*These pages are “done” and formatted, ready for print, I used these files to print the prototype book, but because I’m a perfectionist (well, maybe not fully, but I’m definitely on the spectrum :) I’ll prolly keep tweaking and adding more cool stuff/jokes that I think of to all the pages, since I still have a few months left before I go to print*
Another 66 completed pages for a total of 120 finished pages (of 140+)
adding a figure drawing section to the book of my favorites! + a brand new never posted one!
Adding a live caricature section. 300+ of my favorites including collabs!
Remastered pages comparisons
Here’s some side-by-side comparisons of snippets and full pages of how I originally posted these on my social medias. I spent the last 4+ months remastering the art, spending hundreds of hours tweaking the art, dialogue, design etc. In some cases, I added extra panels or even full pages. I added a lot of silly commentary jokes to nearly every page. My book makes Zack Snyder’s “Remastered” Justice League cut movie look like he hired a dyslexic frog with no arms to edit the movie. I’m not quite sure what that means either...just pretend I made good sense?
I think these preview pages should be a pretty good indication of what to expect in this book. It’s not like it’s a larger story that may be hard to decide with a few preview pages. But there are definitely references/callbacks and a progression that rewards readers who read it from start to finish even though you could still just read the 1-3 page gags in any order and it’ll make sense. If you like the art or the jokes or both then you’ll like the rest of the book...I’ve also saved some of my favorite and craziest pages for the book :)
What exactly is an Art/Humor book?
When I think of what most Art books consists of, I usually think that every page is able to hold its own with any other page; it’s essentially the best artworks from the artist that one could carefully devour and repeatedly come back to, to scrutinize and enjoy.
When I think of a humor book, if it’s more a collection of individual gags or short strips, the book overall is funny but there’s less of those big moments or big art moments. It’s usually more about moving the gags along and not letting the art distract you too much.
So I’m hoping to combine those two aspects. Lots of funny intense gags but also every page has enough surprising visual-interest distractions that you can carefully consume with repeated helpings like a delicious homemade art book by your dear Grandma ArtWhale.
My book is more about more. It’s more a non-stop adrenaline kick to your more brain and more senses more MoRe MORE!
My hope of what you’ll get from this book (wait, didn’t I just explain that?! I guess not.)
My vision for this book is that it’s this seemingly innocuous little book that has surprisingly high quality paper and production, with jokes that you gasp laugh at and kinda feel guilty about enjoying...but also really want to show your friend. And then you both read it together under a blanket fort and giggle shriek like children while snorting a bag of sugar and not eating mushrooms because you’re kids and why would you even allude to such a thing?! oh right, you’re not kids. I saw a butterfly and got confused, sorry!
It’s this little secret dirty low-brow yet sophisticated high-brow Art book that you pass around during class when the teacher isn’t looking that you laugh at, and when the teacher turns around to ask why everyone is laughing, everyone immediately stops laughing and sits up straight. Then one kid sneezes and accidentally farts. But a bunch of poop comes complimentary with that fart and he slyly ties a sweater around his waist for the rest of the day. But he forgot he vomited into that sweater earlier in the day due to his anxiety of his irrational fear of pooping his pants in class. Aw, poor kid I just made up!
Part joke book, part Art book. Part Simpson.
This book isn’t for everyone, but I want everyone that likes it, to loooo0ove it. And have sex with the book on the first date. No reservations, no condom. Then become pregnant. Make a beautiful book baby. Get married in Vegas in the desert naked and live happily ever after. All in one day! This is too much, Chris. Ok fine, next topic it is!
FLIP BOOK in this book! what?! that’s right!
I was thinking what else could I do that only a book can do, WWBD (what would book do?) and to sweeten the deal of getting an actual book. A flip book! You can ONLY get the full effect and fun of flipping a flip book on an actual book! Good luck in trying to get 30 cell phones or computer screens lined up to bend correctly to flip book with!
You actually get two flip books! One flipping from front to back and then from back to front. That red dude will be the flipping of booking. I still need to include the art on the left side, shh...don’t tell Chris!
