenplay used to shoot The Song of Solomon! Signed by cast and crew that is available. Comes with stickers and such. See what the film was exactly supposed to be like. Very close to the movie. Very happy with what the final film is compared to the screenplay. Will only be offered for the indiegogo. So get it now... or kick yourself in the butt later.
Will be sent media mail as fast as possible.Don't read it yet... spoilers from Hell and such.
6 out of 40 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Wooden Cross Perk w/o dvd
$45 USD
This is an add on. These wooden crosses were used on the set of The Song of Solomon. Signed by cast and crew, comes with a certificate of Authenticity! Doesn't come with anything else. This is a must have though. When you see them, you will be like... oh yeah. This is really cool.
5 claimed
Father Blake's Sins Perk
$50 USD
Father Blake's Sins are available as a cool prop, used in The Song of Solomon. Used by Jim Vanbebber in his transformation into something Unholy... comes in the same collectible case as the Ounce of Flesh from Bouquet of Guts and Gore. Comes with a 11x17 poster, signed by cast and crew with a signed certificate autographed by Stephen Biro, Director to show it's authenticity. Also... a free sticker! OHh, almost forgot, comes with the limited edition DVD, signed by cast and crew!
13 out of 39 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
The Coffin Rosaries Perk
$50 USD
Used by James VanBebber as Father Blake. The Coffin Rosary was used to bury the 3 worst Popes in history. Now used to sanctify him in his unholy battle against Evil Incarnate. They went thru Hell and back and due to such unforgiving circumstances... each coffin rosary bead will be encased in plastic collectible holder which comes with a certificate, poster signed by cast and crew and the S&N dvd! If you buy this and one of the other perks, you will get a different variant of the cover.
18 out of 45 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
$50 USD
UNIQUE COVER ART! Old School VHS Big Box Art! Made by Lo-Fi Video using an actual DIE CUT for perfect semblance of old school tastes. Comes with a signed and numbered poster and stickers. IF we sell out... will come with something special.
10 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
$50 USD
Comes with S&N poster, Stickers and our ever loving heart felt thanks!
5 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Film Festival PERK!!!
$50 USD
This little but mighty perk gives you an EXCLUSIVE DVD cover just for this perk of The Song of Solomon and helps us submit to Film Festval's Worldwide and maybe even give us some spare change to do some travelling to conventions and maybe even promotion!
Never offered anything like this before but this is grass roots fan base and with two American Guinea Pig Films in the can, we need all the help we can. Comes with an exclusive poster, S&N, Exclusive DVD S&N FREE SHIPPING! WORLD WIDE!
4 out of 75 of claimed
The Hellucination Trilogy!
$50 USD
Since your into theological horror, why not get all the books of Stephen Biro's Hellucination Trilogy? Comes with all of the limited covers, Signed and Numbered by Stephen Biro. They include Hellucination, Dialogue With The Devil and Satan Reborn. Hellucination is Stephen's Memoir about taking massive amounts of LSD trying to find God and finding Satan instead. Dialogue is about his personal conversations with the Devil and Satan Reborn is his fantasy novel as he becomes Satan. Free shipping.
8 claimed
2 Canvas Prints 8X8
$60 USD
These are actual canvas prints stretched on an internal wooden frame. Really cool... not many made. We have 3 different Mary designs (The Possessed) and 3 different priest designs. (Father Blake, Father Lawson and Father Corbin) Each set gets you TWO, signed and numbered by Stephen Biro. Maybe by Mary, (Jessica Cameron as well.) Only 12 of these sets available. Each set gets one possessed canvas with one priest canvas. (These are just for the canvas prints. Will throw in S&N poster as well.
6 out of 12 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
AGP Solomon/Sacrifice Combo
$60 USD
Get both Gore Covers for The Song of Solomon and Sacrifice!!! Comes with both posters of each film and stickers!!! Fill that box set!!! Look for the empty box set perk if you have the 1st two indiegogo limited versions of Bouquet and Bloodshock! Both of these dvd's are signed and numbered.
26 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Blus of Sacrifice and Solomon
$60 USD
Both BD-R's of Sacrifice and Solomon! Both are limited and signed by cast and crew. Both have plenty of extras...
40 out of 100 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Solomon and Sacrifice Blu Ship
$72 USD
Both dvd's of solomon and sacrifice for worldwide customers with shipping included! Comes with both posters and stickers of both films.
2 out of 25 of claimed
Wooden Crosses DVD Perk!
