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Another World - Un altro mondo: documentary

A compelling documentary about mankind’s journey of self-discovery through science and consciousness, individual and planetary.

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Another World - Un altro mondo: documentary

Another World - Un altro mondo: documentary

Another World - Un altro mondo: documentary

Another World - Un altro mondo: documentary

Another World - Un altro mondo: documentary

A compelling documentary about mankind’s journey of self-discovery through science and consciousness, individual and planetary.

A compelling documentary about mankind’s journey of self-discovery through science and consciousness, individual and planetary.

A compelling documentary about mankind’s journey of self-discovery through science and consciousness, individual and planetary.

A compelling documentary about mankind’s journey of self-discovery through science and consciousness, individual and planetary.

Thomas Torelli
Thomas Torelli
Thomas Torelli
Thomas Torelli
3 Campaigns |
Rome, Italy
$13,435 USD $13,435 USD 291 backers
49% of $27,193 Flexible Goal Flexible Goal
Mountain Filled 3 Projects Mountain Filled 3 Projects


Our Indiegogo campaign is now over! GRAZIE to everyone who contributed and helped us get this far. 

Even if we didn't meet our goal, we arrived at €12,845 - an amazing result and we're very grateful for this!

The campaign is now over and we are busy planning the next phase: getting DVDs and all the perks produced and ready so that we can begin deliveries this summer. We’ll keep supporters up to date with the process, and will be checking in with t-shirt recipients for sizes soon.

Although our Indiegogo campaign finished, you can still donate, contact us for pre-orders and also if you would like to organize a screening.

Don’t forget to keep in touch by liking us on Facebook:

Be sure to check out our website often, we will be posting the names of all our campaign supporters very soon!:

Thank you again from the bottom of our ♥ , Another World is possible also thanks to YOU!

- the Another World - Un altro mondo team


La nostra campagna Indiegogo è finita! GRAZIE a tutti coloro che hanno contribuito e ci hanno aiutato ad arrivare così lontano.

Purtroppo non abbiamo raggiunto la meta, siamo arrivati a €12.845 - un risultato incredibile comunque sia e siamo molto grati di questo!

La campagna è finita e ora siamo impegnati a pianificare la prossima fase: produrre i DVD e tutti gli altri fantastici premi, così che possiamo cominciare le consegne quest'estate. Terremo i sostenitori aggiornati, e presto contatteremo i destinatari delle t-shirt per le misure.

Anche se la nostra campagna Indiegogo è finita, potete ancora supportarci! Contattaci per pre-ordini e anche per organizzare una proiezione.

Non dimenticate di seguirci su Facebook per rimanere aggiornati: Assicuratevi di controllare il nostro sito web spesso, pubblicheremo i nomi di tutti i sostenitori nella sezione ringraziamenti molto presto!

Ancora, grazie di ♥, Un altro mondo è possibile anche grazie a VOI!

- il team Un Altro Mondo


Nuestra campaña Indiegogo ha terminado! GRACIAS a todos los que contribuyeron y nos ayudaron a llegar hasta aquí, nuestros más sinceros agradecimientos por su apoyo.

Desafortunadamente no hemos alcanzado la meta, sin embargo, alcanzamos € 12.845 - un logro increíble y estamos muy agradecidos por esto!

La campaña ha terminado y ahora estamos trabajando duro planeando la siguiente fase: producir los DVDs y todas las recompensas para que podamos comenzar los envíos este verano. Los mantendremos informados, y pronto contactaremos a los que pidieron la camiseta para las tallas.

Pero si eres de los que ha llegado tarde a la campaña, no te preocupes, aún tienes una oportunidad de conseguir un DVD: resérvalo ya en nuestra pagina web oficial. Ponte en contacto con nosotros para donaciones, pedidos y también si quieres organizar una proyección.

No olviden mantenerse en contacto con nosotros via Facebook:

Asegúrate de revisar nuestro sitio web a menudo, vamos a publicar los nombres de todos los donantes de la campaña muy pronto:

Gracias de nuevo desde el fondo de nuestro ♥, Otro mundo es posible también gracias a ustedes!

El equipo Another World



ENG ~ Dear friends and supporters, we have just requested and have been granted by Indiegogo Support an extension to our campaign, it will be live for another 15 days! We really believe in the mission of this film and are grateful that we can give it a bit more time. We would like to extend our sincerest thanks to all the people who have supported us over the past 40 days, thank you for believing in us from the beginning. For Another World, because it is possible also thanks to YOU! 

