I'm Rachael O'Neill and I'm an independent dance artist based in Leeds, UK.
I’m starting a 3 week research and development project this month to create a new Dance Theatre piece called ANY PART OF YOU WILL DO. The project is part funded by the Arts Council of England and as a condition of that funding I have to raise £500 towards the project.
The first two weeks are in residence at Laughton Lodge in Sussex and the third week is in residence at Yorkshire Dance in Leeds. Originally, the first two weeks studio space was being given to me, very kindly, for free by a different company. Unfortunatley, as my application for this project was being processed, that company tragically lost their own funding and as a result I lost the in kind studio space from them. As this was originally in my application budget as free space, I now have very little funds to pay for alternative space.
Money raised will be used specifically to help pay for:
Two weeks of studio space at Laughton Lodge in Sussex, who kindly offered us their space.
A producer from Spin Arts to oversee the project.
As a thank you! Depending on the donation you could receive anything from
A personal thank you from myself and/or the team,
A sketch drawing from the rehearsal period by me, the choreographer.
Behind the scene video footage of rehearsals,
A knitted scarf!
Or the whole package
(Scarves may take a while but you’ll get one, I promise.)
The Project
I’ll be collaborating with three wonderful dancers Lara Ward, Tal Weinstein and Jessica Haener. We will research, develop and create the work, with a sharing of the work in progress at Yorkshire Dance in Leeds and with the aim of making it into a production and performing it in the UK later in 2016..
The research will be questioning what happens to us when we become desperate for something or someone. Physically and emotionally, how far are we willing to go to achieve, to protect, to survive?
Help spread the word...
Any donation would be incredibly helpful and very much appreciated. I really believe in the dancers I will have the honour of collaborating with and the work we will be able to make together.
Follow me on social media;
Twitter: @HelloRachaelO
to keep up to date with ANY PART OF YOU WILL DO
New website www.rachaeloneill.com coming soon!
Thank you!