$75 USD
Signed by Cast and Crew and used in the film. You get one cross, poster S&N and the Limited Edition DVD S&N by cast and crew... and a sticker!
23 out of 29 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Intestines or Sins of Blake
$75 USD
Gets you chunks of sins from Father Blake or bigger chunks of intestinal tracks of someone... won't tell. Comes with S&N dvd, S&N poster, sticker and encased in a nice collectible case.
3 out of 17 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
AGPBOX & Solomon Sacrifice dvd
$75 USD
You get the AGP Limited Box with both The Song of Solomon and The Sacrifice dvd's! For those of you that have the limited edition of Bouquet and Bloodshock! This perk is for you!!!
12 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
AGPBOX Gore Solomon/Sacrifice
$99 USD
Free shipping! We got it right this time. This is the two GORE COVER DVD'S with the American Guinea Pig BOX. We had a couple people ask for this so here it is!
11 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Whole lot of Guts #2
$100 USD
Want some guts? Need some guts... well, we got em! Was holding off on these, to keep as personal souvenirs but making moves is expensive, So I am adding all of my personal guts I was going to keep. Comes in an over-sized display case along with S&N poster, cert of authenticity, Dvd #1 signed by cast and crew with a sticker and the screenplay, signed by Stephen Biro.
3 out of 10 of claimed
Both T-Shirts/Screenplay
$100 USD
Comes with both T-shits of Solomon and Sacrifice and the signed screenplay. Was asked for this and it's now up! Free Shipping along with the dvd or blu order!!!
3 out of 10 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
$130 USD
The American Guinea Pig Box Set!!! ALL 4 LIMITED EDITION DVD's in the box!!! All are limited and signed and numbered as well as the box itself! Limited to a total of 1000 UNITS!!! If you have the limiteds, you can buy the empty box to turn it into this... Look at the perks to find it if you bought the dvd's separately. This is for the collector who missed out on the limited edition dvd's This will be signed by Stephen Biro and some of the cast and crew. Comes with a unique poster/stickers
4 out of 500 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
$140 USD
Get a box set filled with the GORE COVER VERSIONS! All 4 dvd's. All are limited and signed and numbered as well as the box itself! Limited to a total of 1000 UNITS!!! If you have the limiteds, you can buy the empty box to turn it into this... Look at the perks to find it if you bought the dvd's separately. This is for the collector who missed out on the limited edition dvd's This will be signed by Stephen Biro and some of the cast and crew. Comes with a unique poster/stickers.
6 out of 100 of claimed
Holy Cross Knife of Antioch
$150 USD
The Holy Cross Knife of Antioch! This will be made by Marcus Koch of Jerami Cruise. Signed by either or and director Stephen Biro. These are actually gorgeous. These will be limited to 75 total... taken straight from the original mold. Wait till you see it in action in the film. Trust me, one of the cooler things we are offering. ;-) Comes with DVD cover #1, S&N by cast and crew, Signed poster and sticker.
12 out of 75 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Large Intestine Perk
$150 USD
The ultimate in outrageousness! This outrageous gore prop is taken from the original mold from Jerami Cruise. Comes with the Gore Cover dvd of Solomon, special thanks on Solomon and a signed and numbered certificate. Comes with signed poster and stickers! 50 in existence!
3 out of 50 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
All 3 limited perks from AGP
$160 USD
Check this out! We have some Ounces of Flesh left over from Bouquet of Guts and Gore, We have some test tubes of blood left over from Bloodshock... the Song of Solomon Perk of Fathers Blakes Sins... You can get all three limited editions with props from all three films! Shipping is free... comes with the limited gore covers, plus The Ounce of Flesh from Bouquet, Test Tube of Blood from Bloodshock and the Sins of Father Blake, posters from all 3 films. Comes with certificates in display cases.
2 out of 10 of claimed
Lausen's bulk perk!
$180 USD
All 6 versions of the gore covers, limited covers and blus... might even come with a special dvd cover from the film fest perk to make 7 unique covers!!! Comes with poster, stickers and who knows, what else we can add! Shipping included!
1 out of 3 of claimed
Slashed Throat Neck
$300 USD
A Slashed Throat Neck Appliance used in the movie. Can't tell you where it is, who it is or anything else. Lets just say... if you own this... you will be a happy camper. Comes with both gore cover dvd's, both blus, both posters, screenplay and stickers!
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
$300 USD
Can't tell you who this was used by, where it was used or anything else. Lets just say... used in a pivotal part of the movie that will go down in Horror History. Comes in a very pretty collectors case with cert of authenticity, S&N DVD, Blu, Screenplay, Poster T-Shirt and T-Shirt of Sacrifice and poster for Sacrifice.