ITA ~ Cari amici e sostenitori, abbiamo appena chiesto e ottenuto una proroga da Indiegogo Support alla nostra campagna, sarà ancora viva per altri 15 giorni! Crediamo molto nella missione di questo film e siamo grati di poter dare più tempo al progetto. Vorremmo estendere i nostri più sinceri ringraziamenti a tutte le persone che ci hanno sostenuto nel corso degli ultimi 40 giorni, mille grazie per aver creduto in noi e per averci aiutato fin dal inizio. Grazie di cuore a tutti! Per Un altro mondo, perché è possibile anche grazie a VOI!

ESP~ Queridos amigos y patrocinadores, hemos solicitado y se nos ha concedido por Indiegogo Support  una extensión a nuestra campaña, estará en línea durante otros 15 días! Realmente creemos en la misión de esta película, estamos agradecidos de poderle dar un poco más de tiempo. Nos gustaría expresar nuestro más sincero agradecimiento a todas las personas que nos han apoyado durante los últimos 40 días, gracias por creer en nosotros desde un principio. Brindemos por Otro Mundo, porque es posible también gracias a USTEDES!


** Per avere le stesse informazioni di questa pagina in italiano, visitate il nostro sito internet  dove potrete trovare più informazioni sul film, su chi siamo, le biografie dei protagonisti, le news riguardanti le nostre attività e anche alcuni piccoli ma intriganti clip del film. Potete anche scaricare i Press Kit sia in italiano che in inglese. Mancano ancora alcune cose, ma ci siamo quasi e lo aggiorneremo piano piano. Fateci sapere cosa ne pensate, ci teniamo molto! Grazie a tutti!


“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics”  
-  Albert Einstein

ANOTHER WORLD is a feature documentary about the journey of mankind to discover our true force and who we truly are, challenging the modern view of the world and reconsidering the world view and value systems of ancient societies such as the indigenous Americans. It is a quest through science and consciousness, individual and planetary, exploring our relationships with ourselves, the world around us and the universe as a whole. It demonstrates how connected we really all are, as best expressed in the Mayan greeting In Lak'ech, which means “I am another yourself.” It also demonstrates just how unnatural the sense of separation that characterizes much of modern thought really is as opposed to the understanding of unity and oneness found in many ancient traditions.

Above all it is a transcendental pilgrimage of repossession and empowerment, affirming our place in the universe and asserting mankind as a conscious mankind with real power as individuals and as a collective to create our reality, leaving us with a message that hopefully will not only open our eyes, but hopefully stimulate everyone generating a better and brighter tomorrow for the benefit of present and future generations.


The world and human beings are undergoing a period of powerful transformation. A great part of the change has to do with a shift in consciousness. There is a great and growing desire for change in the world. Are we prepared?  Do we like the world we live in today? What are its contradictions? How can we improve it? Are we sure that we are the most evolved people who ever lived on this earth? Is there a relationship between what happens to us and what we think? If so, can we model reality and make it work in our favor? What kind of world do YOU want?

ANOTHER WORLD aims to be an enlightening and eye-opening documentary that deals with big questions such as these. Are we sure civilization has moved, is moving, and will move in a desirable direction? In addressing this concept, the documentary delves into many aspects of modern living. It’s a journey that will take us from the past to the world of today, synthesizing old and new ideas and various threads of research and knowledge in an attempt to understand where we stand as individuals and as humankind, an examination of society’s evolution toward globalization and a reflection on the idea of progress as it has been defined to date.

Starting from the present, the analysis goes back in time in search of civilizations that developed and progressed in a different manner and from which we have much to learn; societies exterminated by us in the name of “civilization” and "modernization" but that today could serve as examples by teaching us a lot about ourselves, our present and consequently about our future, civilizations such as the Maya and Native Americans.