All right, enough talking-to-myself chatter: let’s get to the good stuff! I know you gotta have cool rewards with these crowd-funders, or else who cares about your dumb whatever, amirite?! I tried to pack as much bang for your buck with these rewards. If you have any ideas of things you’d like to see, let me know/leave a comment! I’m open to all suggestions! My open is never closed! I don’t know what that means either!
*Early bird special no longer available*
Collab Stickers!
These are exclusively created collaboration stickers for this campaign by myself and some of my favorite artists! The stickers are durable scratch/water/sunlight resistant! I actually stick a whole bunch of them all over my body when I go to the beach so I don’t get sunburned. I’m using Stickermule.com to print them, so you know they are high quality vinyl stickers!
I’ve revealed a bunch of the 15+ designs. I’ll reveal a few more throughout the campaign; some will be partially teased and some will be surprises! I won’t even look at them when I draw them! Jk, heh.
*You will be deciding which sticker(s) you want AFTER the campaign ends. So if you are able to back early, it greatly helps this campaign build momentum.*
*Check out the work of all the Collaborators for these stickers!*
A) Sae Mee Yoon- @LoveEnergyArt
B) Aaron Philby- @CaricatureParty
C) Christian Meesey- @Meesimo
D) Eric Goodwin- @EricGoodwinArt
E) Jared Stokes- @JaredDraws
F) Ali Thome- @AliRThome
G) Aaron Philby, Eric Goodwin, Me
H) Terra Dehart- @TerraNonFirma
I) Kirby Rudolph- @CaricatureConfidential
J) Damon Renthrope- @DamonRenthrope
K) Ryan Secora- @Secora_Illustrations
L) Kiko Yamada- @NinjaSketch
M) Caleb Hitchcock- @Caleb_Hitchcock
N) Hitomi Ishihara- @Hitomi_Ishihara_0v0
O) Rob Hume- @RobHumeArt
P) Olivia Page- @LiviPage
Q) Matt Zitman- @Zitman
R) Brian Oakes- @BrianWesleyOakes
T) Beau Hufford- @BeauHufford
U) Ben Bloss- @BenBloss13
V) Dave Hargrove- @Hargrove.Art
W) Damion Dunn- @DamionDunn009
*This sticker is MORE than just a simple color/palette change. I will be redrawing significant sections of one of the collab stickers for an alternate crazy version!*
*You don’t need to do anything special to get the free sticker. I’ll have records of when everyone backed so as long as you back any tier $22 and higher within the 1st 72 hours of the launch of this campaign, you will get this rarest Pokemon limited edition sticker! (minus Pokemon)*
*UPDATE March 2021*
All commissions are full and no longer available.*
*More info about the "Digital Collab Commissions" below!*
instagram- @ArtWhale_Chua
These 6 amazing collaborators below are highly recognized/well respected in the caricature community! This has NEVER been offered before and you can only get on this campaign! One of these artists actually doesn’t take commissions, but I got them to do it for this campaign :) Also, each artist has their own limit of how many they’ll have time to do, so I’ll make updates and do cutoffs throughout the campaign when needed.
Each collaboration piece will be unique in its process. Someone might start with the sketch, then the other might do the lines, or maybe we each work on it for a bit then switch...essentially we will pass the digital file back and forth and anything goes! I’m just as excited to see what pieces will come of this!! I will be posting some of those processes in the “behind the scenes/bonus PDF” that you’ll also get.
I’m lucky enough to call these artists my good friends! 80% of the 55$ (minus Indiegogo fees which is around 8-10%) will go to the collab artist. I want to thank my friends for donating their time and efforts for helping me get the word out on my book!
