Welcome to the campaign to fund...
Awaken to a world... Where personal identity shadows... In comparison to digital reflections...
- Written by SMiRKtheALiEN & RaginMantis
- Art by Vic King
- Colors by Barbusco
- Letters by SMiRKtheALiEN
Action-Packed Sci-Fi Fantasy, Dark Futurism, Large-Scale World Building, Character-Driven Mystery, Nightmarish Dystopian Dread, Ancient Civilisations, Philosophy, Quantum Blockchain Artificial Intelligence...
After a chaotic incident at sea, Dany washes ashore the dystopian hellscape of Velrona...
The larger story begins unfolding as Dany confronts the surface of the worlds deeper mysteries, ancient secrets, and the insanity of unknown hyper-technologically advanced civilisations, as forces beyond his comprehension propel him on a collision course towards the ever-blurring grey areas between past and future...
- Card 1 - $5,000 USD
- Card 2 - $10,000 USD
- Card 3 - $15,000 USD
- Card 4 - $20,000 USD
- Foil Cover - $25,000 USD
Chromium cover - $50,000 USD
SMiRK here, production manager at Core Comics, self-aware pseudonym, co-writer of the book. Artifice Re-Animate - Time Will Tell is the first graphic novel instalment by Core Comics, One of three fully realized universes with many overlapping and intertwining character stories to tell...
The founding members of Core Comics have been crafting their graphic novel stories for the past 2-3 years. The first book Artifice Re-Animate - Time Will Tell, written by myself SMiRK & RaginMantis, with art by Vic King, colors by Barbusco Studios and contributions from members Warlock & T3, is the first initial phase of our greater overarching plans at Core Comics.
Our approach is one of symbiosis with the traditional crowd-funding comic book market. If our early efforts are successful, the effort is backed up with a potential long term vision, with plans to take things far into the unknown if we reach certain milestones along the road...
The plan is to extend the reach of our physical product range as far as possible while contributing to further growth and expansion of the decentralized revolution known as blockchain and blockchain comics. All the while ensuring we stay faithful to the traditional market and deliver on our promises of providing the highest quality physical books in terms of story and art to our dedicated backers.
Our ultimate goal is to establish a virtual comic book shop within Decentraland’s growing ecosystem and gradually expanding our operations to utilize interoperability between blockchains and their applications.
Check out Core HQ here: https://bit.ly/VisitCoreHQ
Within the metaverse of Decentraland, Core Comics resides within our Core HQ building, which showcases our latest NFT artwork, provides a space to host our promotional events to engage our fan-base and communities, which we hope will become ongoing supporters of our vision and stories into the future, once the full scale of what we intend to accomplish is fully understood and realized.
Check out our YouTube channel: https://bit.ly/CoreComicsYouTube
Once we have achieved our initial crowdfunding targets and goals, we will soon begin initiating plans to create the blockchain comic book version of Artifice Re-Animate - Time Will Tell (More details coming soon) as we ramp up to full-scale production. Upon the full completion of the book's artwork, coloring and lettering, and finalized version of the NFT based blockchain comic book, we then move into the fulfilment and distribution phase for the physical books. Judging by how successful we are at achieving this process will determine how soon we begin embarking on producing the next IP "Crossbones and Cosmoses."
We've looked at expanding the product range early on into multiple different avenues, merchandise and smaller product creations for additional bonuses or add ons for the campaign, as well as utilizing the IP's as added layers of value within the NFT and blockchain market, a currently underutilized and undervalued approach within the landscape.
Our first edition Steelcards are more than just your average meme NFT. We believe the standard of quality we intend to provide for both the physical and digital blockchain versions of our products will come to be valued and appreciated as we continue producing and expanding what we have on offer.
Purchase our NFT's here: https://Rarible.com/CoreComics
We've got the back end of the core-comics.com website practically built and, from a functionality standpoint, it's ready to handle the first minting run and production of NFT/Blockchain comic books. All of our digital NFTs will integrate with the site.
The mobile-friendly site includes a comic book reader, with a visually aesthetic experience allowing readers to flip through pages as though they were actually reading a physical book. Customers also have the ability to link their digital wallet (meta-mask) to the site, which is where their comic book non-fungible tokens are accessed. It will also include a burn functionality akin to unwrapping the packaging of the product.
We are truly passionate about blurring the lines between the digital world, the real world and the artistic world. We’ve got our fingers crossed that success in the early stages will be achieved. If that's the case, we'll be going full speed ahead with the next phases of the plan, all the while maintaining the quality of our NFT production whilst delivering on our promises and producing the highest standard blockchain and physical graphic novel books possible.