FIRST AND FOREMOST, let it be known that no animals will be harmed in the making of this film or in any campaign associated with the film’s fundraising. We may hold a dark sense of humor, but we are not mentally ill. That said, let’s talk more about Animal Doctor.
THE FILM IS ABOUT an ornery, retired veterinarian named Doc, who one day is asked by his nursing home attendant, Calvin, to diagnose a dying dog that was hit by a car and left roadside to die. Upon arriving on the scene, Doc decides the dog is incapable of being saved, and that the suffering animal would be best served if put down. When Calvin discovers that his rifle is not loaded, he must rush back home for ammunition, and leaves Doc alone with the dog. It is then that the old man begins to relate to the dog’s predicament, as well as reflect on his own unfulfilled life. When Doc examines the dog closer, he realizes the injured animal could actually be saved. Moments later, Calvin returns with the loaded gun in hand. Though the whining dog is still in place, Doc has disappeared. With a dog suffering right before him, and Doc nowhere to be seen, what Calvin decides to do next will forever affect the two men, and of course, the dog.
THE FILM IS WRITTEN BY W. JARVIS ROOKER AND PRODUCED BY ANTHONY WILLIAMS. Animal Doctor will be the fourth short film wherein Rooker has acted as writer/director. His previous work can be viewed by clicking on the link to his Vimeo account. Rooker has been lucky in the way that all his previous short films were funded by grants and/or stipends awarded to the film based on the strength of each script. But as we all know, in times of economic downturn, financial support for the arts are always the first budgetary items to be cut.
THIS IS WHY THE PRODUCTION TEAM MUST NOW TURN TO YOU, the generous and giving masses, to fulfill our dream of making this film into a reality. Rest assured, you’ll be investing in not only a well written script helmed by a talented filmmaker, but also into an experienced production team that knows exactly what they need in order to create a quality project.
NOW LET'S TALK ABOUT THESE PERKS. The first thing you’ll notice is there is no DVD being offered. What?! Why?! Well, quite simply, because DVDs are on their way out. We’ll be shooting on High Definition, which is a picture quality that DVDs cannot store or play. And unfortunately, Blu Ray disc duplication will almost cost more than the making of the film. So how will you be able to see this masterpiece that you’ve invested so much into? Off the internet, of course! Clearly, since you’re reading this, you’re a computer person. Thus, you must know how to download movies and watch them any time you like on your home computer, laptop or tablet. And just in case you aren’t the tech savvy type, we’ll also be offering a streaming version of the film, of which all you’ll have to do is click on a link to view.
OF COURSE, ONLY THOSE OF YOU WHO INVEST IN THE $50 LEVEL AND UP will receive a copy of the film. The rest of you will have to wait until Animal Doctor plays in a theater near you, as we plan to submit the film to a number of festivals. But only if we can meet out goal, because the more money we raise, the better the film will turn out, and therefore, the more likely it will play in a festival near you.
AND YEAH, WE KNOW, A DIGITAL COPY OF THE FILM IS COOL if you merely just want to view it. But what if you want that physical thing in your hands to show off to people at parties and be like “yeah, i’m the movie biz, it’s no biggie”? Well, that’s why we offer not only a poster signed by the cast and crew at the $35 level, but if you take a gander at the $100 level, you can get an actual prop from the film, also signed by the cast and crew. So not only can you take pride in helping to create something wonderful, but you can actually hold on to a piece of it in your very own hands. And you can do so while playing the film at a party, exclaiming “See? I’m not lying, this thing I’m holding, it’s there on screen!”.
SO YOU'RE ALL ABOUT THE MOVIE, AND YOU'RE REALLY INTO US THE CREW, BUT WHAT ELSE CAN YOU DO TO HELP BEYOND YOUR DONATION? That’s easy, you can help us get this campaign out to the world. Simply copy the URL link above and paste it onto your Facebook profiles, Twitter accounts, or even send it to those you know through email. The more the word gets out, the more likely we’ll reach our goal, and the better the movie will turn out. Plus, it will help save Siler survive the film’s third act. Maybe.
AND TO ALL MY FELLOW STARVING ARTISTS OUT THERE, those who cannot cough up even the ten bucks (really?!). Well, you may be poor, but that doesn’t mean you’re unpopular. So you can still feel warranted in helping some other starving artists by working extra hard on getting our campaign out there. Tell everyone. And then tell them to tell everyone.
LASTLY, ANTHONY AND JARVIS WISH TO THANK EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU who are helping us through your donations, time, and/or campaigning. We understand money is quite short these days, so we really do appreciate your charity. We will humbly accept any amount you’re capable of giving, and will use it to produce a classy, touching, heart warming film that you’ll forever take pride in helping to create.