*All of these one-of-kind pieces will also be published into the book!*
*must be ok with your reference picture being printed in the book along with said drawing.*
*Here’s some samples from the collaborators. More samples on their Instagram Zelda links!*
Kiko Yamada
Instagram- @NinjaSketch
Eric Goodwin
Instagram- @EricGoodwinArt
Ryan Secora
Instagram- @Secora_Illustrations
Kirby Rudolph
Instagram- @CaricatureConfidential
Aaron Philby
Instagram- @CaricatureParty
Sae Mee Yoon
Instagram- @LoveEnergyArt
If you are my nice mom and wanted to support my dumb book but I said, "aw, that’s nice, but you don’t have to, I know it’s not really your cup of tea, since I had a hunchback that you don’t like insane violence and poop jokes but it’s nice you want to be supportive but ok if really want to, I’m 3$ away from hitting $1000 so ok, you can give $3”
Origins of this book
I’ve always loved the unique art form of telling a story with pictures and especially silly funny stories. Whenever I’d think of a funny concept or gag I’d draw it and then share it on my social medias. I seemed to get a good response whenever I’d post them and had people asking if I’d ever collect them in a book. Well, fast forward a few years later, I finally had the extra time to give it a try! I know it’s a common practice to collect things into a thing and add a few bonus tracks or whatever and people seem happy with that but I enjoying trying to up the ante on everything I do and have a personal creative mantra of always trying to surprise people/keep things fresh. So that’s why I decided to spend almost half a year remastering and adding new things as well as announcing that almost a third of the book will be completely brand new stuff. This journey of creating a book has been a lot of work but I absolutely love it and am hooked! I want to keep doing it now, regardless of how well this campaign does. I hope some of you will take this exciting journey with me!
How I chose what goes in the book.
The 2 main criterias are: cool art “worthy” for an art book & if it is funny funny. With emphasis slightly more on the funny funny. Ideally it’d be both. If it’s more on just the cool art side, I might have to pass on it. I have a few exceptions but usually there’s something else on the page that is still funny. My hope is that there is at the very LEAST 1 solid laugh on every single page and that every page still feels very ART-centric memorable!
Why am I doing this crowd-funding Indiegogo?
I’ve always wanted to make this kind of book but it was only recently of planets aligning that I’m finally able to do that now! I always thought it was out of my skillset/resources to make a book myself but after doing some research, I realized not only was it feasible (just really time-consuming) and low risk by using a crowd-funding platform but also fun! I'm using this unique Indiegogo platform to mainly help spread the word on my book on something I have so much fun making and am very proud of. I still laugh at these gags when I reread them and am JUST as excited to make this book just so I can have and hold, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part Simpson. Yes, all that for a dumb callback joke.
The ideal eventual plan is to build enough of a following of supporters that I can spend as much time in creating more of these books...maybe even full-time?
I’m thinking this is a very niche product and I want to find my target niche audience. I want to create high quality get-more-than-your-monies-worth unique products. I’m ok in not making much money in the beginning. If it means it'll help spread the word on the book and building trust for my positive reputation/brand so I can do more future campaigns, then it’s totally worth it!
I also REALLY like the idea that a good chunk of the book is new artwork I will create OF the backers themselves! Using a crowd-funding platform like this one seems like the perfect way to coordinate and accomplish that! Having the backers' likenesses immortalized into the book that they both helped get made and used for me as a muse to create new art and stories seems like a unique fun way to collaborate! Which is something I truly love doing!
*You should be seeing a screen similar to this one AFTER you select “Get this perk” then click “Continue to payment” then these options should be at the bottom. Click aarow for more options*
*If there was something extra that you wanted but wasn’t listed in a tier you selected, hopefully these add-ons can help fill those gaps!*
*UPDATE* March 2021- I’ve decided to add more than double the amount of pages so I’ll need more time. The NEW finish date is August 2021, hopefully before! but I’m working non-stop on it!
End of August - Run the campaign! Continue working on the art! Watch out for that turtle crossing the road! Jump over turtle! Continue running! Hand relay baton to myself, keep running!!!
End of September- End of campaign! Woo!! High-five the turtle!
October--December- 3 months to draw all backer content: caricatures, comic strips and collabs. Will be posting regular updates in the “Updates” section on here of sneak peaks and process, as well as on my Instagram/Instagram stories.
January- Finish all art! prepare/format art for printer. Receive books approx. 2-3 weeks. Prepare/package books and rewards for shipping. Send out all backer rewards end of December.
February/March- backers receive all rewards! I’m giving the shipping extra time with the current postal service situation in possible flux. Hopefully it won’t take longer than 2 months for everyone to get their rewards!
April and beyond- start next book! regardless of how well this does, I’m enjoying this process so much that I don’t think I can stop! Making books is fun! and I already have SO many ideas I’ve written down but haven’t had a chance to work on and I can’t wait for the challenge to try and top everything in this book!
