The campaign has ended and it's been a total success!!!
What can I say, you have made possible for me to sculpt this awesome dwarf army. It’s such an honor for me to have received your trust beforehand to make this army become a reality.
This has filled me with even more extra motivation and it’s already being very special sculpting these. Without doubt one of the biggest challenges I’ve met, and I’ll really do my best to be up to the task, making the greatest Dwarf army out there! One all Dwarf generals will be specially proud of deploying on the battlefield!!!
La campaña ha terminado y ha sido un gran éxito.
¿Qué puedo decir, habéis hecho posible para mí esculpir este ejército Enano impresionante. Es un gran honor el haber recibido vuestra confianza de antemano para que este ejército sea una realidad.
Esto me ha llenado de motivación extra y está siendo muy especial esculpir a estos Enanos. Sin duda, uno de los mayores retos que he afrontado, y voy a sacar lo mejor de mi para estar a la altura, haciendo el ejército Enano más impresionante visto! Uno con el que todos los generales Enanos se sientan
especialmente orgullosos de desplegar en el campo de batalla!
Welcome to the Avatars of War Dwarf Army funding campaign!
With o
ur upcoming wargame, Warthrone, round the corner, Avatars of War has switched from doing only heroes, to developing full fantasy armies.
AoW is still a small company and developing a full fantasy army is a very big project. Thanks to the development of the WarCast medium, we can create multipart plastic regiments with a very reasonable investment, however, our investing capability allows us to sculpt and produce only a small fraction of what would be a totally complete Dwarf army, for which we would need to invest $56.250 beyond our current investment possibilities for the Dwarf Army project.
We have created this Dwarf Army funding campaign with the goal of being able to create and release an awesome & complete full Dwarf Army.
Of course, even if the campaign does not reach its goal, we will do several Dwarf units, but the more successful the campaign the more units we'll be able to do, making all of them if we stretch our goal!
Warthrone Dwarf Army details
The Dwarf season will start at AoW on July. The leading sculptor on the project will be Felix Paniagua, who has sculpted all existing AoW dwarfs. The different regiments and heroes will be released from August 2012 until January 2013. So delivery of the miniatures will vary depending on the chosen regiments.
These are the planned regiments & heroes for Dwarfs, next to the necessary funding level for it to be sculpted & released. We will punctually update this listing to reflect which units will be created as the campaign advances.
[DONE] : Miniatures in this category are already done. You can see them here
[PLANNED]: Miniatures in this category will be done. These are the miniatures we were already able to sculpt and produce before this campaign.
[YEAAAAH!]: Miniatures in this category we were not able to do but will now be done thanks to your help by supporting the Dwarf Army campaign!
[Amount]: This is the necessary funding level to raise for that particular miniature to get done.
[DONE] Dwarf Lord with two weapons: Metal miniature
[DONE] Dwarf Noble: Metal miniature
[DONE] Dwarf Thunderlord: Metal miniature
[DONE] Dwarf Berserkers: 20 multi-component plastic miniatures regiment Dwarf Berserker warriors armed with two weapons
[DONE] Dwarf Berserker Champion: Metal miniature
[DONE] Dwarf Berserker Lord: Metal miniature
[DONE] Dwarf Rune Master: Metal miniature
[PLANNED] Dwarf Clan Warriors: 20 multi-component WarCast miniatures regiment of regular Dwarf warriors armed with weapon & shield
[PLANNED] Dwarf Thunder Warriors: 10 multi-component WarCast miniatures regiment of Dwarf warriors armed with pistols
[PLANNED] Dwarf Iron Guard: 20 multi-component WarCast miniatures regiment of elite armoured Dwarf warriors armed with hand weapon & shield.
[PLANNED] Dwarf King: Metal miniature
[PLANNED] Dwarf Doomcrushers: 20 multi-component WarCast miniatures regiment of elite Dwarf warriors armed with two handed hammers.
[PLANNED] Living ancestor: Two animated giant stone statue of a dwarf ancestor (WarCast)
[PLANNED] Dwarf Master Builder – Metal miniature
[PLANNED] Dwarf mortar and crew: 2 Dwarf warriors and mortar (WarCast)
[YEAAAAH!] Dwarf Champion kit (choice of several weapon combos): WarCast miniature
[YEAAAAH!] Dwarf Crossbowmen: 10 multi-component WarCast miniatures regiment of Dwarf warriors armed with crossbow.
[YEAAAAH!] Dwarf Clan Veterans: 20 multi-component WarCast miniatures regiment of vetran Dwarf Clan warriors armed with hand weapon & shield.
[YEAAAAH!] Dwarf treasure Hunters: 10 multi-component WarCast miniatures regiment of Dwarf adventurers.
[YEAAAAH!] Dwarf Bear Warriors: 10 multi-component WarCast miniatures regiment of Dwarf Warriors in bear disguise.
[YEAAAAH!] Dwarf King mounted on Great war bear kit – WarCast miniature
[YEAAAAH!] Dwarf Bear Lord – Metal miniature
[YEAAAAH!] Dwarf Pathfinders: 10 multi-component WarCast miniatures regiment of Dwarf rangers armed with hand weapon and crossbow. The box will include a barricade.
[YEAAAAH!] Dwarf cavalry: 10 multi-component WarCast miniatures (5 riders+5 war bears) regiment of elite Dwarf warriors mounted on war bears.
[$41.250] War bears: 5 multi-component armoured war bears (WarCast)
[$48.750] Valkyries: 20 multi-component WarCast miniatures regiment of Dwarf female warriors armed with varied weapons.
[$52.500] Dwarf cannon: 3 Dwarf warriors and mortar (WarCast)
[$53.750] Dwarf light canon: 1 Dwarf Warrior with mobile canon (WarCast)
[$55.000] Dwarf Geologist – Metal miniature
[$56.250] Durgur Hawkeye (Dwarf Sniper) – Metal miniature
About Avatars of War
Avatars of War (AoW) is a company located in Barcelona, Spain. We design and manufacture 28mm fantasy miniatures and miniature games and sell them worldwide through retailers and distributors.
We are very close to release the rulebook for our upcoming wargame: Warthrone, and developing a range of multi-part plastic and plastic/resin miniatures, as well as the continuing development of our own fictional fantasy setting, the World of Saga, which provides a background to our miniatures, games and imagery.
All the staff at Avatars of War and many Dwarfs give you a very big Thank you for your help!
A note regarding the AoW tours
AoW company flat is available all year, so you can book any dates for your AoW tour. Please note that booking of the tours will be by backing order.