After 10+ years of trial and error in soap making we've
formulated the perfect bar of soap with no need for preservatives or
extra junk.
soaps are 100% Artisan Handcrafted using Organic and Fair trade Raw Ingredients
that include, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil,
Organic Unrefined Jojoba Oil, Organic Castor Oil, Organic Almond Oil,
Fair Trade Raw and Unrefined Shea Butter, Fair Trade Raw and Unrefined
Cocoa Butter, as well as Organic Mango Butter. Our products may
include one or more of the following ingredients in addition to the list of
Organic Oils. They include Raw Local Honey, Raw Local Beeswax, Organic
Heavy Cream, Local Raw and Fresh Goatsmilk.
Our product lines
include Handmade Lotions, Balms, Salves and Natural Haircare products. With most of our products being considered "Vegan" . They're gentle
enough for everyone in your family from your newborn baby to your family pets.
Yes, we mean it, we've been asked to make soap for puppies and an
Equestrian Farm.
But, we don't just
stop at the ingredients listed above. We use Superfoods in certain
products to enhance not only the look and feel of our products. More
importantly to add a natural conditioning element to the formulation.
Raw Cucumber Pureeis
used in our“No Slumber
Cucumber” Soap. While Pureed Lemons and Witch Hazel can be
found in our best selling bar called the "Lemonhead Facial" Soap. Banana’s and Beer come together to form the ever nourishing and
moisture rich "Drunk Monkey "
Soap. A real crowd pleaser is our Raw
Goatsmilk blended with Raw Aloe Vera gel ( harvested from our own Aloe
Vera), Organic Coconut Milk, Wild
crafted Honey and Colloidal Oatmeal to form another best seller we call
"Oh Honey My Goat". We have another favorite that really does have
a ¼ cup of moisturizing cream. It’s the “Lathering Lotion” Soap. Not slippery or
greasy, just plain goodness.
Natural preservatives are
used as needed and never include ingredients with Formaldahyde. We do not use any Solvants, SLS or Parabens.
Two Mold Types - Two Soap Making Techniques
All artisan soaps are handmade using the cold process soap method, however the two different types of molds will allow us to take our soaps through slightly different stages in the process.
1. Name Change is complete
2. *Logo Design and Branding Style has been developed
3. *Custom Soap Stamp has been received
4. *Company Stamp has been received
5. *Domain Name has been registered
6. *State Trademark Registration has been approved
7. *Social Media Presence - Establishing a following.
8. *Preliminary silicone molds have been received and refined.
Gone are the days when our handmade soap looks just like every other handmade bar of soap.
The 16 Bar Customizable Acrylic Soap Mold will be designed with specifications that include our logo as well as the specific length, height and width size we've chosen for our finished bars. Allowing us to consistently create soaps with uniformity. No guessing at the batch sizes, no under or over sized cutting. No stamping and No disguarded end cuts.
Out with the Old and in with the NEW!
Our new customized soap molds will usher in a new process. Saving valuable time, and we all know time is MONEY. Arsenia Blu is ready to make an impact with a style all our own.
The Old Process:
• Line the wooden molds
with freezer paper
• *Mix and Pure into
wooden log molds
• Wait 24 hours for the
soap to harden.
• Remove the soap from
the wooden log, if it didnt' seep out of the sides onto the wood, where
it is stuck to the paper and the wood.
• Place the soap in the
Miter Box
• Cut each bar with a
Spackle Blade. Not forgetting that the very ends of each bar are disregarded
or sold as samples because of imperfection, (which is due to the paper
wrinkling on the ends).
• Get the Stamp and
Mallet and Stamp each bar, one at a time ( if I'm lucky enough not to smash
• Place on drying rack
for 4-6 weeks
Design and Print labels.
• Shrink wrap
Cigar band label each bar.
Add the ingredient sticker Label on the back.
The New Process:
• *Formulate
• *Mix and Pure into
Customized mold Cavities
• *Wait 24/48 hours for
soap to harden
· Release from mold cavities
• *Place on drying rack
for 4-6 weeks
• Place in pre-stamped
Muslin Bags ( showing our logo), which
includes ingredient list printed on botanical paper with our company info on the other side.
Acting as a business card.
Can't make a monetary donation, you can help in other ways.
*GOOGLE + or Blogspot or Wordpress ( Your BLOG)
*WORD OF MOUTH - Please tell everyone you possibly can who would like to see our dreams come true.