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Art book of zodiac paintings by Jake Baddeley

We would love to publish a full colour hardcover book of the paintings by Jake Baddeley on the 12 zodiac signs. Pre-order the book and help make that possible!

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Art book of zodiac paintings by Jake Baddeley

Art book of zodiac paintings by Jake Baddeley

Art book of zodiac paintings by Jake Baddeley

Art book of zodiac paintings by Jake Baddeley

Art book of zodiac paintings by Jake Baddeley

We would love to publish a full colour hardcover book of the paintings by Jake Baddeley on the 12 zodiac signs. Pre-order the book and help make that possible!

We would love to publish a full colour hardcover book of the paintings by Jake Baddeley on the 12 zodiac signs. Pre-order the book and help make that possible!

We would love to publish a full colour hardcover book of the paintings by Jake Baddeley on the 12 zodiac signs. Pre-order the book and help make that possible!

We would love to publish a full colour hardcover book of the paintings by Jake Baddeley on the 12 zodiac signs. Pre-order the book and help make that possible!

Mark Drukker
Mark Drukker
Mark Drukker
Mark Drukker
1 Campaign |
The Hague, Netherlands
$2,759 USD $2,759 USD 35 backers
23% of $11,521 Fixed Goal Fixed Goal

Our story

My name is Mark Drukker and I am a close friend of the wonderful artist Jake Baddeley and owner of Threshold Editions, a small publisher of art prints.
I have had the pleasure and privilige of knowing and working with Jake since 1996 as his agent and have seen him grow as an artist over that time.

At the moment Jake is working on a series of paintings on the Zodiac signs. A special project in which Jake is exploring, in his own unique style, the symbolism and mythology of the western zodiac signs. The result is a series of 12 paintings of 90 x 70 cm (aprox. 35.4 x 27.5 inches). Our dream is to be able to present these paintings in a high quality full-colour hardcover book which will make them available for many people for a long time!

To make this possible and to spread the wonderful imagery of his art other than through the digital realm which is the web, we will need you support !

The simplest way to do this, is by pre-ordering the book, but there are other ways of doing this as well. If we are able to sell about 400 books upfont through this project, we will be able to cover all cost and help promote his work further. Surely that must be possible!

This year is a big year for Jake. Not only because of this series, but also because he will be 50 this year. And he has been working as a professional artist for 20 years. Mile stones I feel deserve a celebration with a beautiful hardcover book of his art. I hope you agree and will suppport us. We will make it worth your while!

What We Need & What You Get

The book is going to be a 48 page full colour hardcover book. It is going to be aprox. A4 size with both text and photos. Marcel Salome of Re-art, who has worked with artist such as Michael Parkes and publishes the fantasticDreamscapes books, will do the production of the book as well as the scanning of the paintings.

To produce this high quality book in a total edition of 1000, we need € 11.000 euro ( approx. $15,200). This includes all direct costs of lay-out, scanning and printing, as well as fees for the campaign itself. The scans of the paintings are huge HiRes scans and will amount to about 20% of the total cost. Although rather expensive (we could just photograph them ourselves), we have chosen to do it this way, because it will enable us to make limited edition giclee prints (mentioned in the perks) as well. And the prints are important because otherwise only 12 people in the world would be able to enjoy these wonderful images on their wall. And that is not nearly enough for such a widely spread interest that is the zodiac theme. By including these costs in the total amount, we are able to keep the prices for these prints as low as possible.

Normally the production cost for a book like this are too high an investment for most artists. We hope that through this project we can find enough people who would want to pre-order the book to make this possible.

The Perks - What do you get?

Obviously the book itself is a great perk already!

Next to that we are able to offer the images in three series of limited edition giglee prints. Two series of 100 prints each on paper (a smaller and a bigger size) and one serie of 10 prints on canvas.

At the moment, not all paintings are ready, but the 6 shown here are. The other 6 are being worked at as we speak. We shall inform everyone on the progress when they are ready. To have a good idea of what they will look like, please have a look at gallery on the tab at the top of this page, where we have presented the finished works as well as the works in progress.
And then we have the original drawings available. These drawings are made by Jake as the basis for the paintings and although not always detailed, they capture the essence of the painting in a way the painting itself cannot.

Taurus - drawing on paper

Pisces - drawing on paper

These drawings are wonderful unique pieces that will fit any collector's collection.

