The summer is a vital time to for dancers to advance their training. However, as my father was laid off of his job a year ago, money is very tight. And being only 15 years old I am not able to fund my summer studies solely relying on my minimum wage job that I go to on the weekends.
I began my ballet training much later than most, at age 11.5. And due to financial constraints I had to stop and resume again a year later. But with some determination, I went from taking beginner level classes to Advanced within two years. I currently attend the Mid-Atantic Youth Ballet every day after school as well as weekend rehearsals, on a full ride scholarship. Without this scholarship, my ballet training would not have been possible.
In addition to ballet, I am a member of the Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society, the National English Honor Society, the National Junior Japanese Honor Society, and the National Honor Society. I love writing and have been speaking Japanese for five years. Moreover, I have been on the honor role since I began school, and am a current a member of Model United Nations as well as Key Club (a volunteer club). All in all, I try to work as hard as possible.
As most summer intensives are $3,000+ I hope that with some help, I can reach my goal.
Thank you