One of the cruelest tragedies of this world we live in is that bad things do happen to good people sometimes....On the night of Wednesday ,November 12th 2014 this happened to the Beard family when their home where they have lived for over 15 yrs and raised their 3 children burnt to the ground destroying most all of their possessions and taking the life of their pet. Fortunately none of the family were present during the fire, but the house was a total loss.
The Beards have been a part of my life as long as I can remember and are some of the kindest, most generous people I have ever encountered. Due to the fact that the only thing keeping me from calling them family is the blood that runs through my veins I am spearheading this campaign fundraiser to help my lifetime friends Craig, Beth, Haley, Evan and Alex Beard get back on their feet.
So if you can donate anything to help this family during these troublesome times I, and they, would be eternally grateful to you. If you can't donate right now, that is perfectly fine, just share the link to this page on your facebook and email the link to your friends and family.
The Beards have been giving to their community for years and asked for nothing in return...lets give some back.
Thank you and God bless.