The original paintings themselves are not part of this campaign, but if you were interested in acquiring or exhibiting them, please send us an email to enquire about prices and availability at

What will happen if we are funded more than 100%?

If and when we are lucky enough to get more funding then we need, we will use this to make the book extra fancy for our backers: a reading cord, a bigger size, that sort of thing. Next we would be able to cover some of the other costs we have made and reward some people for there time and effort they have put into this project.

Save the Children

Also if we are funded over a 100% we will donate 10% of the extra funds to the Dutch branch of Save the Children. Children are our future and it is crucial that we invest in them in anyway possible. Especially those children around the world who were not as lucky as other ones. Save the Children is an organisation who try to make a difference and we support them whole-heartedly.

The Impact

We really want this book to be published and we know that the themes represented in the zodiac are universal and live in the hearts and minds on many people. The way that Jake has apporoached this theme is in his own unique way. We hope that there are plenty of people out there who appreciate Jake's interpretation and are willing to support us !

What you need to know

If you are outside of the EU, it is possible that you might have to pay VAT and/or import duties on the items that you receive. Please check with your local tax authorities if this is the case.

This is an all or nothing campaign, which means that if we do not make the full amount needed, the book is not going to be published. In that case you will be refunded through Indiegogo.

Other Ways You Can Help

If you cannot contribute in any financial way, that doesn't mean you can't help!

Any attention to the campaign is wanted and needed. If you could share this with your friends and family and/or your business network, that would be very much appreciated.

You can use the Indiegogo share tools in this campaign or like and share from Jake's Facebook page (

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Choose your Perk



Currency Conversion $21 USD
€20 EUR
You will receive a signed book at the special early bird price of € 20 instead of the regular € 30,- and a personal thank you note from Jake Baddeley. Shipping: Add € 10,- for shipping within the EU Add € 15,- for shipping outside the EU Only 50 available
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 50 of claimed


Currency Conversion $5 USD
€5 EUR
You support our project and we thank you deeply ! You will receive regular updates and, if you wish so, we shall shout "hooray" in your honor!
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $26 USD
€25 EUR
You will receive a signed book at the pre-order price of € 25 instead of the regular € 30,- and a personal thank you note from Jake Baddeley. shipping: Add € 10,- for shipping within the EU Add € 15,- for shipping outside the EU
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $79 USD
€75 EUR
You will receive a smaller sized signed and numbered limited edition giclee print on paper of a sign of your choice (size 35 x 45 cm) + a signed book. Regular Value: €85+ €30 = € 115,- Add € 15,- for shipping within the EU Add € 20,- for shipping outside the EU After the project has been succesfully funded we will send you a survey in which you will be able to tell us which sign you want. There are only 100 prints of each sign available.
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 50 of claimed


Currency Conversion $131 USD
€125 EUR
You will receive a larger sized signed and numbered limited edition giclee print on paper of a sign of your choice (size 50 x 65 cm) + a signed book. Regular Value: €150+ €30 = € 180,- Shipping: Add € 15,- for shipping within the EU Add € 20,- for shipping outside the EU After the project has been succesfully funded we will send you a survey in which you will be able to tell us which sign you want. There are only 100 prints of each sign available.
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 50 of claimed


Currency Conversion $157 USD
€150 EUR
When you pre-order 10 books (or more), you will receive them at the whole-sale price of € 15,- each. More than 10 books? Use this perk and just add € 15 for each extra book Add € 25 for shipping within the EU Add € 35 for shipping outside the EU Shipped to one address only
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 claimed


Currency Conversion $786 USD
€750 EUR
You will receive a signed and numbered limited edition giclee print on canvas of a sign of your choice (size 80 x 62 cm) + a signed book. Regular Value: €895+ €30 = € 925,- The giclee print will be shipped in a roll, so you will have to strecht it on a frame on arrival. Any local framer can do this for you. Add € 15,- within the EU Add € 20,- outside the EU After the project has been funded we will ask you which sign you want. There are only 10 prints of each sign available.
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 12 of claimed


Currency Conversion $995 USD
€950 EUR
You will receive an original signed drawing of one of the paintings from the series + 2 signed books. These drawings are made by Jake as the basis for the paintings and although not always detailed, capture the essence of the painting in a way the painting itself cannot. If there is more than one person interested in one particular sign, Jake will make another drawing of that sign. Feel free to contact us before to see which drawings are still available. Email us at:
Estimated Shipping
October 2014
0 out of 12 of claimed
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