*I’m going to try and finish this book as earliest as I can, maybe even December with deliver date in January or February. But I’d rather play it safe and in case I feel like adding pages etc. to give me more time to do that. And make sure the new art destroys everything you’ve seen here. I feel like it’s better for the backer to get an early surprise than be late.*
That’s me with my brother and sister. I’m the one in the picture. and yes, I HAVE lost some weight! some baby weight! thanks for noticing...that I wasn’t holding a baby anymore! This is really dumb.
My passion is creating unique art and making people laugh with things I create. And writing never-ending Indiegogo campaigns.
I’ve been a professional caricature artist for the last 14 years, which I’ve loved every minute of! I’ve managed, trained and worked in theme parks, fairs and various retail locations all across the country and abroad. I’ve won a few awards along the way as well in the categories: "most humorous” & "best collaboration” See?! I really like collaboration! and humor! haha.
Before I became fully immersed in the caricature industry, I dabbled in the comics world a while back; most notably, I wrote and illustrated a short story in Marvel comic’s “Strange Tales” vol 1. I wanted to see how ridiculous, unconventional and insane I could make it/see what I could get away with...and surprisingly and awesomely they didn’t edit one thing! Very thankful and appreciative for that!
I’m a pretty happy silly positive person that finds the humor in dark twisted things and enjoys coming up with surprising and silly twists. I find over-the-top things humorous and am just trying to make myself laugh firstly. I also like things to all be connected and make sense in a nonsense way. Controlled chaos is a mantra in my work. I also have a pet manta ray named Charles. He’s not potty trained though...and Pee-anos all over the ocean floor. I think laughing and smiling are super important, maybe even more than ever especially in these stressful wacka-doo times.
Where the money is going towards
8%-10% goes to indiegogo for fees & credit card transaction fees.
The rest is going to printing, packaging/shipping costs, magnets/stickers etc. And production cost, which is just me drawing and creating this book and doing everything myself (besides the collab rewards, see below for details). There’s a lot of crowd-funding projects that have a team working on it and they need to hire a writer, artist, colorist, company to package and ship etc. But since it’s me, it’s easier to give myself a pay cut if needed. I can get away with some free labor by enticing myself with free pizza to do all the drawing, packaging, shipping and writing these words. I’m good friends with myself so I can call on these favors :)
For the collab stickers- I split the profits after cost of sticker 50/50 with the other artist.
For the collab caricatures/comic pages- I give the artist 80% of the money. I made the prices pretty low for this category (and all the tiers) to make it as enticing for a potential backer but to make it worth it for the other artist and to show my appreciation, I give them the majority of the money. I hope having these fun special categories will create some noise and in turn, my book. Plus I LOVE collaboration; it taps into new creativity waves and challenges. I appreciate my artist friends for donating their time and efforts, so I’ll take the trade-off of taking less actual monetary remuneration. You know when you use a word and then immediately question if you used it right? remuneration. I feel 80% that I used it right. ok, 78%
Any “extra" money raised will be used to create more books and for ramen noodles.
Stretch goals are a popular thing with crowd-funders. For those unfamiliar, it’s an incentive thing to help spread the word that if the campaign hits a certain amount, then everyone gets a certain upgrade on a reward tier or a new something. I think they’re fun as well, but I really have no idea how this campaign will be received. I think I have a relatively small niche fanbase and so I’m keeping my expectations low; I’ll be mostly pleased if I hit the $500 goal! If somehow this campaign does waaaaay more than expected, like stupid levels, then I’m sure I can come up with some fun idea extras. But my mindset going in is not to save ideas for possible stretch goals. I wanted to give the best prices for the best products/rewards from the get-go.
If there seems to be enough interest shown in this project, I think ideally I would just keep adding more pages of crazy comics and content on the book itself since the main thing here is the book and making sure it's the coolest most insane unique thing possible! I might increase the backer limits for the higher tiers if they get all taken.
If you have any ideas of rewards you’d like, let me know in the comments! I’ll consider them all, and maybe I’ll add them for stretch goals or just directly to the campaign.