Asexual Outreach is in a position to spearhead the ace movement and you can join us on our journey. Spreading awareness and education is not a simple task, so with your help, we can go further faster and achieve our goals. From the North American Asexuality Conference to resource kits in schools and beyond can all be made possible with the support of people like you! Join the effort and help make ace history!
Prior to the recent onset of the asexual movement, almost all aces lived their entire lives feeling broken, alone, and unsure of where they fit in the world. Since David Jay started the ace movement in 2001, we have seen a strong community develop out of this 1% of the population that has finally discovered that many others are like them. The movement has since grown to a point where more than 100,000 people have joined various online platforms, yet when estimates show that there are more than 5 million aces in North America alone, there is clearly work still to be done.
Today, both mainstream society and LGBTQ+ spaces still widely erase, ignore, and discriminate against ace identities, leaving many aces feeling isolated and ostracized. This is where Asexual Outreach comes in!![]()
As the first and only national registered ace non-profit organization in the world, we plan to provide essential services to the ace community and to our allies. Founded in 2014 after two of our directors were instrumental in the hosting of an international asexuality conference for about 250 attendees, Asexual Outreach has quickly grown to become Canada’s leading ace organization, and an internationally recognized support and advocacy group. Given these accomplishments, we are uniquely suited to spearhead the next major growth of the ace movement, and we certainly have the resources to do so. With both an extensive network of contacts and a dedicated, innovative team, we have built the infrastructure needed to succeed, and are ready to do so.
Since Asexual Outreach is an organization staffed 100% by volunteers, the entirety of your contribution goes toward ace efforts and projects. We've got plenty of ideas and plans in the works to substantially benefit the ace community, including our annual North American Asexuality Conference, our high school outreach programs, our online intersectional community engagements, our comprehensive community event finder, an activist network as well as collaborative projects such as a book of works by ace authors.
Given our flexible conference ticket fee, we are not entirely sure how many funds will be raised through tickets, and so we may need to spend less of our campaign funds than expected on conference items; however, given our estimates, the first $10,000 - or our campaign goal - will be spent as follows:
At least 90% of all stretch goal funds will go directly toward each goal's indicated program.
By supporting our campaign, you are directly contributing to the betterment of aces across North America. Not only are your donations directly supporting our nearby projects, you’re helping us to create a large funding base which we will be able to grow and draw from for years to come.
We want to reciprocate the generosity you're showing to us, so we've created some fabulous perks to reward your kindness!
Our base $10,000 goal will allow us to ensure the success of the North American Asexuality Conference, will allow us financial stability for the next year, and will allow us to develop our high school resource kits, event finder, our weekly ace intersectionality articles and community engagements, and our formal activist network. With every stretch goal past that, however, we will be either expanding on one of our existing programs, or introducing an entirely new program to further the movement.
We have reached a point in our organizational process where we can absolutely guarantee our North American Asexuality Conference will occur in 2015. In addition, we are entirely confident that we will be able to fully develop all of our online resources and programs. However, should we fail to reach our funding goals, we may not have the financial means to adequately develop and distribute our high school resource kits and other informational materials, which would inhibit the potential growth of the ace movement.
Even if you don’t have the financial means to support our campaign, chances are, you know someone who does. Because the ace movement is still not at the forefront of discussion, we rely on our supporters sharing and spreading the word about our campaigns and projects. Even if you just share our campaign on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr, you’re still making an enormous impact, and for that we are incredibly grateful.
Q: What will the High School Resource Kits include?
A: Our resource kits will include a comprehensive, spiral bound book containing guides on how to make an LGBTQ+ club safe and inclusive for aces, and how to make schools and classrooms inclusive spaces. Additionally, this book will outline ace awareness activities and events that LGBTQ+ clubs can host, and ways to engage the school community in discussions around the ace spectrum. The book will feature distinct sections for student club leaders, for teachers, for guidance counsellors, and for administrators.
Additionally, these resource kits will include a large number of our Ace 101, Issues Aces Face, and Ace Intersectionality leaflets that can be distributed to students. Other materials such as an ace-positive poster may also be included.
We will be spending about $20 on the printing and shipping of each booklet so that we can ensure schools have ample resources needed to make ace-inclusive spaces.
Q: Where can I register for the North American Asexuality Conference?
A: You can find more information about and register for the North American Asexuality Conference, hosted in Toronto on June 20 and 21, on our website at http://asexualoutreach.org/2015/06/20/2015-north-american-asexuality-conference/.
Q: How will the event finder work?
A: There will be an interactive map on the “Find an Event” page on our website, where upcoming events will be pinned. These pins will have information on each event’s date and time, description, hosting group, etc. Through this application, you will be able to sort by location, by event type, and by date to discover local meetups, workshops, conferences, and other ace activities. We are currently in discussions with many different local community groups across North America to ensure that they will be able to easily list their events, and so that our event finder works for the community as best as it can.
Q: How will you be engaging with the community in an intersectional way?
A: Starting on June 20th, Asexual Outreach will be posting weekly articles around intersectionality and the ace spectrum on its website. We will be hosting discussions around each of these articles and their topics, and will be encouraging ace activists and others who are interested in social justice to join us in these discussions. Because there is not really a place yet for the community to come together and have these essential discussions around including all marginalized identities in our community and activism, these articles and discussions will help to fill that void.
Q: What payment methods do you accept?
A: This campaign accepts PayPal and all major credit cards.
Q: How can my company/corporation sponsor Asexual Outreach and/or its events?
A: To find out more information about sponsoring Asexual Outreach and its conferences and events, please contact Brian Langevin (brian@asexualoutreach.org).
Q: Who can I contact with media requests?
A: If you are interested in featuring Asexual Outreach or this campaign on your media/news outlet, or are looking to interview one of Asexual Outreach’s directors, you can contact us through our Media and Press contact form on our website: http://asexualoutreach.org/contact-us/media-press/.