These ancient civilizations, even if having lived thousands of miles apart and at different times in history, are similar not only because of their way of relating to nature, each other and the cosmos, but mostly because their enlightened world view anticipated what some contemporary scientists have long argued: everything is alive and interconnected. The Mayans greeted one another with the traditional saying In Lak'ech, which means “I am another yourself” or “I am you, you are me”. Today, modern science and quantum physics has confirmed that indeed, everything in the universe is energy and that there is no separation between the observer and what is being observed. Everything is connected and everything is alive. Water, when exposed to different stimuli such as human emotions, words or even music ‐ responds, transforms and communicates by forming beautiful crystal shapes (from the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto, the Japanese researcher we had the true honor of interviewing in his office in Tokyo).

Unveiled is a surprising reality far more astounding and remarkable than we are used to think. The universe and the scientific principles of quantum physics assert that man is a perfect creature who might have gone astray because of an imposed lifestyle and value system that does not really belong to him, a striking truth that reveals the power of his natural ability to create his own reality. Figuring out how and why this happened and what we can do about it is the stirring idea behind our documentary.

Perhaps now, as the global financial and social crisis of unparalleled scale still unfolds, we are moving in a different direction. The winds of change are upon us and a new era shall begin in association with an increasingly conscious mankind. It’s as if man finally seeks and awakens to his real identity, to his natural ability to create his own reality, slowly abandoning the mind-body dualism that characterizes much of modern thought. This new conscious mankind is finally questioning the idea of progress, that is the idea that advances in technology, science, and social organization inevitably produce an improvement in our human condition and is repossessing that ancestral part of himself which had been lost in the way. All this shift has an ancient feeling, where happiness is not associated with matter but to the spirit, asserting the primacy of the spiritual and transcendental over the material and re-embracing rhythmical and cyclical processes as opposed to linear ones. The sacred calendars of our ancestors mapped the elemental principles of the universe, now it is up to us to grasp this knowledge and make it our own. It is time for us to walk as our ancestors did so many years ago. The moment has arrived, ANOTHER WORLD is possible.

Screen shot from the film: 


ANOTHER WORLD  is a factual documentary featuring scholars and academics from, amongst others, leading universities and institutions from Europe, Japan, Mexico and the United States. We’ve had the opportunity and honor of interviewing amazing and inspirational people. That’s a big honor and we are grateful for all those people who believed in the project and granted us their time and knowledge: New York Times best-selling authors, writers, researchers, professors, quantum physicist, activists, ecologists, artists, scholars, doctors, philosophers and teachers. We’re immensely grateful for their contribution to the film. Their participation in this project was very important, their strong message and presence are of great impact and together with the beautiful images and music, have helped us to deliver a truly special and important message.
ANOTHER WORLD features interviews with:

