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Angels of Mons

To take a group of socially excluded young people to Mons to develop a performance about The Angels of Mons Myth on the 100th Anniversary of WW1..

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Angels of Mons

Angels of Mons

Angels of Mons

Angels of Mons

Angels of Mons

To take a group of socially excluded young people to Mons to develop a performance about The Angels of Mons Myth on the 100th Anniversary of WW1..

To take a group of socially excluded young people to Mons to develop a performance about The Angels of Mons Myth on the 100th Anniversary of WW1..

To take a group of socially excluded young people to Mons to develop a performance about The Angels of Mons Myth on the 100th Anniversary of WW1..

To take a group of socially excluded young people to Mons to develop a performance about The Angels of Mons Myth on the 100th Anniversary of WW1..

Yellow House Liverpool
Yellow House Liverpool
Yellow House Liverpool
Yellow House Liverpool
1 Campaign |
Liverpool, United Kingdom
$380 USD $380 USD 7 backers
8% of $4,506 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal

Angels of Mons

Indiegogo  - - Text

Yellow House is a Registered Charity ( Registered Charity No. 1025950) working with young people from socially disadvantaged backgrounds. We offer them an alternative to social exclusion using theatre, film, art and cultural activities every day as a way of challenging the issues they face. 

For example you can see our recent performance called "Extremes" by going to our website at  

Jane Harris from The Morgan Foundation said “ The Foundation endorsed the fact that the project is making a difference to a large number of young people living in very difficult circumstances and made particular comment on the professionalism and commitment of the staff.”"

The Trustees immediately saw how the work at Yellow House changes lives through installing confidence and a sense of self belief. "

Eryl Foulkes The Tudor Trust

"In four years working on the Human Library I have never met a more welcoming, committed and principled group of people. If it wasn't for Yellow House there would have been no Human Library in Liverpool, but now the movement has every chance of becoming as active in the city as in other parts of the UK.

Above all however, I was impressed at what Yellow House has given the young people, and what those young people have given Yellow House. It seems to be a reciprocal story of trust, respect and equality - just like in those warm ups - and just what many of the young people failed to find before the Yellow House. In a few stolen minutes talking with George about the Yellow House I realised that his vision is unique, the young people he works with are exceptional, and we cannot underestimate the contribution the Yellow House makes to Liverpool, the UK and even the world (yes, the world!). "

 Nick Little  - The Human Library 

Remember everything we offer to the young people is FREE

Yellow House are developing a Project about The Angels of Mons commemorating the 100th Anniversary of this mystical event at the very beginning of WW1. We are aiming to take the young people to Mons to explore the site of the Angels and through photographs, film, poetry, stories and research create a multi-media performance piece to be shown in at a prestigious space in Liverpool.

There are many large scale organisations developing Events around the Anniversary of WW1 but this is something developed and made by the young people and looks at something totally different to the normal concept of  WW1 Events.

These are young people that would not normally be involved in such high-profile Events and this will in most cases their first opportunity to travel to Europe from the UK.

This is not a holiday but a serious attempt to explore the meaning of War through a normally untold episode.

We are finding it very difficult to find Funding for the actual trip. Money for the mini-bus hire, petrol, accommodation but everything else can be supported.

We need your HELP – - we ask for your financial support, any little helps and all adds to the total and you can also help by advertising Yellow House and The Angels of Mons through your websites and Social Media.

"hiya george just thought id say hi.was watching something the other day about teenagers with life issues and it got me thinking about my time in yellow house and all the silly mistakes i made when i was younger and how i messed up my time at yellow house guess now ive got children of my own especialy my little girl how i would hate if she ever acted how i did. well i just wanted to say thank you for all the support and time you gave me and i think if i hadnt have spent any time at yellow house i would proably not have made a decent life for myself i know i might not have seemed like i appreciated my experience at yellow house but i did and just wanted to let u know thanks hope all is well with you x"

Emma Pearson  

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Photograph From Mons

Currency Conversion $13 USD
£10 GBP
Any donations of £10 to £25 will receive a lovely photograph of Yellow House in Mons working on The Angel's story.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
1 claimed

Personal name credit.

Currency Conversion $32 USD
£25 GBP
Donation of £25 - £100 will see their name in The Film Credits and will also be acknowledged on Yellow House Social Media.
Estimated Shipping
September 2014
2 claimed

Personal Invitation

Currency Conversion $129 USD
£100 GBP
Any donations of £100 or more and you will receive personal Invitation to a performance in Liverpool. If you cannot make it Yellow House will send you a DVD contain photographs of the Project and film of the performance.
Estimated Shipping
November 2014
0 claimed

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