Onions not included
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Arm of the Possessed #2
$300 USD
Mary's Possessed Arm is what is offered here... comes with blood tubes and FX clamps and such to make it work. Another pivotal part of the film. IF you get this... you also get a copy of AGP: SACRIFICE! Gore Cover! Along with these beauties... S&N DVD, Blu, Screenplay, Poster T-Shirt and T-Shirt of Sacrifice and poster for Sacrifice. Life Size! So make sure you have room in your collection for it!
0 out of 1 of claimed
Father Corbin's Arms
$350 USD
Father Corbin's (Gene Palubicki) arms used for another pivotal scene during another scene, we cannot say without ruining the movie for you. How often can you get the arm casts of a famous guitar player that shreds for Angel Corpse, Blasphemic Cruelty and other notorious bands? S&N DVD, Blu, Screenplay, Poster T-Shirt and T-Shirt of Sacrifice and poster for Sacrifice.
You can see them in use in the trailer. Don't wait!
0 out of 2 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Mary's Nightgowns Perk
$350 USD
We have 5 Nightgowns worn by Mary, The Possessed aka Jessica Cameron. All are coated in blood, some are splashes, some are pure red due to the amount of gore that was used on set. Some are pink some are blue... all have blood on em. This perk comes with every version of the dvds and both blus of Solomon and Sacrifice, all signed and numbered. Comes with a certificate of authenticity, posters and stickers.
1 out of 5 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
$400 USD
Oh, this is down right cool. Father Blake's (James VanBebber's) face appliance. Check out the trailer and you can get a TASTE of what he is doing... Some amazing gore right here... Comes in a wonderful collectors case with S&N DVD, Blu, Screenplay, Poster T-Shirt and T-Shirt of Sacrifice and poster for Sacrifice.
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
$500 USD
You get, all the covers for The Song of Solomon, All of the covers for Sacrifice, both VHS of The Song of Solomon and Sacrifice, both T-Shirts of The Song of Solomon and Sacrifice, A wooden cross, both blu rays of Sacrifice and Solomon, The Screenplay, One of Father Blakes Sins, A Coffin Rosary, Film Festival Perk, A Holy Cross Knife... Special thanks on the film... and a phone call to Stephen Biro for as long as we talk till it gets weird or lunch if your in LA. Just a thank you from Stephen.
1 out of 4 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Father Blake's Eyes
$700 USD
Father Blake's eyes or should we say, James VanBebber's eyes. We can't tell you what happens but lets just say he can see you forever! Comes with the GORE cover, the flip cover for Solomon, Blu plus autographed poster, stickers and screenplay for The Song of Solomon and a bloody page from Stephen's own screenplay used on set. Throw in all the different versions of Sacrifice, posters, also your name in the credits! BOTH EYES FOR THIS PERK! Comes with the LARGE INTESTINE PERK and two t-shirts!!!
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
Associate Producer Credit
$2,000 USD
Get an inside track into where AGP is going, who is involved and given the opportunity to stay with the Series and be a part of the series as a producer. You get all of the multiple perks we have available when this is finished. Invited to Los Angeles premiere, free hotel but not air fare. A three hour session with Marcus Koch teaching you Special Effects and a 5 hour business meeting with Stephen Biro teaching you the ins and outs of the industry. IMDB credit and all perks. No profit sharing!
3 out of 4 of claimed
$2,000 USD
We can't show this... NO WAY NO HOW!!! Lets just say... this is the end all to end all and is the movie! I can't tell you what it is, I can show you what it is... but if you buy this perk... you're in for a shock and a half! Why am I letting this go? Our budget was very high and this prop is another way to recoup our budget. It was made by Jerami Cruise of Toetag EFX. Will come with certificate signed by Stephen Biro and Jerami Cruise. Comes with all dvd variants, blus, vhs, posters and credit.
0 out of 1 of claimed
Ships worldwide.
$2,500 USD
This ultra rare, one of a kind Bible with brass cover is the main prop in The Song of Solomon. IF anyone is crazy enough to buy this... your going to make Stephen Biro weep. Filled with notes of actual Exorcism Rituals placed inside. NOTICE! The producers and makers of The Song of Solomon may request it back, to be used in the sequels of The Song of Solomon. You will get it back... signed contracts, legally binding paperwork on both sides so the sale of it doesn't hurt sequels.