  • GREGG BRADEN New York Times best-selling author of Fractal Time (The Secret of 2012) and Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer, The God Code, The Divine Matrix and his newest, Deep Truth amongst others, Gregg is internationally renowned as “a pioneer in bridging science, ancient wisdom, and the real world”. His books have been published in 33 countries and 38 languages.
  • MASARU EMOTO is an internationally renowned Japanese researcher and author. He has written many books, including the New York Times best-selling The Hidden Messages in Water, and his books have been published in twenty-four languages. He is a graduate of the Yokohama Municipal University’s Department of Humanities and Sciences with a focus on international relations. In 1992, Dr. Emoto received certification from the Open International University as a Doctor of Alternative Medicine.
  • VITTORIO MARCHI, Ph.D. is renown Italian Quantum Physicist, researcher and professor of physics. Author of The Science of the One and The One who is called God amongst others.
  • IGOR SIBALDI born from Russian mother and Italian father, is a writer, scholar of theology and history of religion. He regularly holds conferences and seminars about mythology, exegis and depth psychology. Author of numerous works on the Scripture and shamanism, he has published, among others, The Invisible Teachers, The forbidden fruit of knowledge, The Ark of the new Masters, The Invisible world, Book of Angels, and new translations of Genesis, The Book of Creation and the Gospel of John, The Gospel’s Secret Code.
  • MASSIMO CITRO M.D. is a medical physician specializing in pharmacological frequency transfer (TFF), electroacupuncture, and psychotherapy. He is a member of the Club of Budapest and the founder and director of the Alberto Sorti Research Institute (IDRAS). Author of The Basic Code of the Universe featuring a foreword by Ervin Laszlo, two-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee.
  • EMILIO DEL GIUDICE, Ph.D. was a renown Italian physicists at the Milan Institute for Nuclear Physics, researcher and author of more than 100 scientific publications.
  • ENZO BRASCHI is a philosopher and American Indian culture expert. Author of Il Popolo del Grande Spirito and La Conoscenza Segreta degli Indiani d’America among others.
  • GIORGIO CERQUETTI is founder of Vegetarian International, philosopher and spiritual researcher. He has published, among others, The Vegetarian Revolution and La prossima vita.
  • MASSIMO CORBUCCI is the Italian researcher, physician and physicist who proposed an alternate to the Higgs-Boson theory and who discovered the Quantum-Mechanical Vacuum (QMV). He collaborated with “GSI” in Darmstadt, Germany in order to detect the reason for number 114 trans-Uranic atom can’t be synthetized and is the author of New Periodic Table of the 112 chemical elements. Author of Discovering God’s Particle and various publications of nuclear physics.
  • RAINBOW EAGLE, Seventh Fire Peace Shield Teacher is an Okla-Choctaw American Indian. He a Wisdom Keeper, honored with the responsibility of an Ancient Native American Peace Shield. Author of Native American Spirituality: A Walk in the Woods, The Universal Peace Shield of Truths: Ancient American Indian Peace Shield Teachings and The Ancient Roots of Christianity: A Native American’s Look Through Christianity.
  • ANTONIO GIACCHETTI is a lawyer and scholar of the Mayan civilization. He translated The Mayan Factor, the international bestseller by the expert on the Mayan calendar Dr. José Argüelles, Ph.D. and is the national coordinator of the Italian PAN (Planet Art Network).
  • NITAMO MONTECUCCO is the Medical Director of the Global Village (Association for Science, Art and Consciousness). He is a physician, an expert in psychosomatic medicine, and carries out research into the neuropsychology of states of consciousness and meditation. Author of I creativi culturali. Persone nuove e nuove idee per un mondo migliore, Psicosomatica olistica, and Cyber. La visione olistica.
  • "SUBCOYOTE" ALBERTO RUZ BUENFIL (named the “Father of Latin America’s green movement” by the Huffington Post) is a native of Mexico whose work is dedicated to social change, environmental sustainability, and the performing arts. He co-founded two international theater groups as well as Mexico’s first ecovillage, known as Huehuecoyotl. He led the 13-year Rainbow Caravan for Peace, an international effort to promote sustainable design and permaculture, as well as theatrical performances, across much of Latin America. Alberto is the son of Dr. Alberto Ruz Lhuillier, the well-known archaeologist specializing in Mayan culture who discovered the grand royal tomb of the Great Pakal in Palenque, Mexico.
  • DON LUIS is a Mayan priest and teacher from Mexico.
  • WESTIN LUKE PENUMA is a member of the Hopi Indian Tribe.

Backstage from the film, Grand Canyon:


The first shots of this film were taken in 2011 at the Grand Canyon and Monument Valley. Since then we have been shooting regularly, travelling thousands of kilometers shooting stunning images and interviewing amazing people. Given the tight budget, so far everything has worked out miraculously for ANOTHER WORLD to become an amazing film, but now we need your help to put it finally out there. We are now in the final stages, we’re hoping to raise a minimum of €26,000 (that’s about $35,500 dollars) through Indiegogo to wrap-up the film. This is the bare minimum we need in order to complete post-production and start promotion and distribution. Whether it’s $5, $25, $100, $1000 or more, your contribution will help us to complete ANOTHER WORLD and to share it with the world. If we raise more than the goal of €26,000, that will continue to fund the remainder of the project as needed.

So far we have been working out of a really tight budget provided principally by Riccardo Gatto of Bluma Lab (Rome), who was also able to attain a government grant and was recognized of cultural interest by the Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali - Direzione Generale per il Cinema (MIBAC). Marco Belardi of Lotus Production (Rome) also contributed significantly, especially bringing his extensive experience and know-how to the project. And then a small but always appreciated contribution by Own Air (Rome). Also, to keep the budget as low as possible, during filming we also relied on the unselfish kindness of many individuals all over who supported the project in so many ways, and for that we are eternally and sincerely grateful. 

We have also collaborated with amazing photographers and filmmakers around the world who have granted us the use of their special images and footage that was beyond our production budget but important to make our film even more beautiful. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to each and every one of you for your generosity.

