“At the end of life we
will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we
have made, how many great things we have done. We will be judged by "I was
hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was
homeless, and you took me in.”
-Mother Teresa
The I Have a Name
Project is a humble gesture to restore humanity and dignity to those less
fortunate among us.
We firmly resolve to
afford compassion and understanding for the nearly 3.5 million homeless here in
our United States.
I Have a Name has
collaborated on design with artists Wayne Rainey and Brian Boner to create a
powerful mural that aspires to create greater awareness around
homelessness while paying respect to those that have perished homeless on our
We believe our lasting
legacy is defined by what we do for others. And further, that no one should die
absent dignity. Brian and his team are anxious to get started on this
monumental project. The I Have a Name Project does not have the wherewithal to
finance this massive undertaking and appeal for your support. Please help if
you can because 'People Matter'. Thank you!
In September of 2007,
Jon Linton began gathering imagery to document the homeless. That Fall, Jon
volunteered both time and resource with a local shelter to better
understand the plight of the unhomed. The project took shape when the first
person photographed wept when asked his name, “You have no idea how long it has
been since someone has cared to ask my name”, said Chuck Ridgeway.
During the course of
this journey Jon has met many souls that subject to a bad set of
circumstance, addiction, trauma or mental illness find themselves without a
place to call home. These individuals had fallen into what most had referred to
as an ‘Invisible World’.
The I Have a Name
Project firmly resolves to afford compassion and understanding to the less
fortunate among us.
The I Have a Name Project, an Art + Advocacy
campaign for those that have no door to walk through at day's end. The mission
is to provide compassion and voice to the voiceless. We believe change can only
happen with greater awareness. Over the last 12 months IHAN has enjoyed a book
release, several art exhibitions, a warm embrace from social media and has
helped to feed and clothe the less fortunate. We have just completed plans for
an ambitious mural project in Phoenix that will call attention to the plight of
our houseless and serve as a memorial to those that have lost their lives to
This moving composition will be artfully
delivered in the downtown Phoenix art district. The I Have a Name Project has
teamed with prominent artists Brian Boner, artist Wayne Rainey andSHADE
Projectsto create this
powerful and important mural. Executed on a west wall of the MonOrchid building
is quiet reminder that 'serving others is our lasting legacy' while on the
building's north facing wall we shall pay respect to those that have perished
on our Nation's streets. Names of those that have died is testament that no one
should die absent dignity. We are unaware of any such undertaking that so
boldly advances the plight of the underserved. Please join us in 'Giving Voice
to the Silenced'.
-clean, fill cracks, prime, paint, North and
West sides of MonOrchid building
- North side white primer, and yellow
as a base for the letters (Names)
-West side primer and white paint
(Dunn Edwards Versaflat)
TOTAL: $3,700.00
Painting mural - including labor and
Sketch/preliminary drawing to be approved
prior to beginning project
North Side - "I Have a Name":
-Stencils for Names - SIZE/COST TO BE
-12" letters $240.00
-16" letters $315.00
-1 week scaffold rental - $280.00
-additional equipment purchase/rental -
-paint: 10 gallons gray for letters - $220.00
-labor: (length of time will be based on size
of letters chosen) Approx. 2-3 weeks to complete - $4,000.00
TOTAL: Approx $5,040.00 - $5,115.00
West Side - "Working Title - Boy with
-paint $400.00
-bird stencils/labor/materials - $200
-labor/painting - $6,000.00
-1 week scaffold rental - $280
TOTAL: $6,880.00
GRAND TOTAL: $15,695.00
Shade Project is a 501c3. All donations are
tax deductible. Should we exceed our budgetary needs, additional proceeds will
be provided to the Justa Center in Phoenix, AZ. Justa Center is a
homeless agency that serves the needs of seniors that are experiencing
Please share this story of promise as we
unite to practice compassion...
Follow us on FB at https://www.facebook.com/THEIHAVEANAMEPROJECT ,
Instagram at http://instagram.com/theihaveanameproject or
visit www.ihaveaname.org for
updates and information.