**The Shoes presented in the video above are testing prototypes only**
1 out of 3 people age 65
and over falls every year. It could potentially be your parents, your
grandparents, your aunts, your uncles, your friends or even you.
Such falls often result in injuries and sometimes death. Life expectancy drops radically after these falls.
Also, most of the people who need aids, such as canes and walkers, refuse to use them since they symbolize weakness and dependency.
UberGizmo: "...The elderly do have plenty of things to grapple with, ranging from failing health issues to an ever rising cost of living..." Read More
Interviewed on the radio (Hebrew): Reshet Bet (start at minute 9:36)
The Times of Israel - "... Right now, the only solution for elderly imbalance is a cane or walker – but an Israeli start-up thinks its shoes constitute a better way to prevent the elderly from falling..."
Haaretz Startup of the week: "The smart shoes that will prevent Grandpa from falling"
Coolest-Gadgets.com: “…statistics show that one out of three people age 65 and over falls, which ends up in injuries and even death. Having said that, the elderly are recommended to use walking aids such as canes or walkers, but many refuse, seeing them to be symbols of weakness and dependency. How about the B-Shoe then, that does not come with any of the stigma?…”
MobiHealthNews: “…The B-shoe (for balancing shoe) is an interesting twist on the concept: Many times, when inventors talk about fall prevention, they’re really talking about gait analysis algorithms that will help keep elderly people and their caretakers informed when they become more likely to fall. The B-shoe, on the other hand, actually has a motor in it that will roll an elderly person’s foot backward to catch them if they start to fall….”
MedCityNews: Shoes for seniors go high-tech to prevent falls
When losing balance, people
usually regain it by moving a leg backward, thus increasing the base of
support. However, due to deterioration of their balance functions, the elderly
detect imbalance too late and their reflexes cause the backward step to be
taken too slowly.
But what if there was a way
to prevent these people from falling, while maintaining their dignity and
What if we had a shoe that
saves lives?!
This may sound like a dream
but we do have such a shoe! And we need your help to be able to mass produce it
and make it available to you and everyone you care about!
B-Shoe is a
standard-looking shoe that detects when a person is losing balance and is about
to fall. It then automatically performs a "backward step”, driving one leg
backwards to prevent the dangerous fall.
Using ultra-light
components, B-Shoe incorporates pressure sensors, an embedded integrated motion
device, a microprocessor, a rechargeable battery and a sophisticated algorithms.
B-Shoe’s smart brain assures early detection of imbalance and that it will
operate only when needed, making it perfect for use anytime, anywhere.
The story of B-Shoe is not a story about shoes, or about the reinvention of shoes. It is a story about love and care and ingenuity.
When Dr. Yonatan Manor’s father began to lose balance and fall at the ripe age of over 80, he at first thought little of it, relating it to age, which was probably true. His wife, however, knowing his innovative nature and researcher’s mind, teased him to “do something to prevent him from falling”. At first he thought there is nothing to be done. After all, elderly people tend to fall and so far no solution has been invented yet. Sure there are the ages old preventive measures such as four legged walkers and canes. Some attempts have even been made to create alarm systems that can detect a fall when it happens and even alert the doctor’s office or a relative, to let them know the senior had fallen. But fall prevention? Other than exercise and physical therapy there is nothing out there that seems to prevent falls.
Being a researcher, though, Yonatan had that little voice in his head that kept nudging him “do something!” And so he finally did!
He began by watching his father walk, stand up, sit down and occasionally lose balance. He then observed other elderly people and noticed recurring patterns in their falls. He studied the literature and medical research and learned all about the bio-mechanics of the human body, about balance maintenance and balance disorder. He learned all about the center of gravity, base of support and the backward step which healthy and younger people take to regain balance, and which older people fail to take or take too late due to degraded sensing and slow reflexes.
Armed with the information he needed, Yonatan realized that since his father could not take the backward step in time, he needed to find a way to take that step for him. This is when teamed up with his longtime friends and colleagues, Abraham and Aharon (Arale), both engineers with impressive track records of their own, and together they “reinvented the shoe”, bringing B-Shoe to life!
To make the B-Shoe dream come true we knew that we have to put together a winning team of doctors and engineers. And so we set out on a search of the best brains in the industry.
Our dream team comprises the co-founders, Orthopedic surgeons, Neurologists and Engineers :)
B-shoe Technologies Ltd. operates within the framework of the hiCenter business accelerator.
Our team of doctors and engineers
founded B-Shoe with a vision of saving lives by bringing balance back to the
elderly. In the future, we see B-Shoe helping not only the elderly, but also other
people, including those who are injured, physically challenged, sick or in
We chose Indiegogo since we
believe it is the best crowd funding platform for raising the funds that will
allow us to continue and develop B-Shoe. With your help, we’ll take another
step in preventing falls and bringing balance to the lives of those in need.
The Perks! What you get when you give :)
When you contribute to our campaign you can get many cool things, even if they're not actual shoes - yet! We've created the shoe for people. In fact, everything we do is with people and people's well-being in mind. This is why our perks are all personal. We want to show you how much we appreciate your support and faith in us. Still, we know that when you pledge your money in full genuine faith in a product that only exists in prototype form, you deserve something more tangible in return. So we created the discount coupons for contributions starting at $100. If we get to meet our goal (and hopefully even pass it) we will be several steps closer to realizing this vision and make it a tangible reality. In that case, once we are able to refine the mechanism and mass produce it (in any standard walking shoe - so you can enjoy nice comfortable shoes with our invention integrated in them), you will be able to purchase a pair with a discount starting at 10% and ending with a free pair!