Unfortunately, the money is now spent and we need help to make it through the final stretch. Our goal is to have a finished film to premiere in less than two months. We've set the goal of raising €26,000 (that’s about $35,500 dollars) on Indiegogo to help keep us on schedule, complete the film and deliver it to festivals and a distributor. Your contribution will make the film’s completion possible and will go directly toward: Finishing paying our amazing crew, complete editing, music, color correction, audio mixing, archival footage licensing, translations, outreach and distribution. The 26,000 budget we need is broken down as follows:

  • COLOR CORRECTION & COLOR GRADING: We need €4000 to prepare our film for final delivery at a high standard.  
  • MIX AUDIO & SOUND DESIGN: We already have an original score by our talented Giulio del Prato, but now we need €5000 for professional editing of the sound so we end up with a finished movie.
  • ARCHIVAL LICENSING: We need €3000 to pay for the licensing of outstanding material.
  • GRAPHICS & TRANSLATIONS: We need €4000 to pay for graphics and also for the translations & subtitling of all our materials.
  • OUTREACH & PROMOTION: We need €5000 to produce all the materials needed for outreach and promotional purposes, film festival submissions, shipping, travel costs to film festivals where we can present and promote Another World, legal, etc.
  • DCP FILM COPY: We need €5000 to pay for the Digital Cinema Package needed in order to exhibit the film theatrically, in festivals and then for future distribution.

screenshot from the film, Nepal.


We are independent filmmakers and as such we have to raise money independently. So please support ANOTHER WORLD in any way you can. As you know, every contribution will make a difference. If your support comes in monetary form, we are incredibly grateful, if you can't support financially yet still want to help us, you can help us by spreading the word about what we're doing by sharing via Facebook Twitter, Google+, newsletters, blogs...

We're confident everything will go well and we’re going to deliver a very special film. It’s a film about a change in the world, and change happens one person at a time. Join us and make change happen. We’ll be very happy to have you as a part of this team and do this together!

So please help us by:

1. Making a contribution
Whether it’s $5, $25, $100, $1000 or more, your contribution will go directly towards helping us finish and promote ANOTHER WORLD. You will give us the capability to share this very special film with audiences all over the world.

2. Spreading the word
The success of our campaign really depends on getting the word out to as many people as possible. Spread the word to your friends, your family, colleagues, neighbors, teachers and students about this campaign. Even if you can’t make a contribution, please consider supporting us by sharing this link with your friends via email, Facebook or Twitter or your blog. You can also like us on Facebook, we will keep you informed on the campaign as it progresses.

We believe in the power of ANOTHER WORLD. We need your time and help to get this film seen worldwide and make the biggest possible impact. We want this film to be seen everywhere and by everyone. We believe in the power of the critical mass; all together we can make a global change happen.

Finally, here is the official, limited-edition Another World T-shirt by our talented graphic designer Gabriela Ramirez!: 

Here's a screenshot from the film for you @Grand Canyon!:


THOMAS TORELLI / Director & Writer
Thomas Torelli is a Rome based director and producer of films and documentaries with particular emphasis on those related to political and social themes. After a long experience as an editor and executive producer, Thomas founded Xtend in 2001, a company operating in the field of production and post-production for film and television, and in 2003, Telemaco.

He has collaborated with different roles at some of the most interesting titles of the independent Italian cinema of recent years such CRAJ by Davide Marengo, awarded the Lino Miccichè Award for the Best Opera Prima at the Venice Film Festival 2005 (co-editor); Dall’altra parte della Luna, the first Italian rockumentary, the story of the band Negramaro, presented at the Venice Film Festival 2007 (director of post-production).

In 2006 he served as executive producer and co-author with Giulietto Chiesa on Franco Fracassi and Francesco Trento’s feature documentary ZERO: An Investigation into 9/11, where revealing presentations by Nobel Prize winner Dario Fo and American literary icon Gore Vidal explore the sequence of “contradictions, gaps, and omissions” in the official version of events surrounding the attacks. The film was presented at the International Film Festival of Rome 2007 and won the Audience Award at the Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de la Ciudad de México in 2008. Distributed in more than 70 countries in five continents in theaters, dvd and on tv, it has become the movie-symbol of the struggle for the truth about 9/11.

