Quick Summary:
Health discovery by safe and radiation-free screening
using advanced infrared technology will enable the detection of any
inflammation and potential cancerous activity at an early stage, and the
follow-up dietary based treatment options would potentially save many lives as
well as billions of dollars on healthcare expenditures for chronic diseases.
Modern life is full of stress the vast majority of
which is psychological - work, finances, families, and their competing
Stress activates a sympathetic response (also known as “fight or flight" response) in our
body which is useful when we really need it. But when it's happening at a
low grade all the time in response to the chronic stress, our body can, over
time, take a profound physical toll. Organs are fatigued and not functioning properly, and the body
is constantly in a state of inflammation, creating the environment for
degenerative diseases.
Research indicates that chronic inflammation and stress are the big players in the age
related diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease and brain deterioration. The problem is that
the traditional medical intervention is evidence based. That is, the disease
has to be mature enough for diagnosis by traditional diagnostic tools. This is a
reactive approach- it costs more and saves less lives. We need a safe,
effective and less expansive option for chronic diseases, that is prevention and early intervention!
What is Health Discovery?
Health discovery is a process of
preventive health screening by using an advanced infrared technology that is 100%
safe and is uniquely able to detect any inflammation and potential
cancerous activity at an early stage. Our body emits
infrared radiation which is essentially heat produced by vascular activity and
metabolic reactions, and this heat pattern is remotely detected by infrared
technology. Moreover, this screening (also known as tele-thermography or infrared
thermography) is the gold standard for documenting sympathetic response and thus an ideal tool
for discovering chronic inflammation in the body.Thermography
does not replace any modality, it simply provides a safe and sensitive
alternative. The true value of thermography lies in the fact that it gives you the
opportunity for early intervention, before the potential development and growth of a chronic, life threatening
disease. The nice thing is, that it is a non-invasive, radiation-free
& touch-free procedure!
Who will benefit from it and how?
According to American Cancer
Society’s estimates (www.cancer.org), 1 in 8 women in the US will develop invasive
breast cancer in their life time. Breast cancer does not happen overnight, it is
a disease that takes years to grow to the stage it can be detected by
traditional screening modalities. Detection by mammography and other
traditional modalities depend on the size and density of the tumor, and by the
time a tumor is detected by traditional X-Ray mammography, the body has over a
billion cancer cells. On the other hand, Infrared Thermography can detect early
stage vascular changes long before they could develop into a tumor and is
effective in detecting benign versus malignant abnormalities. The earlier
a disease is diagnosed, the more likely it is to cure or effectively manage it
and lower its impact on your life.
disease is the number one killer of both men and women in the U.S. (www.seer.cancer.gov).
The most common test
used to detect level of inflammation in the blood stream is called C-reactive
protein (CRP). It is a simple and inexpensive test, however, it is
non-specific; that is, it simply detects inflammation from all sources,
including medications or injuries. For this reason, it cannot always be used to
measure chronic inflammation concerning cardiovascular disease. This is another
area where Thermography can be very helpful since it can show
the inflammation in the peripheral arteries leading to the heart and/or redirection
of blood perfusion in the chest area (via sympathetic response), thus providing
early warning indicators for a developing heart disease.
The safe alternative:
Preventing a disease is easier and
less expensive than treating a disease after it reveals itself. We
don’t just wake up in the morning with a health challenge. It’s a process that
takes years, and it is often result of your actions or inactions. The adoption of early
intervention and follow-up natural dietary based treatment options will empower people take
control of their health, increase
average life span, and would potentially save billions of dollars to the healthcare
expenditures. The alternative is as following:
Discovering and
monitoring health by using infrared thermography, a) for the peace of mind, or
b) to detect any abnormal activity, inflammation and potential cancerous
activity at an early stage. Please check
our website for more information at: www.irwise.com. The next question is, what if you see early
warning signs of a developing disease?
We will provide follow-up dietary based treatment options for specific chronic conditions that are normally not available in the traditional
medicine, certainly not in a concise form. Working in collaboration with
medical doctors, nutritionists and available literature in the nutritional
medicine we will offer dietary recommendations and make it available and
accessible online as well.
Related Links:
Why Indiegogo?
are reaching out on Indiegogo in order to seek help from the community to promote
health in the community. The success and sustainability of our enterprise is
contingent upon adequate funding, and community’s collective funds and
generosity can help us realize this dream.
Use of funds:
pledge funds will be used to raise awareness about the program and its benefits,
hiring staff, finishing incomplete projects (1-further advancing the
sensitivity of breast screening, 2-dietary based treatment options), and
paying for the overhead expenses of the screening center. Our hope and goal is to make the business
self-sustainable in 18-24 months.