As a producer, Thomas has made several documentaries, including Dario Baldi’s Pablo - The poet’s lives, a journey to the memory of a great Chilean poet, Pablo Neruda, presented at the AFI Film Festival of Los Angeles 2005 and the Montreal Film Festival 2006. In 2007, Francesca Nava’s L’altro Messico - Il ritorno del Subcomandante Marcos, donating 50% of the profits to the Zapatista communities. Mario Balsamo’s Sognavo le nuvole colorate, the story of Edison Duraj, a 9 year old Albanian child who emigrated to Italy on a raft, alone without his parents, presented at the 2008 Locarno Film Festival. In 2009 he produced and directed Sangue e Cemento, the first documentary about the earthquake in Abruzzo,  released in theaters and nominated at the Nastri d’Argento for Best Documentary of the Year. In 2011, he co-edited and produced, with the contribution of the Piedmont Film Commission, The Brat Syndrome by Alberto Coletta, a documentary about ADHD told through the story of Julia, a “hyperactive and inattentive” girl.

In 2012 Thomas wrote and directed Another World, now at the final stages and aiming for completion by spring 2014. He is currently working on a new project - which he wrote and is directing - provisionally titled Serial Killers, which examines the real costs of the meat culture as far as environmental impact, human health, world hunger and animal abuse are concerned. The film features interviews with prominent figures such as T. Colin Campbell, Thomas M. Campbell, Franco Berrino, Carlo Petrini, Frances Moore Lappé, Vandana Shiva, Peter Singer, Noam Mohr and James Wildman. It’s currently in production and aiming for completion by the end of 2014.

RICCARDO GATTO (Bluma Lab) / Producer
Bluma Lab was born in 2010, after many years of experience in the field of post-production, both for film and for television. Bluma Lab is a multi-purpose facility, equipped with comfortable and functional rooms for video editing as well as a creative and technological workshop, which is able to provide innovative products such as television promos, trailers, commercial content or web 2.0. Its founder, Riccardo Gatto, has collaborated over the years - on behalf of Lotus Production - in important Italian productions such as In Coda ai Titoli by Riccardo Paoletti, presented at the International Film Festival of Rome in 2006 and Carlo! by Gianfranco Giagni and Fabio Ferzetti in 2012.

In 2011, after an encounter with Thomas Torelli, director of Sangue e Cemento, a collaboration was born that led to the creation of two ambitious projects: Another World - now at the final stages, and the new Serial Killers, which examines the real costs of the meat culture. Another World is his first feature documentary as producer.

JORGE R. GUTIERREZ / Consultant & Associate Producer
Jorge R. Gutierrez is the Mexperimental writer/director, designer, luchador, painter and Super Macho cartoonista who created the multiple Annie & Emmy award winning animated television series El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera for Nickelodeon.
As of 2012, Jorge is directing at Reel FX a computer-animated adventure feature film with a Romeo and Juliette style love story set against a Mexican "Day of the Dead" backdrop. The film, with the official title Book of Life, is being co-produced with 20th Century Fox Animation, and it will be released on October 17, 2014. Jorge is working as a consultant on Thomas Torelli’s project Another World and is also a sponsor for this project.

FRANCESCO PENNICA / Director of photography
Francesco attended film school at the DAMS - University of Bologna and at the Scuola Nazionale di Cinema - Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, where he graduated in 2004 as a Cinematographer under the guidance of Giuseppe Rotunno, AIC ASC. He completed his education by working as assistant operator and as camera operator for features, tv series and documentaries for several years. He is currently working as a Director of Photography for many music videos, commercials, fictional projects and documentaries. The documentary 148 Stefano, I mostri dell’inerzia, which he photographed, won the Special Nastri d’Argento Award in 2012.

Donye got her Master's Degree in Advertising at Accademia di Comunicazione in Milan and a Master's Degree in Directing at N.U.C.T. in Rome. She started her career in the business as first assistant director (for directors such as Giuseppe Gaudino, Isabella Sandri, Nicola De Rinaldo), second assistant director, and script girl (for Costanza Quatriglio).

Since 2003 she has worked as editor for features (Taxi Lovers - Best Edit Award, Busto Arsizio Film Festival), documentaries, commercials and short movies. She has been working as both director and editor for the tv show Screen Saver (Rai3) for four seasons now, as well as working as editor for Corrado Guzzanti (Recital, Aniene), Sabina Guzzanti (Vilipendio, Franca la prima), Emma Dante (Emma Dante, Sud Costa Occidentale - Best Edit AMC Award in 2012).

CLAUDIA PALAZZI / Assistant Director
Claudia Palazzi is a sociologist and a filmmaker. In 2005 she directed two documentaries (In Benito’s Land. Predappio and Memories of Crespi d’Adda), selected in various international festivals. Since 2006, she has supervised the scriptwriting of historical and news independent documentaries. Her work in the film industry also includes collaborations with Lucky Red Production Company and Janus International. In 2008 she started working with major Italian Production Companies and TV Channels (Endemol S.R.L., Zodiak Active, Current, Cult, Italia 1, Fox Channels and Sky 1) as an assistant director on several documentary series and fictional documentaries focused on modern society and culture: Erotika ItalianaBusiness of SexAddictionGossip HistoryItalian Doomsday Preppers, etc. In 2011 she co-directed her first full-length documentary Jeans and Marto' with Clio Sozzani.


And we've been lucky to have a team of great people working with us...

Written & Directed by: THOMAS TORELLI
Producer: RICCARDO GATTO (Bluma Lab) 
Co-Producer:  MARCO BELARDI (Lotus Production)
Consultant & Associate Producer: JORGE R. GUTIERREZ
Associate Producer: THOMAS TORELLI
Associate Producer: OWN AIR 
Director of Photography: FRANCESCO PENNICA 
Research and Development: VALENTINA IVANA CHIARAPPA
Camera: CARMELO CAMILLI (Usa), FABIO LACERENZA (Mex), MIRCO DE VITO (Russia, Sweden, Nepal)
Original Score: GIULIO DEL PRATO
Assistant Director: CLAUDIA PALAZZI 
Assistant Director: MANUELA TEMPESTA 
Visual Effects: MARCO APPOLLONI 
Sound Design: RINO D’ANNA
Distribution: Whale Pictures

Another World poster art:

Illustration: Gabriela Ramirez in collaboration with the amazing Sandra Equihua and our little Isabel. 

Thank you all so much for your hard work and for your care about this film. Everyone of you really came through, proving what it means to be a team player even when you had to roll with the punches and adapt to ever-changing situations. I am so grateful for everyone’s extra efforts and commitment. Couldn't have done it without you... 


I can honestly say that making a documentary almost always takes you into an adventure in unknown territory, and ANOTHER WORLD was no exception. After spending the last two long and arduous years working on this project, as we approach the finishing line I can say it’s all been worth it. Absolutely everything. It has definitely changed me. And hopefully, I won’t be the only one. With ANOTHER WORLD, I hope to give rise to an audience of individuals that become active, conscious agents of life, and not just passive spectators of life.

Again, thank you so much for your time, your confidence in us and your support for this project. Anything you can do will be great; our documentary will surely benefit in a meaningful way. We know we are working on a very ambitious project, but we feel that the message is well worth all the efforts. We have worked very hard to get to this point, with you as a part of our team, we’re sure that we can make this dream a reality. In Lak'ech!

Thomas Torelli

Screenshot from the film, Monument Valley:

screenshot from the film, Las Vegas.

screenshot from the film, Tokyo.

screenshot from the film, Quantum "entanglement"

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Currency Conversion $5 USD
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Our deepest gratitude - plus a digital thank you on our Facebook page and website! In Lak'ech!
17 claimed

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Currency Conversion $9 USD
€9 EUR
Stream the Film + thanks on Facebook and website. When “Un altro mondo” (Another World) is finished, we’ll send you a personal link to stream the film! PLUS of course our deepest gratitude!
Estimated Shipping
May 2014
52 claimed

***Early Bird Special***

Currency Conversion $16 USD
€15 EUR
Pre-release DVD + an advanced streaming link + thanks on Facebook and website. Be the first to receive a copy of the finished film on DVD! PLUS of course our deepest gratitude and love! (Free shipping to the US and Italy, other countries please add €5) Estimated delivery: June 2014
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
56 out of 100 of claimed

Special Edition DVD

Currency Conversion $20 USD
€19 EUR
Pre-release Special Edition DVD + an advanced streaming link + thanks on Facebook and website. Be the first to receive a copy of the finished film on DVD! PLUS of course our deepest gratitude and love! (Free shipping to the US and Italy, other countries please add €5)
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
71 claimed

*Early Bird* DVD + music CD

Currency Conversion $37 USD
€35 EUR
Pre-release DVD + an advanced streaming link + soundtrack CD + thanks on Facebook and website: Be the first to receive a copy of the finished film on DVD and the beautiful original music. (Free shipping to the US and Italy, other countries please add €5) Estimated delivery: June 2014
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
19 out of 50 of claimed

Special Ed. DVD + music CD

Currency Conversion $42 USD
€40 EUR
Pre-release Special Edition DVD + an advanced streaming link + soundtrack CD + thanks on Facebook and website: Be the first to receive a copy of the finished film on DVD and the beautiful original music. (Free shipping to the US and Italy, other countries please add €5)
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
16 claimed

**NEW** T-shirt pack

Currency Conversion $52 USD
€50 EUR
Pre-release Special Edition DVD + T-shirt + thanks on Facebook and website: Be the first to receive a super cool, limited edition "Another World is possible" t-shirt! (Free shipping to the US and Italy, other countries please add €7)
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
19 claimed

Blu-ray + all the goodies pack

Currency Conversion $78 USD
€75 EUR
Pre-release Blu-ray + Special Edition DVD + an advanced streaming link + soundtrack CD + thanks on Facebook and website: Be the first to receive a copy of the finished film on Blu-ray & on DVD plus the original music CD! (Free shipping to the US and Italy, other countries please add €5)
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
3 claimed

*Early Bird*Signed pack

Currency Conversion $124 USD
€119 EUR
Signed Pre-Release Blu-ray + DVD + advanced streaming link + soundtrack CD + thanks on Facebook and website PLUS a limited-edition T-shirt available only to Indiegogo backers. (Free shipping to the US and Italy, other countries please add €8
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
5 out of 50 of claimed

Signed Blu-ray + T-shirt pack

Currency Conversion $131 USD
€125 EUR
Signed Pre-Release Blu-ray + Special Edition DVD + an advanced streaming link + soundtrack CD + thanks on Facebook and website PLUS a limited-edition T-shirt available only to Indiegogo backers. (Free shipping to the US and Italy, other countries please add €8)
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
8 claimed

"Another World" Party pack

Currency Conversion $366 USD
€350 EUR
Invitation for 2 people to the “Un altro mondo” Party attended by some of the cast and the creators: If you are going to be in Rome, join us for a screening of the film and after party. (Please note that travel & accomodations are not included). PLUS you get all of the perks listed above! (Free shipping to the US and Italy, other countries please add €8)
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
3 claimed


Currency Conversion $784 USD
€750 EUR
Thanks so much! For this contribution, you’ll see your name under the “MADE POSSIBLE BY” title in the scrolling credits of the film - PLUS receive your own limited-edition poster of the film, numbered and signed by the director! - Invitation for 2 to the “Un altro mondo” Party in Rome (please note that travel & accomodations are not included). - PLUS you get all of the perks listed above!
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
1 claimed


Currency Conversion $1,569 USD
€1,500 EUR
Thanks for the love and for sharing. See your name under the “Made possible by” title in the scrolling credits PLUS the limited ed. poster, numbered and signed by the director. - Host a private screening of the film for your group (can be used as a fundraiser for your organization). Perk available for both U.S. and International groups. Italy only: Screening will be attended by the director and if possible, a cast member (at the team’s discretion) + all of the perks listed above!
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $3,661 USD
€3,500 EUR
Welcome to the team! We're honored to have you on board! For this contribution, you’ll get to see your name or name of your company under the ASSOCIATE PRODUCER title on your own title card in the film’s end credits as well as your logo in the back of the DVD packaging, the movie poster and all printed materials. - Host a private screening (Please see level above for details) - PLUS you get all of the perks listed above!
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
1 claimed


Currency Conversion $7,844 USD
€7,500 EUR
In Lak'ech! Welcome to the team! We're honored to have you on board! To show you our love, you’ll get to see your name or name of your company under the well-deserved CO-PRODUCER credit on your own title card in the film’s opening credits and in the billing block on our poster as well as your logo in the front of the DVD packaging, the poster and all online and printed materials. - Host a private screening (Please see level above for details) - PLUS you get all of the perks listed above!
Estimated Shipping
June 2014
0 claimed
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